Religious freedom, economic collapse, loss of soveriegnity

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Jul 27, 2013
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Hawthorne, FL
These are my concerns. I believe that Christians will be persecuted and won't allowed to búy or sell. The economy will collapse. The New World Order will have supreme power for a time This is what I believe and I will not apologize for it. Companies are capitalizing on preppers and making it more expensive to buy bulk food already. I am disabled and on a small fixed income. I grew up in an orphanage, never learned to can. So, I need to learn a lot but I'm only slightly soddish:) I am looking for the best food to buy in quantity that I can store. I have a beat up old greenhouse that needs fixing, I want to buy fruit tress that bear the fastest , chickens and bees. I have a lot to learn. I also have diabetes. Hello, I am Sharon
my first question is where is the best place to buy bread flour or grain in bulk. I cannot eat white flour. Also meals, like lentil burgers, vegies and fruits. Bakker's are too expensive for me. Canning supplies, pressure cooker, and solar parts(inexpensive). I don't know how long all this will take but I would like to get it done in the next year. greenhouse needs screen and plastic replaced. I only make 469. mo :) Thanks, Sharon the Newbie
These are my concerns. I believe that Christians will be persecuted and won't allowed to búy or sell. The economy will collapse. The New World Order will have supreme power for a time This is what I believe and I will not apologize for it. Companies are capitalizing on preppers and making it more expensive to buy bulk food already. I am disabled and on a small fixed income. I grew up in an orphanage, never learned to can. So, I need to learn a lot but I'm only slightly soddish:) I am looking for the best food to buy in quantity that I can store. I have a beat up old greenhouse that needs fixing, I want to buy fruit tress that bear the fastest , chickens and bees. I have a lot to learn. I also have diabetes. Hello, I am Sharon
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

Please feel free to ask (post) and questions you may have in the proper area, as the members on here are extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to help!

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper!
Welcome Sharon! You have many questions. I encourage you to post them in the forum area. They will get a lot more traffic there and you will get more answers to your questions. I am sure you will find the folks here are plenty helpful!
Hi sharon, Welcome from Louisiana!
You can learn a lot from these fine folks here.
Welcome to the forum Sharon. Budgets restrictions are problematic for many of us.
Hi :D I think it is in human nature to persecute each other, I guess I lucked out and was born past the persicution of my religion (I'm a druid) There is plenty to learn, I'. Also on a tight budget, I can only spend about 10-20 bucks a month on prepping gear
These are my concerns. I believe that Christians will be persecuted and won't allowed to búy or sell. The economy will collapse. The New World Order will have supreme power for a time This is what I believe and I will not apologize for it.

Welcome, looks like you and I are on the same page ;)
A Warm Welcome, Sharon! Unfortunately, even as we speak, religious persecution is happening. With the way things are going at the Vatican, it seems that the Fall of Rome may be coming up soon.
Hello Everyone and thank you for all the welcomes. My computer has been down due to the Dish Network restriction of usageShootI believe they are all in a monopoly. Very tired right now some kind of worms are attacking our trees, bugs bug me, just6 not progressing fast enough due to money and energy. very impatient person, Hey everbody. God give us friends, please!! Anyone near Hawthorne, FL Love in my Lord, Sharon
Welcome Sharon!

A note on the monthly income, I do hope you are taking advantage of some programs that may exist to help you. They aren't handouts, you presumably worked or kept a household most of your life, so your taxes paid for these benefits, so I do hope you take advantage of them now that it is needed. Do you make your own bread now? If not, I'm not so sure stocking up on flour and wheat is the way to go. Rice and beans, dried peas, mashed potato flakes, etc. would be more useful to you more than likely. I doubt you'll be persecuted as a Christian. The other two are pretty likely though. Canned food is good too. Home canning is going to cost a bit of your income to start (but not maintain). Maybe a loved one can help you in this regard (i.e. Christmas/birthday present pressure cooker and starter kit?) Put prepper items on your wishlists (you don't have to tell them why).
Hi there Sharon, I never learned how to can either but one of these days Ill do it. I also have to be very limited in my prepper budget as Im saving to buy a ranch, working full time and going to school. Im sure to buy a water storage jug every payday and Ill be going case-lot shopping here as soon as the stores start advertising. Im wanting to go part time to have more time for school which means my budget will be even more restricted. Oh well.:)