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I. Kane

Super Friend
Nov 21, 2013
Hey all you fellow preppers - I recently began writing a survival/emergency preparedness blog on one very informative website. I mentioned a few disasters which folks believe could possibly befall us. Are there any other emergency situations that you'd like to see covered in the future? I value all of your opinions and would like to help shed more light on this important subject in order for us to better prepare those who aren't yet prepped, as well as those who are, but may not have considered every possibility.
Hi,read your blog and it looked good,informative and well written,so you have the talent so keep doing what you already started.
that southern-border thing is something the US should be conserned of and as you mentioned it, we have in this world some crazy-jihadists who would do anything to se the western democracy in ruins using any means available and we do know that there are some nukes missing and your not so good friend iran is doing alot to get nukes either for their own army or to give to various jihadistgroups.
personally have a strong feeling we will have a major armed conflict in the near future and/or a pandemic following that conflict,just like the spanish-flu after ww1
I believe the three top most likely disasters will be first an economic collapse. Second, a pandemic on a global scale as we are way too overcrowded now and things spread too easily. And third, I believe it's only a matter of time before some terrorist gets a nuke in one of our major cities. I could go on about all sorts of things like Yellowstone erupting and asteroids and all, but I have really good advice for all, worry about what you can control, and don't sweat the rest. I live each day and try to enjoy it the best I can.
Hey all you fellow preppers - I recently began writing a survival/emergency preparedness blog on one very informative website. I mentioned a few disasters which folks believe could possibly befall us. Are there any other emergency situations that you'd like to see covered in the future? I value all of your opinions and would like to help shed more light on this important subject in order for us to better prepare those who aren't yet prepped, as well as those who are, but may not have considered every possibility.

Well Mr. Kane,

Not a bad website, very enterprising and well as I would say, your using your entrepreneur skills to the maximum.

Your right on the troll, I think many of us got duped into it. A discussion that JimLE and I had afterwards. We all mean well in trying to help people and that is why Clyde created the site, for all of us to share our skills. Your blog site is your realm, you created, you master it. It's up to the prepping community to decide whether to read it or not.

As for the disaster, I have to agree with Brent-S and Jontte. Brent's correct on the pandemic event, even as last week the WHO announced a recommendation for doctors to stop treating with antibiotic unless they are certain that has been quantitatively and qualitatively tested for a bacteria. As you know bacteria is only susceptible to antibiotics and not viruses. However, with the rise of MRSA and antibiotic resistant strains of Tuberculosis, drug companies and medical community in general are finding it harder to combat these new emerging diseases and we are losing ground. Funny how it really has only been over a 100 years since Louis Pasteur's findings. We are becoming a genetically enhanced organism, but can't cure the common cold. As for BrentS and your statement about inspection of seavan carriers, your correct, only a matter of time, when a major city will be a target.

We could play a "apoclaypse" top 10, I am sure all of us would have different views, but most will say that the economic collapse has us all on pins and needles. Hence why most of us prep in the first place. The rest is all secondary level prepping. Low on scale of most would be the asteroid.
i didnt read it all,on account i had to get up from the chair n get going..but i like what i did read
Unlike most preppers, I believe that a complete SHTF event is unlikely to happen in my lifetime. However, I've had enough minor events that left me without a modern convenience or two, to see how a little prep can go a long way. So these are what I actually prep for, but with an eye towards a possible SHTF scenario happening, even if just in my kids' lifetimes (as it's my hope when they inherit the place years and years later, I'm still not old, that most of the work will be done for them).


1) We had a slab leak, (a pinhole leak in a copper pipe under the foundation of the house) and simply was going to take time to fix it. We could turn water on for maybe 10 minutes at a time before it would come up through the floor (and that wasn't even where the leak was). But, a few months prior, I had put in a 50 gallon water barrel as a prep. This really saved our bacon, and illustrated the need for more such barrels. In addition, we're going to add rain barrels outside, and look into attaching a manual pump to work in conjunction with the electric well pump.

2) We lost electricity for an entire day (a critter had hit the transformer and shorted it out). We're rural, so takes a while sometimes to get a crew there. No biggie, we lit up our oil lamps (we have them as decor throughout the house, but also for situations like this), fired up the grill, and played some board games instead of watching TV. Since then, a generator went up on the list, mostly to maintain the fridge. We also learned how to get the best cross-breezes through the house, without AC working.

