Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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This is my rant for the day....

I have a sign on my library wall that says “Cowgirls know how to deal with shit. We have shoveled it, stepped in it and fallen in it, which is why we won’t put up with yours”.

Bring it on WEF stop being cowardly p*$$ies and hiding behind the skirts of manufactured “climate emergencies”.

I think that is what annoys me most is these little Machiavellian man-boys who are too afraid to straight up say what they are doing because it would expose them for what they are and no one would “like” them. That is another thing cowgirls know and like, REAL men.

As at the Alamo…Molon Labe! We farmers are on to you. If you think it is going to be easy, you have another think coming.
Russel, who was (and still is to a degree) a confirmed liberal, got "red pilled" when he found out about the Sussmann indictment. He was like "Wait, you mean it was all fake news about Trump and Russia?? What else are they lying about?"

I have nothing against liberals as long as they don't have their heads so far up their own butts that they are incapable of being intellectually honest. There are very few true liberals left no matter what they call themselves.

Being liberal used to mean open to new thoughts and ideas, not being beholden to any one way of thinking. Reason, logic, science...not the emotional BS knee jerking, me-too snowflakes they have become. To be liberal was to be very Jeffersonian. Then the progressives/Fabians made an entrance.

"Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear."

1787 August 10. (Thomas Jefferson to Peter Carr)

I was raised to be a classic liberal in the old sense of the word.

If you do not know what a “classic liberal” is you might want to take a gander…things have changed so much that I think many people who call themselves conservatives might be surprised they are actually “classic liberals” or what we call these days libertarians. The split happened with Classical Radicalism…around the turn of the 19th century and the ideas of Marxism/Fabianism/Socialism. Radicalism has since morphed into what is now called “Progressivism”.

Notable Classic Liberals

Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679)

James Harrington (author) (1611-1677)

John Locke (1632–1704)

Montesquieu (1689-1755)

Voltaire (1694–1778)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778)

Adam Smith (1723–1790)

Immanuel Kant (1724–1804)

Anders Chydenius (1729–1803)

Thomas Paine (1737–1809)

Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794)

Marquis de Condorcet (1743-1794)

Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826)

Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832)

Gaetano Filangieri (1753-1788)

Benjamin Constant (1767-1830)

David Ricardo (1772–1823)

Alexis de Tocqueville (1805–1859)

Giuseppe Mazzini (1805–1872)[108]

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898)

Friedrich Hayek (1899–1992)

Milton Friedman (1912–2006)

I have read most of them as they were the precursors to the philosophies on which this country was founded. Limited government, free markets, individual rights....it was a crazy idea at the time.

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia
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Russell Brand, who was (and still is to a degree) a confirmed liberal, got "red pilled" when he found out about the Sussmann indictment. He was like "Wait, you mean it was all fake news about Trump and Russia?? What else are they lying about?"

It's easy to get red pilled, just find one of the lefts mainstream lies that can clearly be proven to be lie, that they knew was a lie. After that, it's easy to go through all there lies and verify each one. But many idiots don't want to know the truth, there comfortable with the lies.
Proud Prepper: I don't know but if I had to guess . . . .

Perhaps the defendants realized they could be awarded, by a jury, as the maximum amount, $1 less than what it would take to make the plaintiff insolvent.

And perhaps the defendants realized they were setting a precedent for woke employers across the U.S. to have to pay for their misdeeds.

And perhaps they did not wish to destroy the majority of the U.S. businesses.

P.S. Realize that commercial insurance works in reverse. If the company does something really stupid and expensive, future insurance company annual rates go up accordingly so that the insurance company still makes a profit. If the stupid company changes carriers the new insurance company makes all the profits from their stupidity.
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Jim’s Rant For The Day. Indigo Children and David Straight's Seminars on How Governments Defraud Us.

Over a month ago one reader contacted me a couple of times urging me to watch the David Straight Seminars. I told her I would when I had the time. Yesterday I listened to a two hour one. It took my breath away!

For three decades I was aware of Indigo children in the world who were born now for a reason – to change the systems we live by. The simplest way to spot them is as a child, they cannot stand in a line. Then they are always seeing systems and analyzing them. They also have psychic tendencies.

I believe both David Straight as well as David Wynn Miller are Indigo children, as well as Clif High. Their whole lives prepared them to help bring down the CABAL system.

This is my email to the reader that contacted me about Straight.

I watched the first 2 hour seminar of David Straight. He is very knowledgeable.

I loved what he said about his involvement with Trump, arrests of 15,000 traffickers
and that the military does not acknowledge Biden as president.

Ten years ago I studied a similar person, David Wynn Miller.
I spent about a hundred hours following his seminars and
learning the "correct" legal language he devised from history.

After I finally had it all down I came to the realization that it would not benefit me to
take the proper steps to become a sovereign and live my life outside of their system.

No, it would only matter if we all got out of the system at one time. Only that would free humanity and our country.

So I rededicated myself to the collapse of the Central Banks.

Why should everyone have to file paperwork to free themselves when
it could be shown to all citizens fraud has been committed on all of us
and fraud vitiates everything (corrupts and reverses all it has done).

This is the only way to free humanity.

Note: At least listen to the first 5 minutes where he introduces himself. That is an Indigo.

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