Definition of a Man-Made Disaster

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Feb 5, 2012
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Communist State Of Kalifornia
Anthropogenic hazards or man-made hazards can come to fruition in the form of a man-made disaster. In this case, "anthropogenic" means threats having an element of human intent, negligence, or error; or involving a failure of a man-made system. This is opposed to natural disasters resulting from natural hazards (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 2012).

So, like a terrorist attack or a plant meltdown because Homer fell asleep? Makes sense to me. Not sure of everyone else's take on this. I think humans as a whole are a good hearted and well-intentioned bunch. Still, I do think that it's most likely going to be a man made disaster that send us(My family) out to the wilds. We live near DC, so obviously the never-ending threat of terrorism looms, as does the overly dense populace, which makes it more likely that one of us will "Screw the pooch" and cause some unbelievable crisis by accident. Thoughts?
I think peoplew need to talk about HAARP more, its not fake and i do beleive it was used in the earthquakes in haiti and japan. we as humans are destroying this planet, and all of the most powerful people in the world really dont give a shit.
How do u prepare for that though? Is there something you can share with us that would inform us of what to do about it?
So, like a terrorist attack or a plant meltdown because Homer fell asleep? Makes sense to me. Not sure of everyone else's take on this. I think humans as a whole are a good hearted and well-intentioned bunch. Still, I do think that it's most likely going to be a man made disaster that send us(My family) out to the wilds. We live near DC, so obviously the never-ending threat of terrorism looms, as does the overly dense populace, which makes it more likely that one of us will "Screw the pooch" and cause some unbelievable crisis by accident. Thoughts?
I know how you feel in the DC metro area. I live in between los angeles and a nuclear power plant. And because of Los angeles so close i also worry about pandemics.
I've read a lot online about people saying that's what they believe will happen to cause nukes to launch, Russian and US computers have almost launched a few times, and sometimes no one picks up the phone on the direct line. I've heard about this happening a few times and we get in touch just before launch, scary as hell if you ask me!
I've read a lot online about people saying that's what they believe will happen to cause nukes to launch, Russian and US computers have almost launched a few times, and sometimes no one picks up the phone on the direct line. I've heard about this happening a few times and we get in touch just before launch, scary as hell if you ask me!
As a kid we used to nuclear war drills at school. I'm not talking about the 1950's either. More like the early 1980's.
As a kid the threat of being nuked by the USSR was very real.
It doesn't take much for a computer to go hay-wire or some worker to flip out and start pushing buttons.
Yeah, I just watched a show on History Channel that covered a near nuclear war in the '80s when Reagan was in office. We and some northern european nations had run a drill and the KGB intercepted that chatter and thought it was real and not training. It was just like "Sum of All Fears", just without the nuke being lit off in Baltimore Harbor. Other than that, the stories were remarkably similar.
Today we are polluting our environment in various ways. Which leads to global warming, because of this glaciers are melting which increases the sea level. To overcome these problems, avoid using vehicles go by bicycle.
Today we are polluting our environment in various ways. Which leads to global warming, because of this glaciers are melting which increases the sea level. To overcome these problems, avoid using vehicles go by bicycle.
Ok, well I must disagree, as there has actually been a cooling trend for the past 11 or so years.
So, like a terrorist attack or a plant meltdown because Homer fell asleep? Makes sense to me. Not sure of everyone else's take on this. I think humans as a whole are a good hearted and well-intentioned bunch. Still, I do think that it's most likely going to be a man made disaster that send us(My family) out to the wilds. We live near DC, so obviously the never-ending threat of terrorism looms, as does the overly dense populace, which makes it more likely that one of us will "Screw the pooch" and cause some unbelievable crisis by accident. Thoughts?
I think DC is already producing a manmade disaster I think its called Congress
I've read a lot online about people saying that's what they believe will happen to cause nukes to launch, Russian and US computers have almost launched a few times, and sometimes no one picks up the phone on the direct line. I've heard about this happening a few times and we get in touch just before launch, scary as hell if you ask me!
I like to think that that is just conspiracy theory talk, but you never know. BTW, our government gave the Soviets Cray supercomputers to help with their nuclear program during the Cold War. Imagine if it were left to the Soviets to build computers!

Trouble is many disasters can be manmade but fall under other categories. Think on Japan- Tsunami/earthquake/nuclear disaster! Crap! The Homer falling asleep scenario is possible.
Ok, well I must disagree, as there has actually been a cooling trend for the past 11 or so years.
Actually i have a theory on that:
It has been getting hotter n hotter too, yet you're right, its getting colder as well, well this, imho, is because of the heat.
You see, because it is so hot it evaporates the waters, all waterd, lakes, rivers, ocean, etc etc. well that vapor turns into clouds that then covers the sun and it then becomes cold. you can somewhat notice this right here in so-cal, we'll have a few days of freaken hot weather, then we'll have cloud cover n possably rain. the hotter it becomes, the more cloud cover we have afterward.
Ok, well I must disagree, as there has actually been a cooling trend for the past 11 or so years.
I agree..last winter was the coldest it's been in quite a a few years here in N.B.
Also without mentioning this humid heat wave we are having here now for the past week or so the temp is cooler.
Thanks Clyde...
The world is getting warmer as a whole, it should not be called global warming and I hate that term, it should be called climate change. Some spots are getting hotter and some colder. The world has risen 1 degree as an average in the last 50ish years I think. That is a bad thing, because we aren't doing anything about it. Put it like this, 4 more degrees average and Canada and russia become the world producers for exotic fruits. That is, if anyone is left alive to buy it
The world is getting warmer as a whole, it should not be called global warming and I hate that term, it should be called climate change. Some spots are getting hotter and some colder. The world has risen 1 degree as an average in the last 50ish years I think. That is a bad thing, because we aren't doing anything about it. Put it like this, 4 more degrees average and Canada and russia become the world producers for exotic fruits. That is, if anyone is left alive to buy it
The earth's temperature is cyclical. I am not too overly worried about the temp as there isn't a whole lot I can do about it, except use my A/C more.

A climate oscillation or climate cycle is any recurring cyclical oscillation within global or regional climate, and is a type of climate pattern. These fluctuations in atmospheric temperature, sea surface temperature, precipitation or other parameters can be quasi-periodic, often occurring on inter-annual, multi-annual, decadal, multidecadal, century-wide, millennial or longer timescales. A prominent example is the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, involving sea surface temperatures along a stretch of the equatorial Central and East Pacific Ocean and the western coast of tropical South America, but which affects climate worldwide.

Records of past climate conditions are recovered through geological examination of proxies, found in glacier ice, sea bed sediment, tree ring studies or otherwise.

Many oscillations on different time-scales are hypothesized, although the causes may be unknown. They include:
  • the Ice ages
  • the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
  • the El Niño Southern Oscillation
  • the Pacific decadal oscillation
  • the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
  • the Arctic oscillation
  • the North Atlantic Oscillation
  • the North Pacific Oscillation