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Mar 27, 2018
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I just realized I never did this on this forum. So here is a little about me and what I have done to prep. I'll try to keep this short.

Before knowing what prepping was, I knew deep down I wanted to prep for subsistence and self preservation knowing that either the world would take a crap or I would be financially unsuccessful. I started at 6 years old getting my first soldering iron burn and now I am a licensed ham radio operator with enough components and test equipment to do anything I want with electronics under 500MHz. I shifted into chemistry around 20 yrs old and got myself into trouble with an innocent high explosives hobby ~ my glassware collection and bookshelf just as impressive as my electronics bench. I moved (further) out into the country in 2016 and can hear cars coming 2 miles away, have 3 years of split and dry hardwood stacked and ready, enough food to not complain about flavor for several months and haven't had running water since 2016 - still loving it. I set up solar, have a generator, converted most of my electronics to 12v, have enough batteries to make bullets for decades and 5 gallon buckets full of various useful chemicals. Keeping my fuel supply rotated is more of a pain than the Campbell's collection. I built a keg still and a jacket condenser out of copper and have a variety of yeasts and am gearing up to learn how to culture it to keep it going (new to me). Future projects involve building a crosley icyball refrigeration unit, wood gasifier, painting my trees with dim dots of glow paint (because camo cant hide you in that lol) and placing wireless microphones in the woods to locate the source of gunshots via time difference of arrival. There is a broadband antenna connected to a spectrum analyzer so I can see transmissions and relative strengths in real time regardless of frequency or mode and I really want to add radio direction finding to the list soon. I could go on all day, but this is why I am totally unsucessful financially... I spend all my money on cool stuff and am too distracted to hold a job (also an INFJ/INFP-T personality type according to the internet). I had started a sucsessful lawn care company but shut it down a few weeks ago to start a drafting/design, prototyping and custom part shop with a lathe and 3d printer being upcoming shop additions. When the power goes out, ill switch to the ammonia/propane freezer until I get the icyball going or dust off that preserving food book ive yet to crack open. I once built a battery out of scrap metal to charge my yaesu HT just for fun once so I don't think I'll miss the grid when it disappears. When it hits the fan close to home, i think ill leave the firearms alone because these hills have eyes lol. When I turn on the TV (rarely) and see looters and rioters destroying our country, I wish they would come to the north woods and pull that shat here where mountain lions, timberwolfs and logging chains are abundant among the countless acres of untouched forest. I'm an odd duck, but a prepared and patriotic one. So my hobbies are....
thank you all for the warm welcome! I've been here for a bit off and on but it never occurred to me to drop a hello here. Glad I did. I'm not a social person, but here, at least I feel a bit more normal than I do elsewhere on the net. It is good to be around like minded people for sure! I am not on facebook or any mainstream social media. The only other forum I am a contributing part of is a ham radio forum so it is nice to have another place to hang out that doesnt drive me totally insane!