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@BillMasen I've been using signal since 2013 when edward snowden leaked all that stuff. I just finally convinced my family after 8 years to drop WhatsApp and now every day I get at least one notification that one of my friends downloaded signal. Everyone should ditch big tech. Even on my android I run ProtonVPN and I have a location spoof app and I have all privacy settings tuned up as much as I could.
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News about Telegram...

REPORT: Apple Pressured Telegram To Censor Content, Conceal Apple’s Involvement In The Censorship

”On the heels of Apple censoring Parler and yanking the app from their App Store, now comes word the company reportedly pressured Telegram into censoring content on its site.

Absolutely sickening, and I have no doubt Jobs is rolling over in his grave watching what is happening at the hands of the company he built.”
It seems like a lot of things have been getting crazier and crazier. Ammo and gun shortage from panic-buying, NRA is filing for Chapter 11, riot in the Capitol, National Guard taking over Washington D.C., and the pandemic is predicted to get much worse before it gets better, and we've elected a Socialist-leaning president. Have I left anything out? I've started to get nervous when I hear scientists start talking about rare conjunctions of planets . . . and I know better because I'm a skeptic.
Facebook's former Chief Security Officer told CNN today, “We are going to have to figure out the OANN and Newsmax problem. These companies have freedom of speech, but I'm not sure we need Verizon, AT&T, Comcast and such bringing them into tens of millions of homes," echoing Oliver Darcey's plan to get them dropped from cable and satellite providers. The Marxist takeover continues.

The server with which Hillary used -illegally- to send emails, was disguised as a DOG HOUSE in her garden, including a real stuffed dog and camoflage. She still says that she did not know it was unlawful to have the server and use it for e-mails....SO WHY WAS IT A CAMO DOG HOUSE HIDDEN IN THE BACK YARD???