Helpful Info. Fish Antibiotics: The Basics

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Antibiotics should be used very carefully, if at all.

Some antibiotics (tetracycline is an example) can actually become toxic if the expiration date and storage protocols aren't respected.

You can actually go into renal failure from taking old tetracycline that's gone bad.

Also, how many people who stockpile these drugs have an epi pen for anaphylaxis (a dangerous allergic reaction) while stockpiling these meds?

Also, how many people grasp the difference between a cold (which, being a virus, won't respond to antibiotics) and bronchitis (which may)?

And so on.

I have antibiotics in my stuff, but I believe that a lot of people underestimate how dangerous they can be.
Fish Antibiotics


Fish Mox & Mox Forte (Amoxicillin)

Fish Flex & Flex Forte (Cephalexin/Keflex)

Fish Zole & Zole Forte (Metronidazole)

Fish Flox & Flox Forte (Ciprofloxacin)

Fish Pen & Pen Forte (Penicillin)

Fish Cycline & Cycline Forte (Tetracycline)

Fish Cillin (Ampicillin)

Fish Cin (Clindamycin)

Fish Sulfa Forte (Sulfameth/Trimethoprim)

Fish Fungus (Ketoconazole)

Fish Mycin (Erythromycin)

Fish Doxy (Doxycycline)

Fish Nitro Forte (Nitrofurazone)

Fish Enro (Enrofloxacin)

Fish Quine Forte (Chloroquine)

Fish Flucon (Flucanozole)

Fish Min - (Minocycline) 50 mg