COVID-19 Humor Memes

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I searched duckduckgo for covid memes and scrolled for about 20 minutes without finding a single one I liked. I need to find a better place to search for things.
Has anyone investigated whether or not using an excessive amount of alcohol on one's hands might have adverse side effects?
Or are people doing it just because some fear monger decided it was as effective an idea as wearing masks (which reduces body oxygenation and recycles bacteria and viruses back into our bodies)?

PS: My employer put up some stations in the workplace, and shopping malls and shops in shopping malls often have them, but I have NEVER used them. (I am not a non-thinking robot.) The scaremongering that it is highly likely to contract Covid from surfaces always sounded suspect . . . and still does. We don't do it for cold, flu and other diseases; the technology is the same.
The excessive use is the question. We use alcohol on our hands after shopping or being in town. Normally you do not need alcohol for disinfection if you have access to good soap and water. Any virus or bacteria has a fatty cell wall and the soap can break the cell wall down as well, not as fast, as any locally found alcohol or hand cleaner.
The use of alcohol has never been known to do anything to your skin except to dry it out and make it sometimes start itching. After using alcohol to disinfect, you should cream your hands again.
Alcohol consume does indeed tho have an effect on your blood circulation on the mouth and throat, makes you get old faster with wrinkles, often causes the user to regurgitate and creates the problem with their teeth being lost from the acid (reflux) eating their gums and loosening the teeth to enable them to fall out too soon.
Hope the answer helps a bit, Gary
Not covid but funny

Txsvn925 🇺🇸LGBFJB🇺🇸 (@Txsvn925) Tweeted:
Good mornin y’all ☕

If you are a criminal, why would you pick Texas for your crime? Why not move to Cali or NY where there are no risks?...not like Texas isn't known world-wide for citizens dropping the hammer on criminals :p
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