Dehydrated foods...

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Molon Labe
Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
South Texas/ West Texas
I recently bought some dehydrated food samples from EFOODS.COM.
This morning, the wife and I had Tortilla Soup. :)
It was very good. Taste was suprisingly pleasant.
:D Soup was not runny, it had substance to it.
Thinking about ordering more after Christmas.
This is good to know, have you tried any of the mountain house brand? I am thinking of grabbing some from the outdoor store, if it tastes good then I might make a big order for some on the next payday they claim that their #10 cans are good for 20+ years.
This is good to know, have you tried any of the mountain house brand? I am thinking of grabbing some from the outdoor store, if it tastes good then I might make a big order for some on the next payday they claim that their #10 cans are good for 20+ years.
Powerwagon after some research you are right about the #10 cans. They can perserve food up to 25 years which I thought was very good to know.
I have a friend with a LARGE family who regularly buys in bulk. She states that the only problem with the #10 cans is that once they are open, you gotta use it or loose it. She said menu planning is a must or you will have waste.
Just some info for consideration.
My main problem is space. I live in a 66 square meter condominium. No terrace to dehydrate the foods. I am lousy (so far) at canning and preserving.
The first time I tried to can was
peaches. . it was a disaster. So I can understand your frustration.
Tried making Korean Kimchi... after 3 months, the thing was spoiled (and I had put this in the ref.... :eek:)

And Kimchi once made, isn't supposed to spoil if kept at a low temp....:(