The Spark For Civil War....

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Well, I guess the next black dude to be shot should be coming up sometime this week. How dumb can a person be? When the police order you to stop, follow their commands and you won’t be killed.

buddy: ya there’s an epidemic of racial turmoil right now.
me: it’s a false narrative
buddy: but black people are genuinely afraid for their lives
me: but the facts don’t support their fears
buddy: but the fear is real, to ignore it shows white privilege
me: of course their fear is real, it’s all they see, it’s the narrative being shoved down their throats for years, by the media and politicians with an agenda. propaganda is designed to create fear...
buddy: ..... *crickets*
...but in your twisted mind, everyone else is.
No. I didn’t say anything even remotely close to that. I responded to one person’s comment. I’m positive that someone who refers to a group of people as “the coloreds” is a racist.

I’ll add reading comprehension to your list of “challenges”.
The racists will continue to be exposed and eliminated.

shouldn't you been on the Oscars Red Carpet today?

the first one to go should be the Congress's Grand Poobah of the Klan - Biden himself - still at it despite all the handlers and puppetry - called a Japanese ethnic a "boy" the other day and at the same time snubbing the Japanese delegation outside the Oval Office door ....
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There was a comment about this being a racist thread. . I just dont see it. . . maybe because that was normal talk in my days and world. My MIL was not one I would consider racists either even though she refereed to blacks as negroes and coloreds. (Born 1924) I think it depends on when a person was born and when/where they were raised too. Even my dad refereed to blacks that way. I was raised during the transition of that period and don't feel comfortable using those words to describe. Just realize there are different generations here and because someone uses a certain word to describe a group of people doesn't automatically mean they are a racist. . . Please look at all context a persons post before coming to that conclusion.
Apparently some are getting woken up for the good. . . and this is what we are seeing right now with the Democrats using blacks to get their agenda across to the rest of Americans. When will we learn thru history? Is this one of the reasons why it is not being taught in schools anymore? Is anyone so blinded from this push that they don't see? You have to ask these questions when so many seem to have no clue This guy is speaking the truth.

Here's his channel
Well, all. Let's not let a race baiting troll turn this thread into a discussion of race. But if anyone has wondered what will be the spark to cause another civil war. It was answered here.

There are alot of people in this country indoctrinated from birth to be ignorant of other people pulling their strings. Ignorant of the fact that they have been, and still are, nothing but puppets. And too proud of themselves for it to realize that their thoughts and opinions are wrong. Completely ignorant of the fact that they are the very problem they think they hate.
Black people used to be called coloreds. Now they are called people of color, and it includes all colors except the white color. My daughter in law is black. She says not to call her african american because she's not from africa. She wants to be called black, if you have to call her anything else besides a person.
Personally, I don't see any difference between colored and person of color. And I think all this racism talk was started by the dems to create a divide and start people up. As far as the Hollywood types go, they just like their awards ceremonies so common folk can watch them pat each other on the back. I don't know any other profession that does that.