what I need when the time comes

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Jan 11, 2013
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You know the thought occurred to me today that I have been prepping a long time. I think myself about as well situated as can be for virtually all scenarios. But the one area I lack in... .is not what I need... its more what I m willing to leave behind. I think the best prep is foreknowledge but sometimes I can find more excuses to not make a move in the safer direction than you can count....a little more...a wedding...a new grandchild... another job... another paycheck. I think my own personal survival will come down to not what I have but what Im willing to leave. Most of my friends await me to make the first move. Maybe they would prepare harder if they saw the seriosness I see. Your thoughts please
I don't think I would have much trouble leaving behind positions or property if the survival of my family or myself depended on it, but there is no way I would ever leave my wife and kids or grandkids behind. We are not bugging out though, our plan is for my kids to meet up at the house where we have food, water and shelter pretty much covered. My kids will be bugging out to the house (about 15 mi.) they each have bug out bags and weapons and know the area like the back of their hands. They know at the first sign of trouble to hit the road hopefully they will still be able to drive here and not have to worry about hiking all the way from town.
Thats an awesome plan. But mine are grown and scattered all over the country. And my plan may involve leaving some and praying they make it.
Well the plan in my family is to get to our lake house, but I too have family in other parts of the country. I can only hope they make it and I will pray they do.
Our oldest daughter will be coming home. Her and her 2 roommates have built a small cabin down under the hill for themselves so they won't be under our feet. I do know what you mean though about walking away. In some ways I have done that already to a large portion of my family already because they have lost their way and I just can't see to live my life the way they do and I don't want to be around that sort of poison. I won't have my kids around it either.
If you were asking me Bill, it was chemical use. I just won't tolerate it. A beer or a snort of shine once in awhile is one thing, but getting pig drunk daily in front of your kids is just not something I want to be around. I won't put up with meth, crack or any other hard drug. A little herb once in awhile does help my really bad migraines and I will admit to that, but it is far from daily use and never around a kid.
Well im sorry about those around. Im glad you drew a line. you had a mark and wouldnt back off it. I never had this trouble before. I always had standards that I wouldnt back off of. But leaving behind people you love leaves you wanting to bend. Just in case your wrong. Old Anorak what are you watching for to know its finished
That the world's done gone to Hell and there's no coming back? Soldiers in the streets, martial law, riots, food lines, things getting worse than what they already are. I'm not too far off from pulling in everyone and locking up the gates now to be honest.
First and foremost I am planning on bugging in. If it comes to bugging out I am prepared to do so, My wife is my first and only priority! my daughter and her husband have served in afghanistan my son was a navy seabee and currently a sheriff deputy his wife a triage nurse, they can take care of them self's and they know 1 of 4 places i'll be. I will not dwell on what is left behind nor would I worry about who is left behind since all focus and energy will be on my wife and I survival, for me it's that simple.
We could prolly find a spot for y'all out here somewhere if you didn't mind a critter looking in at you until we got windows put in the window holes of your shelter.

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