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I Quit

Awesome Friend
Oct 2, 2012
Hi, I'm new here. My name is Mac. 45 y/o mwm in Morenci, MI. I am employed as a corrections officer, and own/operate a business: 'Great North Blades'. I design and build custom, beautiful, and most importantly-FUNCTIONAL, custom fixed blade knives. I am an Army veteran, and an avid outdoorsman. I'm interested in learning more about disaster preparedness, especially in light of the fact that it looks like the little emperor might actually get reelected.......
Welcome Bucksnort!

Knives hu? ya we'll be talken alot LOL, Me Colt and and a few others cant stop buyen knives! its really become an addiction LOL! (i love my addiction!)

corrections officer hu?
ive always thought this question:
if SHTF, will the prisoners be released?
I don't know if they'll release them. I hope not-we will already have enough garbage running wild to deal with. My best guess is that we'll lock them down, and hand off our keys to the national Guard on our way out. That, or the government will just go ahead and bomb us right along with the convicts........

well see (nothing against you personally mind you) thats my problem either way:
either their left to die and starve, which is unhumane, or their released, and becomes an even more deadly situation. crazy thoughts!
one might think in a really bad version of **** hitten the fan, National guard people, like cops, medical etc, might be more worried about their own familys, than a civic duty, when their may not be a civil athority to run them.
btw, your avitar is anchient Greek right? that looks familure, mind if i ask what it means?
Moulan Labe 'Come and get them' This is what King Leonides of Sparta told the messenger of the Persian invader Xirxes when they demanded that his warriors lay down their arms, and their women and children would be spared. The ultimate statement of defiance to oppression. Kind of pertinent in today's America, I think......
ahh lmao, i can pritty much translate the Greek to English letters, however translating the actual words to English im still studing, lol, more fore biblical reasons though.

well see (nothing against you personally mind you) thats my problem either way:
either their left to die and starve, which is unhumane, or their released, and becomes an even more deadly situation. crazy thoughts!
one might think in a really bad version of **** hitten the fan, National guard people, like cops, medical etc, might be more worried about their own familys, than a civic duty, when their may not be a civil athority to run them.

When it hits the fan, the only thing I'm going to be worried about is getting out of that place as quickly as possible and home. Can't afford to worry about the convicts, or their fate.
When it hits the fan, the only thing I'm going to be worried about is getting out of that place as quickly as possible and home. Can't afford to worry about the convicts, or their fate.
dont blame ya, however i live pritty close to a prison, so their fate (if released) would concern me greatly.
Welcome Bucksnort!

Knives hu? ya we'll be talken alot LOL, Me Colt and and a few others cant stop buyen knives! its really become an addiction LOL! (i love my addiction!)

corrections officer hu?
ive always thought this question:
if SHTF, will the prisoners be released?

Effective in 2003 from the 2002 homeland security act, FEMA would take responsibility of any facilitys deemed needed for national security, in any emergency INCUDING civil uprisings. They will need the space to detain any undesirables, LOL.
Laughing but not being funny, Sheeple just dont know the extent of the planning, Even though its all on record, and public Info.
Hi, I'm new here. My name is Mac. 45 y/o mwm in Morenci, MI. I am employed as a corrections officer, and own/operate a business: 'Great North Blades'. I design and build custom, beautiful, and most importantly-FUNCTIONAL, custom fixed blade knives. I am an Army veteran, and an avid outdoorsman. I'm interested in learning more about disaster preparedness, especially in light of the fact that it looks like the little emperor might actually get reelected.......
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com. Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

I too am an Army Veteran (3rd ID 1987 - 1990) plus more!
I am trying to do an all encompassing prep. Though I am concerned about earthquakes, and the, as you so eloquently stated, "little emporer" may retain his throne.
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com. Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

I too am an Army Veteran (3rd ID 1987 - 1990) plus more!
I am trying to do an all encompassing prep. Though I am concerned about earthquakes, and the, as you so eloquently stated, "little emporer" may retain his throne.

After tonight's debate, maybe his throne isn't quite so secure anymore.......;)
Effective in 2003 from the 2002 homeland security act, FEMA would take responsibility of any facilitys deemed needed for national security, in any emergency INCUDING civil uprisings. They will need the space to detain any undesirables, LOL.
Laughing but not being funny, Sheeple just dont know the extent of the planning, Even though its all on record, and public Info.

