What will happen when everyone hits the forest?

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Not necessarily..if you knew my wife....she could find good in Adolf Hitler or whoever.lol not really Hitler but if you asked her she'd probably say...he looks like he can really whistle.
a sign does seem like a gr8 idea but going back to the original point, while nature will suffer at first you are forgetting that there will be a large supply of human, and given the choice between starving or cannibalism, i would not go hungry.
Taking a human life is not the nicest idea but what's worse,2 people starving to death or 1 person being killed?
But as for a sign how about screwing an empty can onto a fence post?
While I strongly agree with a universal symbol being a great idea,we would gladly share/host with like minded folks that could help pull their weight.I would have to draw the line at cannibalism though.If I have to stoop to that,my moral code is broken and all humanity is lost.I will choose for me and my family to be in a better place.To me,if you have to go that far to survive.What is it that you are you living for?
Agreed we need a symbol something like this View attachment 907 DP = Doomsday Prepper

i been think along the line of some thing more discret then that when it comes to the musrom cloud n all..d.p. sound good though.i been searching diff pic's on internet and what i have on cd alike to print on to a decale for t-shirts.
here's one i just came across just now.in which i had forgotton about..find the 10 faces in it..d.p. or some thing else can be added to it..​
The problem with a symbol is with any code it can be cracked. Others will take advantage of it and word would spread quickly. This would set you up as a target. Being as grey as possible is needed to survive. This means keeping your mouth shut now.
One thing I suggest I to get to know people on here as friends. Especially those in your local area. Also knowing people around the country would be helpful if your traveling. If something would happen and you need a hand there are people ready to help. That's why I like the idea of regional get togethers. Networking face to face is the best thing we can do.
Okay, here I am with my philosphies again, I hope you don't mind. Let's say the food supply stops cold. We will all be out there hunting wild game. How long will it last? There will be no conservation, people will kill any game in sight, Bucks, Does, Fawns in any species. I just want to throw that out there to everybody...be prepared to raise your own because living off the land will end quickly.
But I'm wondering how many people still have the skills to hunt and get food for themselves? How many could live off the land? Is it that big a worry? I think most people would be hard pressed to have those skills or the tools to do it.
i dont think very many will be able to live off the land or build whats needed from the lack of skills and tools
1 other thing not mentioned regarding food is fishing. I personally have decided to stay where I am, atleast til it is time to go. Unfortunately I am surrounded by folks I really cannot trust. There are a few that I know are aware/awake... Maybe 3 - 4 folks I have met. The problem here is we have old retired rich folks, and college kids that just wants to party, and surf. Gosh maybe I need to hangout at the gun shop more aye? Luckily I live very close to the ocean, and Cape fear river. When shtf I think we will start seeing ALOT more fishing around here. I am planning to go fishing more very soon. As for a sign that we are preppers.. What about a plain "certain" color t-shirt. Perhaps Green? You know... Go Green ;) Not everyone in your family, or team has to wear a green t-shirt, but atleast 1 should... Perhaps the leader of the pack. Also 1 other thing to remember is. At some point things will start to calm down. Question is... How long? 2 months, 6 months, 1 year?