New Ebola Outbreak in Congo

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Oct 17, 2012
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Atlanta GA
In today's Wall Street Journal Tuesday August 26, 2014, Page A9
You have to sign in to read the entire article. I didn't know that. You may be able to pick it up by putting it in your browser using search words Ebola Congo. It's all over the news this morning.

"Democratic Republic of Congo confirmed a second outbreak of Ebola to the one now raging in West Africa, highlighting how changes in Africa's rural life have turned the virus into a bigger threat."
According to the country's information minister Lambert Mende: "The cases in Congo aren't of the same Ebola strain currently seen in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea, along with cases in Nigeria. The two outbreaks are 2,000 miles apart-aren't related he said."
Further down the article is says "Ebola is though to lie dormant in the bloodstreams of bats, until humans eat either the fruit those bats have handled or animals such as monkeys that they infect."

This confirms my suspicion that it does lie dormant in the bloodstream. Could it lie dormant in the bloodstream of humans? We just don't know.

I am trying to base my postings on what Facts are out there and try not to add to the hysteria and misinformation already out there in cyberspace.
My Opinion: I think we are now seeing a virus that is mutating at an alarming rate.
I would say at this point; BE AWARE AND PREPARE NOW.
thanks for the intel Loomis, I do thank God my kids live rural, not in this city, flu season is about to start authorities here don't seem to have a clue what to do or what to it's spreading and can be dormant..great
Yeah thanks for the info...
I beleave that ALL flights going into,and comeing out of africa needs to be stoped..and i hope the ebola ainthere in the usa..
thanks for the intel Loomis, I do thank God my kids live rural, not in this city, flu season is about to start authorities here don't seem to have a clue what to do or what to it's spreading and can be dormant..great
We really need to keep an eye on this. The director Dr. Tom Frieden of the CDC here in Atlanta just came back from Africa from an on site inspection and this is what he had to say;
My Opinion: I think we are about 2 years maybe less away from a full blown worldwide pandemic unless they can get it under control. It's that serious at this point.
I spotted this on the web of another Dr. from England that contracted Ebola who worked with Dr. Brantly and Nancy Writebol. See too survived. Apparently these people contracted what I call first wave of the disease. We have seen this pattern with the 1918 pandemic. That pandemic came in three waves. Could this account why some in the beginning didn't die?
Radio just said that the WHO expects 20000 infected people in africa. I wonder if we will be able to stop that from comming to us. We cant even hold the boarders close for illegal aliens, drugs n guns. How are they supposed to stop a disease?
it seems to start like the spanish flu..nothing before 1918 and by 1920 so many dead it's unbelivable..this is really something goes beyond scary
If Ebola stays Ebola and it does come here we have the medical infrastructure to contain it. The problem is if it combines with another zoonotic virus (Like Influenza A) it could quickly become something deadly. The Dr.'s in 1918 suspected that the Spanish Flu combined with something else, that flu came in three waves. They have samples from graves of the middle wave, but not the first or last wave so they are unable to pin this down to what it actually was. There was a very early outbreak in 1915 but may people survived that one.
Once the virus overwhelms the healthcare system of any country it's out of control.

Now I did read a very interesting interview in Scientific American. See below.

Note the section what the Dr. says about people who survived Ebola and if they are contagious.
they seem not to be,but...I'm still very scared about this...we do know that these little critters have a tendency to mutate...there wouldn't othervise be 5 different strains of this crap..
what scares me even more is the possibility that some brain child is doing a cocktail in some lab just to prove he can do it..and ups,it got away..sorry mankind, my hard feelings
I just saw that they passed three thousand confirmed cases now. The towns under quarrantine are in rough shape. I have no doubt this will spread. Will it mutate and get worse, or better, is anyone's guess right now, but I am certain it will continue to spread. Jim said they should stop all traffic from infected areas. That's tough to do in today's world, which is why it will spread. I do know that when it makes it anywhere near here I will quit my job with the public, and limit any travel. I don't think this is the end of the world by any means, but I do think learning about universal precautions (hand washing, etc.) is wise at this point.
World 'losing battle' to contain Ebola
"'public health emergency of international concern' has not led to decisive action, and states have essentially joined a global coalition of inaction"

CDC Director: Ebola Outbreak ‘Is Spiraling Out Of Control’
"Ebola epidemic and it is spiraling out of control. It’s bad now and it’s going to get worse in the very near future,”

New Ebola Cases Unrelated To West African Outbreak
"The World Health Organization has just confirmed that the newly-identified cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the Democratic Republic of Congo is genetically unrelated to the strain currently circulating in Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria"
asked my employer;do you/we have a plan if/when this hits our we don't,we don't need it 'cause that's in africa..