Helpful Info. Covid19, shots and vaccines treatments.

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Idk where you’re getting your information. I’ve been participating in a study by my doctor and I literally have been going in for monthly Titers tests. My immunity has shown strength for nearly 2 years. They will publish in the next six months but so far the results are devastating to the anti-natural immunity crowd. These are the same people that claimed that formula is better than breast milk. Oops. Lol. Plus suddenly all “experts” seem to have forgotten about T cell immunity.
See I have the Internet too.
Everything I've posted has links to the sources.
So you can dispute the 2nd point first hand - what about the 1st and the 3rd?
  • More than a third of COVID-19 infections result in zero protective antibodies
  • Natural immunity fades faster than vaccine immunity
  • Natural immunity alone is less than half as effective than natural immunity plus vaccination
DrJenner, I haven't heard much about ECMO in a long while. I know it's not a long term solution but at one time I read that a fairly high number of patients receiving it were going home alive. What exactly is the status on that now?
DrHenley we are still doing it, but there are an extremely limited number of beds (for the ICU I am at which is 60 beds, we have 2 available ECMO beds)

Typically, you have to be under 60, no co-morbidities, good candidate (mentally as well) - every center has their own criteria.
It's a very long process, and you can be on ECMO for upwards of a month, not including post ECMO ICU care and then long term rehab.
Most of this discussion is just a pissing contest. He said she said. If you search the internet you can find studies that back any pre formed conclusion you want. I try look at the main consensus of articles that are from reputable scientific institutions. Everyone here already has their own opinions formed on vaccines, and no amount of studies or facts are going to change their minds. You are literally pissing into the wind by trying to show the other side they are wrong. Statistics show vaccines aren’t killing people, that’s a fact. They do protect people from covid and reduce deaths. The overwhelming evidence shows this. For those that don’t want to believe it, I can respect your opinion and wish you well with it. Science is never an exact thing, and is always evolving and improving as new things are discovered. I will always base my opinions on the known facts and base my actions on them. I don’t care how others make their choices.
Show all of us these studies with the key data that refutes the US data.
And why in the world do you believe some other country's data over US scientist's data - doesn't sound patriotic, it sounds "convenient." Only boring because it seems you are not interested in the possibility that you might not be making rational decisions. No offense,

I don't have to. You are free to commit suicide if you wish.

I'm telling you and everyone else, your information is false and is propaganda by individuals to make money, control people and for many other nefarious reasons. This is a world war we are in. A war unlike any other.
Most of this discussion is just a pissing contest. He said she said. If you search the internet you can find studies that back any pre formed conclusion you want. I try look at the main consensus of articles that are from reputable scientific institutions. Everyone here already has their own opinions formed on vaccines, and no amount of studies or facts are going to change their minds. You are literally pissing into the wind by trying to show the other side they are wrong. Statistics show vaccines aren’t killing people, that’s a fact. They do protect people from covid and reduce deaths. The overwhelming evidence shows this. For those that don’t want to believe it, I can respect your opinion and wish you well with it. Science is never an exact thing, and is always evolving and improving as new things are discovered. I will always base my opinions on the known facts and base my actions on them. I don’t care how others make their choices.

Believe what you will. I believe your 100% wrong, I have no doubt that your clueless and happy to be so.

Everything I've posted has links to the sources.
So you can dispute the 2nd point first hand - what about the 1st and the 3rd?
  • More than a third of COVID-19 infections result in zero protective antibodies
  • Natural immunity fades faster than vaccine immunity
  • Natural immunity alone is less than half as effective than natural immunity plus vaccination

Go take your covid shots, vaccines, boosters and be quiet. This thread is for other treatments of Covid and treatments for the fake covid vaccines.
Great suggestion, I did!

I read about Robert Malone's background in this article. You can read more about him here: think he was definitely robbed.

Malone is a scientist who once had the creative spark to pave the path to a breakthrough technology of the future, was and wrongly denied early credit and profit from his ideas. Hundreds followed and built on his ideas and many profited where he did not.

Now, as a 61 year old, Malone is understandably bitter, but twisted in his campaign to discredit the current mRNA Covid-19 vaccines which are brilliant applications of his earlier ideas. This is akin to the guy who tells his girlfriend "If I can't have you, no one will !" before he kills her.

Malone may be responsible for the death of tens of thousands of his fellow Americans, because he can't stand that he wasn't given the credit he deserved.

He discredits the amazing results of the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines out of spite
, probably not because he really believes what he's saying. He goes on those talk shows and smirks at the current experts as if they are children, but he is now the child.