3) Food. We had two kids (really adults) come back home to live, and the grocery bill soared. Went through some of my prep food (so this helped cut down immediately on the new expenses), but also see the need to drive food prices down. Simply put, it's expensive and inconvenient to eat healthy. Produce requires more trips to the store, and rapidly fluctuating prices. So, we identified the need to start growing some of our own. While the garden keeps getting pushed off, we will hit it this year. Then, we'll be canning anything we don't use up. We also plan to slowly start planting some fruit trees, though this is more long term in benefit.

It's amazing how many skills I've been refining though, living on the ranch. I've done my own plumbing (even installing pipes and running water to different places), my own electrical (putting in new outlets, rerouting to different switches), carpentry work, masonry work (including concrete patching), landscaping, animal husbandry (rabbits), etc.
Jonette, Brent, thanks for the input. A pandemic is a realistic possibility, but answer me a simple question, our population is exploding out of control but no one seems to talk about it, almost EVER. Why is that?

Bob, I had to do some research on genetic tampering and the like since I feature it in my novels, and you touch on some good points. Please elaborate on the economic would it most likely happen? I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts since that is a very prevailant theory and possible reality.

Gaz, You spot of being out of power for a day, imagine being out of power for days or weeks or even months and beyond! There are many reports that certain countries are developing (and some already have) high-altitude nuclear EMP attack?

Great replies that give me food for thought.
would think that the majority of people have a blind faith that science and government will solve any problems with overpopulation,loss of habitats aswell,here in Finland we have lot of gullible people who think we should pour money in third-world countries so they can keep up overcrowding their livingspace, I'm slighly sceptic over this
Jonette, Brent, thanks for the input. A pandemic is a realistic possibility, but answer me a simple question, our population is exploding out of control but no one seems to talk about it, almost EVER. Why is that?

Bob, I had to do some research on genetic tampering and the like since I feature it in my novels, and you touch on some good points. Please elaborate on the economic would it most likely happen? I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts since that is a very prevailant theory and possible reality.

Gaz, You spot of being out of power for a day, imagine being out of power for days or weeks or even months and beyond! There are many reports that certain countries are developing (and some already have) high-altitude nuclear EMP attack?

Great replies that give me food for thought.

Mr. Kane,

After recovering from my injuries, I was placed in convalescent duty and medical boarded from my primary skill position. As a result of this abrupt change, I was offered to be allowed to stay in the military, provided that my recovery progressed well enough that I would eventually be world wide qualified. In that I was forced to cross train into the medical field. Specifically, was placed in those days what we called (Environmental Health, but later became Public Health to mirror our civilian government counterpart). In the early 80's, we had many Vietnam veterans who had married foreign nationals abroad (some had a form of resistant forms of T.B, which required focused medical attention) and while their was little long-term studies on tuberculosis mutations, Center for Disease Control (CDC) and state health departments across the United States began tracking Resistant Strains of T.B. Unknown to most agencies and including the military medical community, except those highly compartmentalized in medical intelligences such as USAMRID, was the continued research being conducted by the former USSR's labs located deep in remote locations in Eastern Russia (Siberia, etc). It wasn't until the fall of the USSR that military and government intelligence agencies had hard evidence that the Russians had been testing strains of the Ebola virus, possibly even mutating these viruses along genetic lines. We know this because of Dr. Ken Ableck (lead scientist in Soviet Virology and Biological Warfare). I have his book somewhere, but can't find it, or I would quote one of his passages that got my attention pretty quick. Note: I don't scare easily, but it was his small passage that now gives me bad dreams at night. Where that research, virus/bacteria samples are located today is unknown to the average person, its certainly not posted on the WWW, but I am sure some of that information/samples are still somewhere located in Russia or sold off to the highest bidder. These are all speculations of course, and no doubt lol, because of the trigger words being used on this post, will ultimately be studies by our government agencies through a super computer to deem whether my words are a threat to national security, but in the end, the data is out there, you just need to find it. I hope you don't find this last statement abrasive. Sorry, I don't have a magic cook book and I will not lend my data to no one...that for me, is where I draw the line in sharing.