When you start researching just how many of our freedoms they can strip away with a signature, it's pretty terrifying
I am a really bad at spelling, probably the worse here so, I would never want to be spelling police, but in this one case, because of the importants that this slogan has been, and will be into the future. I feel compelled to make small corrections for the record. I think its Molon Labe. I also feel that English slang has taken some of the weight from Molon Labe, As I remember it (and I could be wrong) It means come and take them. Insinuating they will not be given for free, like come and get them. The difference is small, but huge in its meaning.
When you start researching just how many of our freedoms they can strip away with a signature, it's pretty terrifying

Yes its true what they say, Ignorance is bliss. The less you know, well the less you know what to be worried about.
I wish I could go back and think everything was fine. Yes those that are unprepared will be in for a huge shock when they realize the rumors were true. But they will quickly become victims, and will be spared true hardships LOL.
I am a really bad at spelling, probably the worse here so, I would never want to be spelling police, but in this one case, because of the importants that this slogan has been, and will be into the future. I feel compelled to make small corrections for the record. I think its Molon Labe. I also feel that English slang has taken some of the weight from Molon Labe, As I remember it (and I could be wrong) It means come and take them. Insinuating they will not be given for free, like come and get them. The difference is small, but huge in its meaning.

It is 'come and take them', and you spelled it right. Did I spell it wrong? LOL.........That's pretty bad, considering that it's tattooed on my freaking arm! LOL! (and yes, the tattoo is spelled right)
I am a really bad at spelling, probably the worse here so, I would never want to be spelling police, but in this one case, because of the importants that this slogan has been, and will be into the future. I feel compelled to make small corrections for the record. I think its Molon Labe. I also feel that English slang has taken some of the weight from Molon Labe, As I remember it (and I could be wrong) It means come and take them. Insinuating they will not be given for free, like come and get them. The difference is small, but huge in its meaning.
at least im not alone with crap spelling, LOL!

so what your sayen is the "O" and "upsidedown U" is the same letter in Greek?
Yes its true what they say, Ignorance is bliss. The less you know, well the less you know what to be worried about.
I wish I could go back and think everything was fine. Yes those that are unprepared will be in for a huge shock when they realize the rumors were true. But they will quickly become victims, and will be spared true hardships LOL.
you guys know, it DOES say in the Decloration of Independence, something like, ".... if you find your government to be of corruption, it is your patriotic duty to overthrow said government..."
its funny to see so many bitch about our government, and our policies (including myself) yet dont stand up and do a damn thing about it.
ye but if u tried to stand up to ur government i bet they would act quickly to disperse you guys in a flash saw hi lights of the debate obamas screwed (i think) but like us doesnt matter who you get they are all full of **** making promises they cant and wont make
ye but if u tried to stand up to ur government i bet they would act quickly to disperse you guys in a flash saw hi lights of the debate obamas screwed (i think) but like us doesnt matter who you get they are all full of **** making promises they cant and wont make
see thats the thing, if 1-100 people stand up, they'll disperse them, but what if a nation stood up and said enough is enough?
France had a military too, and they stood up.
but its like the saying goes you talk the talk but can you walk the walk and who's got the balls whos got no guts no glory not enough people. we had riots in london this year students protesting against students bills some students were peacefull overs went to cause trouble and started looting stores attaking police its the youth that have no control and dont know right from wrong in my view gone are the days you could smack your kids when they stepped out of line stupid laws do you guys have human rites act over there?
I aint bitching, I feel sorry for them. Polotitians
They are stuck between knowing what needs done, and what the people want done.
There is a group of citizens for everything, and they all expect thiers.
Polotitions are stuck on a sinking ship, trying to hold it together.
Its a all out ditch effort to buy time.
America survives by the free market, yet everyone things government should control price of gas.
Why shouldnt they control the price of electric?
Why shouldnt they control price of food?

And the answer is obvious, They cant control the price of any of them, or they might as well control all of them.
It is what it is, and there is no slowing it down now.
The crash is going to be spectacular, so just enjoy the show.
im not critisising you its the over majority that refuse to things and accept things as they are and say thats tha way the world is
I assure you nothing you say can ever offend me.
But if you would be so kind as to elaberate, thats what we are here for to share ideas.
What things are so out of whack that is not a direct result of peoples choices.
The fact remains that the way things are is caused by peoples actions not government actions.
The majarity of people want to have someone to blame, but never recognise the person in the mirror.
One of the faults of government is allowing the people to be trained that there is a hand-out at every turn.
And the fault of the people is the mentality that they deserve it.