What he is saying fits the propaganda being peddled by Putin's misinformation campaign to create a huge divide in your nation so Putin can make you fight among yourselves and hopefully break your country apart. Putin (maybe rightly?) blames the US for causing the collapse of the Soviet Union during the time period from 1989 to 1992.
Your country certainly put a lot of pressure on the USSR with the arms race and by supporting anti-government factions.
I'm not saying it was a bad thing, but there's a reason he wants to make you destroy yourselves.

In the EU we watch your political news and we clearly see the manipulation occurring.
We just saw Putin successfully pare off the UK from the EU by pushing the fear of economic and social effects from "too many new migrants taking all the jobs" and by hyping English Nationalism, self-rule, and railing against "EU control." He had no problem finding the wedge issues and getting them to destroy themselves. And he's not finished with the UK, they can be further divided!

Putin is working hard to keep the citizens of the United States fighting among themselves by using both parties and social media to manipulate you against each other with the issues like:
Masks and Vaccine mandates
Vaccine safety
Fake News accusations so you're always in doubt
Guns, the fear of them being "taken"
Black Lives Matter
Climate and Environment skepticism
Immigration - the fear they are taking your jobs, will invade, will become dominant
Gender and Sexuality
Social Safety Net
Role of Government
Women's Rights/Me Too Movement
Religious Freedoms
and other fear-based divisive issues.

Your parties always disagreed, but you didn't used to hate each other!
NOW you do. Why?
Most of the US population has no idea both sides are being manipulated to destroy your country using these wedge issues.

I would hope you could recognize what's happening to divide you from your fellow Americans, but I expect things will continue to deteriorate until Putin gets his way.
If you're afraid of something, at least consider the possibility that someone is trying to manipulate you!
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Those are statements not studies. You’ve posted a small amount of links to a study or 2. Most are summaries and opinion even though most of your posts look clearly copy and pasted. You seem to have a lot of opinion pieces that site small factions of articles and when you read these “studies” they are clearly cherry picked and sponsored by the companies who made the vaccines. There’s no possible bias there RIGHT? The saddest part of this IS THAT SCIENCE IS SUFFERING A BLACK EYE ALL FOR MONEY AND POLITICS. There simply isn’t another way to see it. You say the vaccine is golden. I say it’s unnecessary. We could do the studies game all day. In the end I should get to say no. You get to say no, right? My body my choice and all. It was made under Donald Trump and we still don’t trust it. Who knows. Maybe it’s fine? But they sure are trying awfully hard to force people to do this and it’s just as deadly as the flu. THE FLU!! Polio paralyzed and killed adults and children at a rate of 15% to 65% depending on which age group and studies you look at. Smallpox at a rate of 30%. These numbers are enough to make sense to vaccinate. COVID-19’s kill rate doesn’t even come close. Vaccination should be an option only. I don’t need a study to tell me that. I just need common sense and free will. I’m not an anti vaccer. I’m pro choice. I get to choose. I’ve been vaccinated for all kinds of BS. Hell I had to get this one a week ago because they wouldn’t let me work if I didn’t. I was robbed of my choice and I can no longer participate in the natural immunity study thanks to Gov Nuisance. My choice was taken from me. Not over safety but over politics. PS the shot gave me a lovely headache and fever I’m just now starting to lose the headache. This was a violation of my health choice. I missed 3 days of work in the process. FOR A VACCINE I DIDNT EVEN NEED. I HAD TITERS TESTS PROVING IMMUNITY AND IT WASNT GOOD ENOUGH. That’s real scientific if ya ask anyone. Right?
Show all of us these studies with the key data that refutes the US data.
And why in the world do you believe some other country's data over US scientist's data - doesn't sound patriotic, it sounds "convenient." Only boring because it seems you are not interested in the possibility that you might not be making rational decisions. No offense,
Who let the alphabet boi in here?
Great suggestion, I did!

I read about Robert Malone's background in this article. You can read more about him here: think he was definitely robbed.

Malone is a scientist who once had the creative spark to pave the path to a breakthrough technology of the future, was and wrongly denied early credit and profit from his ideas. Hundreds followed and built on his ideas and many profited where he did not.

Now, as a 61 year old, Malone is understandably bitter, but twisted in his campaign to discredit the current mRNA Covid-19 vaccines which are brilliant applications of his earlier ideas. This is akin to the guy who tells his girlfriend "If I can't have you, no one will !" before he kills her.

