To vacc or not to vacc?

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In my simple minded non-professional understanding an vaccine protects me to get an disease. This covid-juice dosn't protect really. It just reduces the chance to stay in the ER or death by an disease which have anyway an death-rate of less than 0.02%

If i compare to the chance to get hitted by an asteroid which is by 0.04% - so i readed somewhere - then we may better wear helmets permanently.
But only in the West. India, China, and many other non-Western nations will not approve this dangerous "vaccine" -- they know it isn't a vaccine.

India knows it is a death jab. Didn’t see it in the article, but India demanded the testing data and all information on the jab, but Pfizer refused to turn it over (sound familiar? Like when they demanded 75 years to turn the data over to us)…so India said HELL NO! Good for them! Actually a government that isn’t going along with WEF/Globalists in murdering as many as they can.
You folks are overreacting. Apparently clots are normal.

“Everyone is at Risk for Blood Clots!” – CDC and Pfizer Issue Urgent Warnings on Blood Clots Even in “The Healthiest Athletes”

"Everyone is at Risk for Blood Clots!" - CDC and Pfizer Issue Urgent Warnings on Blood Clots Even in "The Healthiest Athletes" (

"The Healthiest Athletes" have always died of blood clots...... since the mandatory "vaccine" anyway. This should be causing mass outrage.

And all the sheep went BHAAAA! This sort of maneuver is so disgusting because it shows how stupid they think we are!

“Why won’t a single public health official have any vial analyzed? How do they ALL know it is safe? There are around 3,143 public health officials and none of them wants to know what is in the vials that everyone is being forced to take?”

Steve Kirsch on Telegram
wouldn't worry about vaxxing anymore - any requirements are quietly going away - especially when it means firing 1,000s of PD officers that can't be replaced .....

the US Congress has dropped all the Covid restrictions almost overnite ......
Informative thing about this filth called vaccine.
Here health insurances notice more and more that vaccinated are more and more ill and have many hospitalizations, politicians who do not see these cases say the health insurances lie.

Especially interesting is 90% of the swiss parliamentarians have a seat on the board of directors or another part-time job at a health insurance company...
“The proprietary sequence SEQ ID11652, read in the forward direction, encodes a 100% amino acid match to the human mut S homolog 3 (MSH3) (9). MSH3 is a DNA mismatch repair protein (part of the MutS beta complex) (11). SEQ ID11652 is transcribed to a MSH3 mRNA that appears to be codon optimized for humans (12). We did not find the 19-nucleotide sequence CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG in any eukaryotic or viral genomes except SARS-CoV-2 with 100% coverage and identity in the BLAST database.”
“The presence in SARS-CoV-2 of a 19-nucleotide RNA sequence encoding an FCS at amino acid 681 of its spike protein with 100% identity to the reverse complement of a proprietary MSH3 mRNA sequence is highly unusual.”
From Gary: I just read the german info in this put it in a nutshell, I will only translate the following text for you all. You will find your own answers in the translation as to how low the chance is the crap in the MODERNA "vaccine" is "of natural occurance"...
Ein Ding der statistischen Unwahrscheinlichkeit. SARS-CoV-2 besteht aus knapp 30.000 Nukleotiden. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die 12 Mutationen in Folge in SARS-CoV-2 durch Zufall entstehen, sie beträgt 0.0000000000321. Zufall kann man also ausschließen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit haben wir der Arbeit von Ambati et al. (2022) entnommen:

Something of a statistical impossibility. SARS-COV-2 contains about 30,000 nukleopeptides. The possibility, that the 12 Mutations contained in the SARS-COV-2; ALL HAPPENED AT THE SAME TIME AND ALL IN JUST BY COINCIDENCE; is a 0.0000000000321 CHANCE!!
We can forthwith say that IT WAS NO COINCIDENCE.
(we have taken this information from the "Works of Ambati et al." from 2022)
This is what happens to all Managing Director in Europe who do not say what the politicians want to hear.
This man said that according to the statistics of his health company there are more side effects than according to the statistics of the state. On the same day the devil was already loose, now this man is loose his job.
So it goes to all those who say the truth here, today it costs you your job and you are guaranteed not to find a new one, in a few weeks you will probably be put into a camp.

The state statistics is falsified and it disappears every week again cases from it, it is already a child after the vaccination died, in the statistics that was not even noted.
One says then cause of death unclear or Vorerkrankungen, the perverse is however the politicians say one must inoculate children with Vorerkrankung absolutely priority. If they die afterwards then the relatives are put under pressure not to go public or they say it was a tragic coincidence...