Covid vaccines

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Brent S

Top Poster
Oct 10, 2013
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South East US
I’m just wondering how many here have gotten the vaccine yet. I drove by our county fairgrounds today and they had the national guard set up running a vaccination center. I wish I could have pulled in but for now it’s still reservation only and 65 or older and medical personnel. I don’t begrudge those people getting to go first by any means. I’m just encouraged to know it is coming at least. I have a sister in healthcare and she has had both shots now. All I know for sure is once I’ve had the shots, and the recommended wait time afterwards, I am going to dine in restaurants for a straight month! Lol. A long awaited vacation is in the cards as well. I am well aware that the vaccine will not guarantee you won’t catch covid but it really does seem to increase your chances of it being mild by a lot.
I have a couple neighbor friends who have gotten the first round of shots. Both, along with one of their wives have been fine so far.

Hunny is eligible but he hasnt gotten one yet and dont think he is planning to, at least at this time. He wants to know what the long term effects are. My mom and her husband who are well into the 70s are very leary at this point. Mom's husband has many health issues already and this vaccine has caused many into an earlier grave than they would have without, so they are waiting. But yet if he gets this virus, it will likely kill him.
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I have the option to get the vaccine right now. I haven’t done it yet because I am concerned about the long term effects as well. However, in the last few days I have changed my mind after I found out many people end up with diabetes after having Covid. ... diabetes is something I never want, so I am working up the nerve to get the vaccine.
My husband wants it, but he’s not eligible for it yet. I figure if he is going to get it, I should too. Whatever the long term effects are, we will get them together.
my Мом is 81 years old. She doesn't want to be vaccinated ... She is a doctor, knows her diseases and fears that the vaccine may exacerbate these diseases.

but the situation with Covid in Russia is much better than in America.
Your business is bad.
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got mine last week, the first one, no side effects, other than I got very tired when I got home, but people are different,
whatever you do ; let's be careful out there!
My daughter in law a health care worker got both of hers as required by hospital. Her husband (my son) has already had Covid. First shot was fine second made her sick with fever etc.

My husband got his first one last week drive through. Made his arm a little sore but other than that no issues. In his early 70's with some health issues he figures he is more likely to survive the shot than the disease.

Both received the Moderna because that is what is available right now.

One of my girl friends in her early 50's is recovering from Covid, she is what they call a "long hauler". She has been hospitalized 3 times with Covid pneumonia. She now has permanent lung damage, heart damage and diabetes all Covid induced. She has now been battling this for 3 months and is still on oxygen facing the prospect of COPD for the rest of her life. She was healthy before Covid! That is scary...
The wife and I have no intention in ever getting this rushed government vaccine. We've both had the china flu. It was no picnic but we survived just fine.
No one in my family will get the shot, and my parents are 92 now.
We don't wear the stupid face diaper either. Its rare to see anyone around here wearing the mask. We still go out to eat on occasion. Nothing in our lives have changed due to the covid BS.
Like I've said before; its all a personal choice. Take the shot, wear the ridiculous looking, and ineffective, mask if it makes you feel better. Its your choice.
Our daughter knows a boy at college who is 20 years old. He got the Covid vaccine and it paralyzed half his right leg. They are hoping it’s temporary, which it seems like it is. He started in a wheelchair and has now progressed to crutches.
We don’t plan to get the vaccine as no one in our family is at risk from Covid. We also already had it in December and came through just fine.
Long-term risks of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines
The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are the only jabs for COVID-19 approved for use in the United States. They are also the first vaccines made using mRNA technology to be approved for human use.

Both jabs work by injecting genetic material called mRNA that codes for a critical fragment of the spike protein – the molecule used by SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19 – to infect human cells. Once this genetic material is inside the body, the muscle cells translate them to make the spike protein.

The immune system then gets a preview of what the real virus looks like without supposedly causing disease. When a vaccinated individual gets infected, the immune system releases antibodies that can neutralize the real virus and protect the individual from COVID-19.

But in his study, Classen found that mRNA-vaccines could favor the development of various diseases.

After sampling the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and analyzing its RNA sequences, he identified several sequences that can misfold certain proteins in the body. When misfolded, these proteins can potentially cause Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other neurodegenerative disorders, according to Classen.

He also said that mRNA-based vaccines may cause several more adverse events, such as infections that are more serious than COVID-19. Because the vaccine places the spike protein on the surface of human cells, according to Classen, it may serve as a receptor for other foreign pathogens.

“If those who argue that COVID-19 is actually a bioweapon are correct, then a second potentially more dangerous virus may be released that binds spike protein found on the host cells of vaccine recipients,” Classen wrote in his paper, referring to the possibility that the certain powerful personalities engineered the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unfortunately, he continued, data about how long the spike protein will be present on human cells is not publicly available. (Related: Why is the CDC withholding critical covid-19 vaccine safety data from the public?.)

Classen also raised the possibility that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna jabs could contribute to diabetes. Past studies he co-authored suggest that vaccines can give rise to chronic conditions, such as Type 1 diabetes three to four years after vaccination.

Classen concluded that these risks should have been taken into consideration before approving both jabs for use, especially as the vaccines were developed without extensive long-term safety testing.

mRNA vaccines may be dangerous in the long term
Many researchers have identified potential long-term risks to mRNA-based vaccines. According to an article published in May last year in the journal Medical Science Monitor, these risks include the possible development of autoimmunity (where the immune system attacks the body’s own tissues) and the toxic effects of the vaccines’ components including the RNA sequences.

Though the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines already rolled out in many countries, their long-term side effects are not yet well-established. The adverse reactions that experts are aware of are short-term side effects.

“We know about short-term side effects, and the vast majority of side effects following vaccination occur within the first 30 to 40 days,” said William Moss, executive director of the International Vaccine Access Center at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

While the people who participated in clinical vaccine trials have surpassed this timeline, it’s still too early to tell what the long-term side effects of the coronavirus vaccines are. Additional follow-up in the months and years to come is necessary for a fuller understanding of their risks.
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I don’t doubt some will die from the vaccines. I also know a lot more will die without it. Life is a game of averages. If you’re scared of a vaccine then riding in a car should paralyze you with fear as it’s millions of times more lethal.
I don’t doubt some will die from the vaccines. I also know a lot more will die without it. Life is a game of averages. If you’re scared of a vaccine then riding in a car should paralyze you with fear as it’s millions of times more lethal.
at least we know the consequences of traffic accidents, these new vaccines are an unknown quantity.
we are supposed to accept that they are safe just because we are told they are by the very people that make money out of supplying them.
The vaccine already has its safety, but also its greater risks.
The EU countries and the WHO are also aware that if they had to throw away the vaccine, it would be a loss of billions and that their vaccination programs are no longer feasible in a hurry.
Vaccine? Many people on DDP won’t even wear a mask. Of course they’re not getting the DNA mutating Bill Gates microchip government tracking device vaccine to fight the China virus hoax.
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