Malone may be responsible for the death of tens of thousands of his fellow Americans, because he can't stand that he wasn't given the credit he deserved.

He discredits the amazing results of the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines out of spite
, probably not because he really believes what he's saying. He goes on those talk shows and smirks at the current experts as if they are children, but he is now the child.

What he is saying fits the propaganda being peddled by Putin's misinformation campaign to create a huge divide in your nation so Putin can make you fight among yourselves and hopefully break your country apart. Putin (maybe rightly?) blames the US for causing the collapse of the Soviet Union during the time period from 1989 to 1992.
Your country certainly put a lot of pressure on the USSR with the arms race and by supporting anti-government factions.
I'm not saying it was a bad thing, but there's a reason he wants to make you destroy yourselves.

In the EU we watch your political news and we clearly see the manipulation occurring.
We just saw Putin successfully pare off the UK from the EU by pushing the fear of economic and social effects from "too many new migrants taking all the jobs" and by hyping English Nationalism, self-rule, and railing against "EU control." He had no problem finding the wedge issues and getting them to destroy themselves. And he's not finished with the UK, they can be further divided!

Putin is working hard to keep the citizens of the United States fighting among themselves by using both parties and social media to manipulate you against each other with the issues like:
Masks and Vaccine mandates
Vaccine safety
Fake News accusations so you're always in doubt
Guns, the fear of them being "taken"
Black Lives Matter
Climate and Environment skepticism
Immigration - the fear they are taking your jobs, will invade, will become dominant
Gender and Sexuality
Social Safety Net
Role of Government
Women's Rights/Me Too Movement
Religious Freedoms
and other fear-based divisive issues.

Your parties always disagreed, but you didn't used to hate each other!
NOW you do. Why?
Most of the US population has no idea both sides are being manipulated to destroy your country using these wedge issues.

I would hope you could recognize what's happening to divide you from your fellow Americans, but I expect things will continue to deteriorate until Putin gets his way.
If you're afraid of something, at least consider the possibility that someone is trying to manipulate you!

I'll let you have your opinion even if I think the European Union or the German government is paying you money to actively spread government propaganda in forums.
I know two or three European prepper forums and there are also people like you who write there the same (government) arguments, may well be that you are also active there.

Natural immunity is always better than immunity through (unproven) vaccines, but in Europe they want to talk down natural immunity at all costs or say that it is not worth anything, which fits with what you write here.
I am a biochemist and all my opinions are my own.
I have never written my opinion in ANY forum before now and I can see that at least in your case, you appear to have taken the Putin bait hook, line, and sinker. Believe it or not, there are many of us who are actually concerned about our overseas friend's well being.
Putin is working hard to keep the citizens of the United States fighting among themselves by using both parties and social media to manipulate you against each other with the issues like:
Masks and Vaccine mandates
Vaccine safety
Fake News accusations so you're always in doubt
Guns, the fear of them being "taken"
Black Lives Matter
Climate and Environment skepticism
Immigration - the fear they are taking your jobs, will invade, will become dominant
Gender and Sexuality
Social Safety Net
Role of Government
Women's Rights/Me Too Movement
Religious Freedoms
and other fear-based divisive issues.


Hahaha, really funny that with the "Putin bait hook". I think you can here with the user Anaconda or how he is called good team up, he also has a dislike for Uncle Putin, do you live in the same country????

Putin here, Putin there, actually is with no matter what Putin to this says or makes, actually has Putin with this topic not much to do and also not with Corona, to your bad luck has not Russia the virus released.
Putin has nothing to report in my country and has here with the politicians also no support, but our own politicians let your own people down by the police and discriminate your own people, you do NOT have to tell me the low mortality of Corona justifies a vaccination compulsion or that the people are forced with various dirty means to vaccination, unless you can tell me that you have proof that Corona is a bioweapon that completely eliminates humanity in a short time.

Corona may very well be a bioweapon, but if that is so, the politicians should tell us the truth and call China to account, in which case the release of this virus would be a reason for a declaration of war against China, even if that would have consequences.
I am a biochemist and all my opinions are my own.
I have never written my opinion in ANY forum before now and I can see that at least in your case, you appear to have taken the Putin bait hook, line, and sinker. Believe it or not, there are many of us who are actually concerned about our overseas friend's well being.

Ban1985 has nailed it. Your a EU government operative or you want to be. Very few people here are believing your propaganda.

Shall we call you globalist Claire?

Pay attention everyone, this is what the enemies of Free people do.

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