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I have been thinking about this thread some lately. I sounded pretty unsympathetic for someone who knowingly broke the law. My thoughts have wandered to what if the mass shootings lead to not just banning sales of guns, but go retroactive to all existing guns. How many would risk being an outlaw by not turning in their guns? Would I be so willing to give up my ability to defend myself and my family from those that kept illegal guns? Other countries have banned all firearm ownership by civilians, don’t be so assured it couldn’t happen here.

Plead the Fifth here
I agree with your comment of being a contributing member of society, for the better of all.

But your ending is totally off base and just plain wrong. There is nothing illegal about machine guns, if you go through the right channels. They were invented for a purpose, and that purpose is as true today as ever. If you don't understand that, you should read more and talk less as you learn.

I agree with your comment of being a contributing member of society, for the better of all.

But your ending is totally off base and just plain wrong. There is nothing illegal about machine guns, if you go through the right channels. They were invented for a purpose, and that purpose is as true today as ever. If you don't understand that, you should read more and talk less as you learn.

But I won't jump on you. Please, welcome to the forum. I'm glad you're prepared. Maybe we can learn from one another.

As far as nothing illegal about machine guns...the ATF agent here disagrees...
I was going to let your choice of living outside the law slide,but the more I think about it,I can not,,,

,,,,you decided you had to have 2 full auto AK 47s and now you are crying because you got caught,,,,,you are lucky you are not sitting in a jail cell right now,,,,,,,,,,what kind of penalty did you get hit with,a huge fine only or did you forfeit your right to own a firearm also,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,this is your own fault,you can not blame the ATF for your screw up,,,,you either run your mouth about having them or someone you know turned you is as simple as that..............

YOU HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOUR SELF,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I am not a kind and forgiving person ,my opinion here may sound harsh but if you stay within the law you can own most anything you want,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I'm not blaming anyone, nor am I crying about anything. I am simply pointing out a flaw in the thought process and hoping to help others from getting carried away. I take full responsibility for myself and my actions. Sorry you misunderstood my message.
From what I’ve read you can own a fully auto but it’s really expensive. My point though is why would you want to. It’s just a waste of ammo, and unless you’re in the military and have an unlimited supply of it why would you even want one. The cool factor isn’t even close to worth the impractical reality of it. I fired a fully auto 50cal with tracers in boot camp, and yes it was really fun. We shot up a bunch of old vehicles down range. Hell, I couldn’t afford that kind of ammo usage now, much less after shtf.
Firearms are like anything else . Everybody has their own taste . Some want cheap and dont mind the flaws , some highend show pieces , some single shot antique , some full auto . I dont bash anyone's choice . I want anyone that wants a firearm and is leagle to own one to have as many as they can afford .
Firearms are like anything else . Everybody has their own taste . Some want cheap and dont mind the flaws , some highend show pieces , some single shot antique , some full auto . I dont bash anyone's choice . I want anyone that wants a firearm and is leagle to own one to have as many as they can afford .
One thing I ve noticed is preppers, especially male preppers focus too much on firearms. Yes, I think security to protect your family is important, but I think avoiding a conflict with firearms is a much smarter option. Security, although wise to have, is the fourth thing on my list, after water, food and shelter.
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One thing I ve noticed is prepper, especially male preppers focus too much on firearms. Yes, I think security to protect your family is important, but I think avoiding a conflict with firearms is a much smarter option. Security, although wise to have, is the fourth thing on my list, after water, food and shelter.

That's why I stopped going to various prepper meets here locally, too much focused placed on weapons and tactical gear. I want to know what makes life easier, what equipment, food item they found or a new way to make hygiene products etc... Even at my age I'm learning new things, easier ways of doing things but all the young want to do is talk firearms, tactical maneuvers and they not talking about putting food on the table. I just don't understand these ways of thinking Brent.
My thoughts have wandered to what if the mass shootings lead to not just banning sales of guns, but go retroactive to all existing guns. How many would risk being an outlaw by not turning in their guns? Would I be so willing to give up my ability to defend myself and my family from those that kept illegal guns?

Here's my take on this.

The original establishment plan was to get Hillary in office and start legislating arms and ammo companies out of business. By the end of her first term, any left would have been those with military contracts. Following that, by the end of the second term, guns would not be banned, but they would be nearly impossible to get, and the few companies left, would be forced to bow under or not get the government contracts keeping them in business. When the next crony came in, a full gun ban would simply be a matter of course.

Instead, with Trump's election, and strong NRA stance, as well as GOP support, they are in a bit of a dilemma. So, we're going to see plan B...the activation of sleeper nutjobs going on killing sprees. Not all will be such folks, some just inspired by them, but most will. Just look at the Vegas shooting. They really screwed the pooch with this one...initially, but somehow still reeled it back, and completely controlled the media on it. Its downright scary how well they did that. I suspect we'll see more of these until the main majority of Americans DEMAND a gun ban. And I feel it will be even sooner, maybe even end of the year, as more of these "incidents" happen. I SO want to be wrong on this. Please prove me wrong!

personally, if they get retro banned, it's PVC time....

I'm not sure about how far Hillary would have have taken the gun control. She needs guns out there so 'her group' can steal those guns & use them in their crimes. Criminals usually don't maintain their guns, they just steal more.

There is another thing. They will have a tough time getting people to surrender their weapons. Not only will they have issue finding even the legally owned guns with serial numbers, but what about all those (both legal and illegal) without a serial number? It's really easy to finish an 80% lower (err, so I am told!). You buy barrels and parts for cash at a gun show. How in the world will they 'trace' those? And for a few $thousand, you can have 10's of thousands of rounds (either ready or to reload). That may sound like a lot to some, but $5k is cheap for important insurance. Heck, most people are spending 2 or 3 times that in 'health insurance' each year right now (directly or indirectly**).

And that doesn't touch the genuine 'need' that many, many people have for weapons. If you own a ranch, you know what I mean. I regularly have to shoot some pest around mine (possum, coon, among other liberals***...).

** Some say how their company pays their insurance, so it doesn't cost them anything. Bull. An employer has a 'cost' for each employee, doesn't matter if salary or benefits. If benefit costs go up, your salary will suffer that much. And some wonder why they haven't gotten anything in raises for years?

*** I don't kill conservative possums and raccoons. If they want to live in my woods doing their thing, I let them be. When they come to the homestead & stalk my chickens,raid the hives, go after calves (liberals stealing from working folks), that's when the liberal possums & coyotes & such die. You didn't think I was talking about people? :)
Here's the thing.

Since the manufacturers will feel the sting first, there will be a time where guns are still legal, but you simply won't be able to find or buy ammo for them.

After a couple years of this (not being able to find ammo, weapons, or supplies), you can bet a LOT of folks will trade in their guns for minor money, vs. having it as a paperweight.

Only those who squirreled away ammo will be a threat, and that's a HELL of a reduction, wouldn't you think? Certainly enough of a reduction to eliminate that check and balance of power.
Note, in many states, there is no license or registration required to own a gun. Mine is one of them. I inherited mine, there's no paper trail connecting me to them. ;)