The Next Pandemic

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I'm not going to go out and get hazmat suits for all, but yeah, we do stock gloves, masks, goggles, gowns, and booties. Mostly, if we're dealing with a sick animal, for example, we don't want to transmit to quarantine procedure. Luckily, that is rarely an issue.

We all make choices, in this case, this is what I have as a minimum for recommending in anyone interested in building a Pandemic Response Go-kit. In your case, I can see why you would maintain them from an agricultural standpoint. In my cases, from a health care protocol standpoint these are the minimum items to properly quarantine a patient. The bio suits are for higher communicable strains. In my years in the profession, these items, would be the bare minimum. On Uncle Sam's dime, I am use to even more redundancy and even more top shelf stuff.
Mostly, if we're dealing with a sick animal
Do you get Hendra virus there? VERY bad stuff and jumps from horses to humans no problems although I think you have to come into physical contact with the animal, the fatalities have been trainers and owners who were attending to their sick horse. Carried by fruit bats I think but named after the suburb of Brisbane so maybe just an Oz thing.
Haven't heard of that one here. We vaccinate for West Nile and others fairly regularly.
just read from my local newsfeed about that ebola outbreak in africa that it's getting out of hand,they have difficulties in containing it,local governments don't take it seriously enough and local healtorgs that knew about it something is lacking manpower 'cause of dead aid-workers,looks like there might be hot headlines ahead
What is it they say in Africa T I A , This Is Africa . The parts that were becoming World Powers turned Socialist and have taken great strides backwards .
thought I cheer you up folks, this ebola which is having its fun in west-Africa seems to be a totally new strain, nothing of the old ones, brand new provided by mother nature, the best serial killer of all time
It's really not being reported well in the mainstream media, but from the little bit I've read, seems this has already spread further and faster than previous strains. That is one nasty, nasty bug.
There is a mosquito born bug in the U.S now that has Flue type simptoms and a very high fever . Alot of what we consider a out break that caues some time off work and closed schools and a ocasional death could be a major pandimc in a 3rd world country with a high casualty rate .
latest what I read about this ebola, someone took it home in Nigeria takeing a flight from some part where they had ebola, so it seems to start spreading that way too
2 American relief workers that were working with ebola patients in Africa .
CDC ships smallpox to wrong address or lab by mistake and expoeses workers to Anthrax letting them go home still contaminated . Then Federal Government buss'es who knows what all over the Country with illeagals to Government housing . I supose to change the nature of the voteing block in diferent states .
My greatest fear is Ebola getting out of Africa and spreading across the earth. It has something like a 95% kill rate.
Right now it's only a 60% kill rate. (Only?). It is really easily spread and I'd give a nasty new flu and it about even odds of spreading uncontrolled.

If its gone airborne then that's a game changer because in the past ebola was never thought to be transmitted by air only by contact

"Fears are growing that the most lethal form of the Ebola virus can mutate into an airborne pathogen, making the spread of the terrifying disease more difficult to check.
It was previously thought the untreatable virus, which causes massive internal bleeding and multiple organ failure, could only be transmitted through contact with infected blood.
But now Canadian researchers have carried out experiments showing how monkeys can catch the deadly disease from infected pigs without coming into direct contact"
for my part,come winter,come frost and come oh-yea terrible cold...perhaps my ### will be covered for some months..
The numbers on this outbreak (Ebola in Africa) are pretty staggering. I don't believe this, but reading up on it today, one of the two docs infected just died! These guys know the virus well, being part of the force trying to contain it (though obviously dropped the ball somewhere and got infected), and now one of them is dead from it? Holy crap.

Patrick Sawyer had one stop to make before heading home to Minnesota to celebrate his daughters' birthdays: a conference in Lagos, Nigeria.
But when he landed in Lagos, Sawyer, 40, collapsed getting off the plane. He had been infected with Ebola in Liberia, where he worked as a top government official in the Liberian Ministry of Finance.

Sawyer was isolated at a local Nigerian hospital on July 20. He died five days later.

It is so highly infectious that it typically kills 90% of those who catch it. The death rate in this particular outbreak had dropped to roughly 60% since it has been treated early in many instances. There is, however, no Ebola vaccination.
The numbers on this outbreak (Ebola in Africa) are pretty staggering. I don't believe this, but reading up on it today, one of the two docs infected just died! These guys know the virus well, being part of the force trying to contain it (though obviously dropped the ball somewhere and got infected), and now one of them is dead from it? Holy crap.

Reading your CNN link, it sound like the CDC is a little naive and/or arrogant? or is it just me misreading