I am not going to bore your with the scientific aspects of genetic mutation and virology, safe to say, after reading this information, I began to study more along the lines of virology and genetic mutations. Pandemic diseases are not new to the human species and if you look around you will find the documentation of such period in time. The more notorious ones are the Black Plague and the 1918 flu outbreak, which have made the news or have been recited in many of these T.V. shows that make the air. While I enjoy entertainment and take much of these shows with the slant of fiction, I can't underscore the increase in mutated viruses and bacteria that continue to be reported by the World Health Organization and CDC.

I want to clarify for you something, first, the WHO and CDC are completely understaffed for the stuff that is going on around the world. Even a simple outbreak as the Ebola outbreak that is occurring right now in nations in Africa is engaging a good group of researchers and responders. Second, I am not an Alarmist, but people should start thinking of the "what if's). American's tend to be very ignorant of the goings-on in the world, a byproduct of our social times and also a byproduct of what has always been an "American arrogance or isolationist attitude"... example, just look at Ukraine, very old new to me, but makes the headlines now. Let us not even address China, which has been under my microscope for about 10 years now and I should know, I wrote a thesis paper on the subject of China's naval expansion and the impact it will have in the East China Sea and South China Sea. Third, America's response (both the normal medical community and government preparedness is under budgeted to handle a crisis of a world wide pandemic), regardless of what you believe and read, CDC and government byline is to send push packages to metro communities, what happens to the rest of the rural communities, I've discussed this in an earlier thread. The word pushed by the government is that drug manufactures will make more drugs and supportive care supplies to the locales being stricken, but what happens when those drug producers start missing the goal because their employees are sick and now not available to work. This is where I believe you will start to see the beginning of our social end. People will then begin to react to the governments failure to provide basic commodities and utilities, then transportation networks will begin to be closed off as the government begins to control people's movement, if you have not bugged out of urban/metro areas by then, well then you've made a critical mistake. People will begin to run out of whatever they have been able to stock pile and then god forbid, those that are strong will prey on the weak and the government will be powerless to stop it. I don't care what the government has planned to begin marshal law, the many will outweigh the few, even if the few have better weapons like tanks, heavy weapons, explosives...your not going to stop it from massing on the the end their are so many cracks. If you don't believe me, here is a simple exercise, go to Dollar General or a cheap blow-up pool, fill it with water, get some food coloring (this represents whatever is attacking the social system), place the whole color into the center of the pool, now as you do this add, small rocks (don't disturb the dye) enough for a trickle of water (this represents the smart people, the preppers who are bugging out at a time that they started seeing things). Now add some more water slowly from a container (small coffee can) try not to disurb the dye to much, this represents some more information, possibly government reaction to control movement...see more people leave, but not much, just enough, these are the late preppers who thought to stay behind, but now know that they are behind the power curve, but want to get out, before government institutes marshal law. Now get a big bucket like a 5 gallon pail full of water...get five or six stones....have someone place the stones at the same time the entire 5 gallon water is added....this represents the panic that will befall an urban area. What water is left of the pool represents both the dead and the small little population that is left in the metro/urban area, the living will be a mix of hardcore determined preppers unwilling to leave their bastion or have no BOL or are roaming opportunistic gangs (including militia). Do you get the idea.

As far as genetically enhanced, where do I start...the milk that we buy from Walmart, the corn we eat, genetically enhanced cows, pigs, etc...I could go on and while I have no animal husbandry degree or background in day to day farming, I am not stupid enough to not listen to my friends who visit this site who own chickens, cattle, pigs, and they are concerned enough to express them to me personally and if they are, it makes me want to turn turtle and head for the most remote spot in the world and do a ton of praying.

I am a realist, Mr.Kane, spending time in foreign lands fighting for what I believed was right to protect our way of life was important to me because I love my country, my family and cherish my friends. With that said, I know even though I have been away from the FEBA, whether it being a true war or a disease war, I know their are bad man, manipulated by false beliefs, greed or power that do not have the average citizen (and I mean world citizen) at heart. As such, I would not put it past them to be placing a good portion of their money into safeguarding themselves and their loved ones at the expense of us. Hence, why I am a prepper in my own special way, I may not have the millions or billions, but if I did, I'd be bringing my family and friends to the ultimate BOL, simply because I care for humanity...its that simple.

