Gardens 2021

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I built the first fire as it is freezing at night. The garden is done outside the greenhouse. Still getting a few greenhouse tomatoes. Lots of canning to do. UPS driver said one of my apricot trees was scratching his truck so I cut some branches off. I'm going to see how it works for smoking. Just heard that Idaho hospitals were full of covid patients and that they were sending them to Spokane, Washington.
I finally found the name of the weed that has been terrorizing me for 3 years.

"Mulberry Weed" or hairy crab weed. I've been researching and it is one invasive monster. Since I can't use herbicides, that makes it worse. It's not a once in the Spring growth either. It can reseed 3 or 4 times per season. Composting doesn't work either.
Powered with Miller Tech (car like) batteries. They are charged in the wash house, about four at a time. Solar panels on the wash house roof. We have the same set up at our place. Large and small stand up fans that run off of these are sold at our hardware store for the amish here. They are handy. We have a Miller Tech in our bedroom for when the power goes out, can still run husband's bi pap machine. Had to use it a few weeks ago. Beware, though, check your med equipment first before doing this because it might need something special. We had to get something for the equipment is made to be particular, I think on purpose.
Today got all my started Broccoli, Cauliflower, Collard Greens and Brussels Sprouts replanted in large pots in the Greenhouse. Cleaned up the Greenhouse and reorganized a bit. Put the warming mats down, but not plugged in. Am going to buy another mat so I have them under all the plants.

Has anyone over wintered Lemon Trees? I bought 2 in the spring. They have done well. Even got a few lemons! But I don’t know how to keep them alive during the winter. One article I read said to trim them back, put warm string lights on them, then cover with a plastic growing cover. Does anyone know if that works? I do keep the greenhouse heated a bit during the winter. I’m in zone 7, so it isn’t all that cold normally.
Food saved from our gardens are going to be helpful this Winter.

The Kroger grocery chain advised a friend to buy her holiday turkey and ham now because they arent sure if they will have them then.

Plus, Costco is already limiting paper and cleaning goods.

Ships are waiting, but no workers to empty cargo nor drive the containers cross country.

The free handouts has got to stop so people will go back to work. They are making too much just sitting on their butts.