The State Of The Union, 7 Days After An EMP

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How would the rest of the world react if the US was hit with an EMP or CME and their free ride ended (foreign aid)? I feel the handouts should end anyway but just curious.
I hope trump is going to reconsider some of this. We've been giving turkey a billion dollars yearly for way too long. They are locking people up by the thousands and really do not like us 'unclean' heathens. Free money, why?
I hope trump is going to reconsider some of this. We've been giving turkey a billion dollars yearly for way too long. They are locking people up by the thousands and really do not like us 'unclean' heathens. Free money, why?

Two words 'soviet union' and after the fall of the cccp we continued as a part of NATO. Since Erdogan become president Turkey has been heading towards a collision course with NATO member states and now that Erdogan has been leaning towards russia after purging West friendly Military Officers and politicians NATO and the US ought to cut ties! Turkey has never been a reliable partner in NATO since the Alliance founding.
Here's a partial list of ongoing protests this weekend, to give those in the areas a heads-up:
Protesting in dublin, Ireland? Really? Why? Their Ireland's people not American's people. They have nothing to do with America or its people. Other countries need to stay out of our sh##. Just like America finally needs to learn to stay out of thiers. And im soo damn sick of these rioters excuse me protestors. They dont look dignified nor civilized they look like a bunch of spoiled brats throwing a tantrum cause they didnt get the candy bar they wanted. Im about ready to say authorize the use of live ammunition. They are weak pathetic people that would scatter like rats and they wouldn't have the cahonans to fight back. These are the antigun perpetual victims society has been forced to endure. About time they get some real life lessons. Idk where they got the bs idea of everything is supposed to go their way and life is supposed to be fair. Cause it doesn't and its not.
If the Electoral College bump next month goes okay, and the Congressional approval of the vote on January 6th, then January 20th will be the next big one, though they will continue between now and then. But this weekend violence broke out again when Whites were attacked at the Texas State Capitol and in Washington, D.C., by protesters.

Won't happen! All these armchair-warriors/statesmen are laughable thinking they have thought of everything. Let me give a little insight on just one of many repercussions. We have not been invaded because of our power at home and abroad (militarily), we are powerful because we can project power anywhere in the world, for better or worse we are the worlds equilibrium.

We have many enemies throughout the world that would love nothing more than an excuse and/or opportunity to attack us or join sides, much of the worlds financial system is tied to the US, do you really think the world will idly sit by and do nothing? russia and china would use this opportunity to project it's power on it's neighbors or further given the collapse of the US umbrella, middle east descends on Israel given the US could no longer project it's power. So do you really think the world would watch the US descend into an all out civil war known full will their own Countries would be in the crosshairs of a foreign power. The majority of the people (left and right) here and the world know the fallout of such a notion. We rely on the free world as much as they rely on us, I wish it wasn't that way but that is the way it is today!

We implode into a civil war then chaos would explode across the free world so don't think for a minute the world will stay glued to the TV with a bowl of popcorn and do nothing.

More and more these civil war talks are looking to be coming from younger folks that purchase a new rifle all the while dreaming of using it while playing with there tin soldiers on a pre-plotted strategic map ignoring the fact that Rome never recovered after it split!
I think you have a point. The first time around, in 1775, we had the help of France. Oh, and Spain and much of Germany, too, and even some from Poland. This time, the anti-tyrrany forces might have the aid of Russia. How ironic.
Maverick you have a point there but people on both sides of the isle are gearing up and calling for it and as people get more and more divided all it takes is a single spark to set something off and if you truely think Americans care about what happens in other countries your partially blind. Americans care about Americans and more specifically their side of the Americans. We only got this country becuase we like to fight and we only got our spot in the world cause we thrive on fighting and pushing our dominance. Sure we have gotten fat and lazy but our hearts and spirits havent changed in the last 200 years and whats happening today is quite apparent of that spirit. And if you want to go by the book of revlations the battle of Armageddon or ww3 is coming and your senario would be an excellent spark to set that off but atleast that would keep America out of ww3. And dont forget its always the younger people who like and want to fight. Its always been that way historically
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Armageddon? No. Anything relating to this 2500 year old prophecy will start in the Middle East.....And I got my doubts it will ever happen. WW3? I doubt it...For one Russia does not want to die anymore than those in the US.......There is no one itching to flip a switch....No one wins in a nuclear exchange we all lose including them...Its best if cooler heads prevail...Thats what worries me about Trump but the good thing is he cannot launch by himself....
If you believe in the scripture and Biblical prophecy, it says a couple of things; one that the U.S. will be taken out of the big fight before it starts, fire raining on the coastlands, and two, that the AntiChrist will come preaching globalism, world peace, racial unity and brotherhood, and a single world government. So, it's true that those of us still around will have to choose sides.
7 days?

After 48 hrs of no power (and more importantly, no word of it coming back soon), folks would lose their minds.
If you believe in the scripture and Biblical prophecy, it says a couple of things; one that the U.S. will be taken out of the big fight before it starts, fire raining on the coastlands, and two, that the AntiChrist will come preaching globalism, world peace, racial unity and brotherhood, and a single world government. So, it's true that those of us still around will have to choose sides.

Where does the Bible specifically state the US? Problem I have with this is that the US never existed when this was wrote. Now did they create something I do not know anything about?
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If you believe in the scripture and Biblical prophecy, it says a couple of things; one that the U.S. will be taken out of the big fight before it starts, fire raining on the coastlands, and two, that the AntiChrist will come preaching globalism, world peace, racial unity and brotherhood, and a single world government. So, it's true that those of us still around will have to choose sides.

Where does it say ANY of that?

Even many Biblical scholars agree that the Book of Revelation is actually about the fall of the Roman Empire.

And if you want to take it LITERALLY, then even those that are saved (the 150,000) are just virgin males, and even then, being "saved" is still basically dying and going to are they saved? Really?

Of course, with scorpion tailed, human headed locusts, lion headed cavalry, seven headed beasts, lamb horned beasts, etc., taking any of it literally is really a leap of faith.....

Sorry to rant a bit....just that Biblical "prophecy" is a bit much to swallow.