Good luck on your site, Mr. Kane, I wish you well.
It would be nice to know where all that info and virus went when USSR collapsed,not far from Finlands eastern border lies few russian prisons,inmates having and spreading a nice resistent form of TB,they don't get any treatment for that 'cause their inmates,the russian way,then we have pretty close an example of great engineering a nuclearpowerplant,totally outdated but they keep on useing it,so I personally worry alot
It would be nice to know where all that info and virus went when USSR collapsed,not far from Finlands eastern border lies few russian prisons,inmates having and spreading a nice resistent form of TB,they don't get any treatment for that 'cause their inmates,the russian way,then we have pretty close an example of great engineering a nuclearpowerplant,totally outdated but they keep on useing it,so I personally worry alot


Yes, I knew the Russian's don't treat their prisoners very well. For that fact, not their general public people either. I am sure that when a real pandemic event does occur, it will start either in Africa, India, China, Russia or North Korea, all have deplorable Public Health conditions. Their sentinel reporting systems are suspect at best and when the first cases start to show up in hospital and clinics, because of their lack of proper practice will spread through the healthy-well population as quickly as possible. With airline travel and poor entry checkpoints for arriving people. I have eleven sentinel cities that I look at, each day here in the U.S. for anything unusual in public health reporting, canvasing also local new reports, mortuary tallies, hospital admissions, EMT responses and anything out of the ordinary for these cities...New York-Newark, Boston, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, Denver, Seattle, San Francisco and LAX. Typically, I spend about an hour or two...going through the data and also the WHO and CDC reports. So who knows...wish I had a better high end computer, but the desk top does fine for what I am looking for.

As for the Russian's nuc plants...all you have to do is look at Cherynobl and see what a mess and death zone that became after the Russian's screwed the pooch on that one. We missed it with Three Mile Island and despite the NRC assurance that our facilities are okay, all you have to do is look at Fukushima to know that the line is not true. The Japanese are paying for that one and their is a growing demand in Japan to decrease the number of reactor plants in Japan by 2025. Not sure how that will play out because Japan is heavily dependant on nuclear plants to provide the majority of their electricity. Their is very little hydro electricity plants in Japan and Japan can't depend on oil/LP plants because they have to import so much to keep their economy going. The Chinese know that too and that is why they are spending so much effort in controlling the East China Sea, which is now being hotly contested by both countries. Yeah, and I have some interest in that too, because my mother's family are all Japanese and my cousin is in JSDF.

Good hearing from you. Regards.
Gaz, You spot of being out of power for a day, imagine being out of power for days or weeks or even months and beyond! There are many reports that certain countries are developing (and some already have) high-altitude nuclear EMP attack?

No doubt. It isn't exactly a huge techno leap to have the capability. It remains the modern world's Achilles Heel. I've been out of power for a couple days before, during a hurricane, so yeah, being out for weeks, or months, or ever would suck....but wouldn't be the end of our world. It would be the beginning of a new one though...a much darker and scary world at that.

An EMP attack, although devastating, wouldn't be quite as bad as one might think though. For starters, chances are most vehicles wouldn't be affected permanently, nor would many other items. The bigger problem would be if it takes out key components of the grid, that even in modern times, have an 18 month replacement time, so imagine if the grid were DOWN for this....
Silent Bob,
all major airports,densly populated areas,it only need the right time and all hell break loose.
one reason moore why I keep bugging my doctors to keep my vaccinations up to date, that south china sea is going to be tricky one and as you have relatives there (japan) something to worry about.
if japan would be twice the size they could have a chance of hydroelectric,but with that landmass and populus there's something that will not add up.
remember when chernobyl blew up,even here they recomended do not collect or eat mushrooms,be very carefull when eating blue and lingonberrys,some places here the cancer rate went up.
no doubt that the average russian doctor is skilled and would do everything possibly but with those odds against succes,it slighly scares me that we couldn't keep our borders closed and it would come here aswell
and it was again confirmed that moscow don't wan't us to join nato,their latest comm said that tha baltic and countries along the gulf of finland are their domain and they have all the rights to protect every russian living in that area with any means russia deems appropriate.
if Finland and Sweden would join nato it would have grave concequenses...
gee,that woke up our president here as he said it would be in our best interest to join now