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I thought when we left the EU we would stop all this "spring forward, fall back" nonsense but no!
A Lakota friend once told me "Only a white man would cut the top off a blanket and sew it onto the bottom and say he made a bigger blanket".
??? - Obammy sure as hell made it into welfare - the numbers comparing pre & post Obammy is ABSOLUTELY STAGGERING - the #s for recipients under 30 just exploded ....
It started long before obumer. Yes, a lot of SS has been turned in to welfare. A lot of people get some form of SS who have never contributed a nickel to the system.
I was referring to the retirement portion of SS only.
We went through all of that when we lived near Albuquerque, NM. Had to replace our travel trailer battery twice, and they wouldn't unhook it, they'd cut the wire harness. They would of hitched the whole trailer at night and took that, but we'd leave the electronic pull out, out. Can't pull a trailer with that out. Was broken into while I was at work, took the window out of stucco, took all my jewelry, and a handgun. Trashed our house. Then tried a home invasion, but saw him on a ring camera, and we had a couple of 45's ready. Young punks on drugs, also getting welfare. Had my vegetable garden cleaned out a few years ago there, and a fruit tree that wasn't even visible from the road picked clean. Police just take reports after the fact.
Glad I live where I do now, and don't have those problems.

Best state in the Union, real good people in KS, the most welcoming, friendly and generous people on earth.
I don't know what causes crime. Not that I haven't given it a great deal of thought and study. When a child is born most societies expect the parents to give them the ten million calories or so it takes kids to get big enough to to feed themselves. Along the way parents should give the tools and guidance it takes to grow into a productive, happy, healthy members of society. It sounds simple to put it into a few sentences. There is so much that can go wrong. Are their "bad" genes? Maybe, but we have all heard of identical twins separated at birth and one becomes a model citizen and the other ends up in prison. There was a time when most people lived off the land, both hunting and farming. Every child was an asset. Nowadays children have become a liability. They consume time and resources. They don't contribute nor are they expected to. It is easier to set them in front of a screen of some sort and give them money now and then and the parents and children leave each other alone. Eventually the kids wander off and don't come back. Or in some cases the parents kick them out with no life skills or sense of responsibility. Most schools are a travesty. Our society is ill equipped to help, thinking if we throw money at a problem it will go away. It is disturbing to me to see tent cities set up in what were once thriving communities. People with no purpose other than to acquire more drugs and alcohol. What a waste. Sometimes I think the disaster we are prepping for may not really be such a disaster and those that emerge will be better off.
Losing an hour stinks. The roosters will not adjust. And children's stomachs do not adjust to when they're hungry and need a meal.

I don't know what the answer is to raising children. We have five, all raised the same way, and one in particular who has always been in bad trouble, and I haven't seen in about ten years. The other four are incredible adults. Sometimes children grow up and make bad decisions. All I can do is pray that the one will turn around and see proof of God.
so.......I've been stuck here in Martin's Ferry, OH for two weeks now. This town is a meth-heads fantasy land. I'm staying in some apartments that my employer pays for and there is awhorehouse across the street. Fun stuff.
so,,,how much have you spent there so far,,,:D
Ouch. Hope you are kidding, Gray Ghost. Doesn't sound like a fun place, Wiredog8. I'll just stay in my weird little community. A nice young man came by this afternoon to ask my husband if he can ask our granddaughter to the junior prom next month. Very polite. Very Sweet.
Had our weekly Sunday supper at my favorite Amish cousin's house. Good food and good conversation.
Back at home with the old man cat on my lap. He missed us.

DATELINE: Martin's Ferry, OH

STORY: Man kicks meth-head Woman (MHW) out of his car. Screaming match ensues at accelerated volumes.
Random man walking (WM) by is drawn into the altercation. Driver begins to verbally assault the WM.
WM ensues to begin pummeling Driver with his fists while the Driver is still in the car. MHW begins to yell at WM about leaving Driver alone. WM turns to leave and walks up the street. MHW follows WM and continues yelling at him as they go around the corner out of the witnesses sight.
Driver aggressively performs a three point turn-around and follows the two suspects around the corner out of sight.

Five minutes later, WM and MHW appear from between two buildings, still yelling at each other. Driver has joined in the screaming match and is verbally threatening the WM with great bodily harm.

Police soon arrive on the scene. WM is released after witnesses say he was acting in defense of MHW.
MHW and Driver are both arrested for public nuisance and drug paraphernalia.

And so ends today's Ohio Meth Chronicles.

Stay tuned for more news as it happens.

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