Biden has left the country!

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I heard that he went to meet with other communist/socilist/marxist "leaders" to discuss climate change. I'm guessing that he went by row boat, because any other form of transportation would add to global warming. And we're told that we have to cut carbon emissions in order to save the planet.
Does bidumb have to come back? LOL
they talk of xx% of dems suport Biden. Did anyone ever support him? It has always been for or against Trump with the talking heads being paid by the swamp
The Repubics like being on the losing side. Remember during the obama years when Repubics were in the minority and they kept preaching "vote for us and we'll repeal obamacare"? We voted for them, they got the majority, plus the WH but they never repealed obamacare.

your bitch is barely half true >> they tried getting it repealed totally and the RINOs under McCain help keep it alive - so they pulled the guts out of it by having the $$$$$$ penalty eliminated and making it illegal - not a "tax" anymore ....

Prez Trump also sidestepped the Big Pharma & insurance dicks by signing a few EOs that reduced pharma $$$ and opened the books on the hospital & insurance company screw jobs ....

Question to you - How does the Prez and the "WH" get anything repealed? - not his job - same misinformed BS when it comes to the budget & taxes ....
When asked "What is the Granholm plan to increase oil production in America?"
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm laughs out loud and blurts out "That is hilarious."


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