It is imposible to believe, that it will change. So it is what it is, The peoples mentality, not the governments.
There are issues I have with the government, dont get me wrong, but it is the people that is sucking the life from this world not them.
What is your opinion on this?
What 3 things specifically would you like the govermnent to do to make your life better?
but its like the saying goes you talk the talk but can you walk the walk and who's got the balls whos got no guts no glory not enough people. we had riots in london this year students protesting against students bills some students were peacefull overs went to cause trouble and started looting stores attaking police its the youth that have no control and dont know right from wrong in my view gone are the days you could smack your kids when they stepped out of line stupid laws do you guys have human rites act over there?
yes we do, its called child protective services (CPS, or Dcps) according to parenting classes, your allowed to spank your kid, with an open hand, up to 3 times with clothes on, anything else is child abuse.

as much as i understand this policy, i think that in some cases it does lead to the whole "spare the rod, spoil the child" type situation. kids today get away with bologna, that our parents/grandparents would have whooped our butts for, usually with a belt or switch.
its funny that these judges that make these laws stick, and condem others for doing so, were probably whooped when they were kids as well, and look at them now, their judges, pillers of society.

again i do understand why though, me myself, i was severly beaten by fist + etc, by a 245lb 5'9 man w/22" arms till i was bloody when i did wrong (although to him i was in training to his white racist gang movement). so i do understand the reason, i just think CPS has too much power, but thats another story.
I assure you nothing you say can ever offend me.
But if you would be so kind as to elaberate, thats what we are here for to share ideas.
What things are so out of whack that is not a direct result of peoples choices.
The fact remains that the way things are is caused by peoples actions not government actions.
The majarity of people want to have someone to blame, but never recognise the person in the mirror.
One of the faults of government is allowing the people to be trained that there is a hand-out at every turn.
And the fault of the people is the mentality that they deserve it.

It is imposible to believe, that it will change. So it is what it is, The peoples mentality, not the governments.
There are issues I have with the government, dont get me wrong, but it is the people that is sucking the life from this world not them.
What is your opinion on this?
What 3 things specifically would you like the govermnent to do to make your life better?
you gotta remember bro, the government is made up of people too. the rich want a hand out as much as the poor. the easier they can make millions more the better, and certain laws/admendments etc are put into place because they are paid for by people like big oil etc.
hell, you can look at campain contrabutions and see just how many rich basterds fund moneys for a campain, because if he/she gets into presidency might be able to do something to make them money. nothens free in this life, people dont just contribute millions of dollars w/o wanting something in return.
tbh, this would be #1. to set a cap on PAC funds that a canidet is allowed to spend on a campain race of ANY governmental office, from president-mayor etc.
#2 would be a vote on war.
when there's a war, billions of dollars are spent, who do you think pay that back?
wars can and have left America in finacial ruin, dont you think we, and not congress/presidentcy should have a vote on this?
but hey we're just sheep that'll listen to any story they tell for it to be in their best intrest to get us to vote the way they want anyway, so there may as well be no point to my #2.
#3. open fort Knox, lets see whats really in there.

do you want more? cuz i could go on all day?
#1, thats a good one, I have heard this before from others, I think its great that they Spend that much. That is that much of them horrable greedy peoples money that is returned to the economy, lol.(tongue in cheek)
#2 interesting, before I comment on this subject I would be curious if the individual person should get to vote on subsidised food benifits, forced insurance, or foriegn aid. I am getting at is my curious if you are against the constitution, and all for a direct diplomatic state, is it just this subject or many others.
After all we need the line to be drawn somewhere.
#3 What does it matter what is in it, our money has long ago not been backed by gold, Therefore there is no reason to hold on to it. It could be full of dust, and it makes our money worth no less. 200 billion dollars worth of gold is not like a real treasure to the government anyways. Thats less than 3 years worth of food stamps in US, or
24 days of government spending. That was no typo, thats twenty four days of US spending is more than all the gold we had in fort knox. Here is the pisser, if it is (right) still there, it would be worth less than that on the global market, because of the volume. It would flood the market, making everyones gold worth less. I believe the truth is all the gold that was in it is now owned by the Federal reserve, which we know is a bank, not part of the government, and has been systematically released since the 1970s to stabalize the gold market. Either way, dont see how it would change anything. It is thier power to do with it what they wanted spend, save, trade.

I completely agree that the worse thing we did as a country was to come off of the gold standard, it was the beginning of the end.
If we tried to go back on it gold would have be worth $10,000 a ounce at the mass of money we have now printed, because of the inflation that this error caused. The fact still remains they broke no laws trading it. (if they did) And it makes nothing better if they didnt.
#1, thats a good one, I have heard this before from others, I think its great that they Spend that much. That is that much of them horrable greedy peoples money that is returned to the economy, lol.(tongue in cheek)
#2 interesting, before I comment on this subject I would be curious if the individual person should get to vote on subsidised food benifits, forced insurance, or foriegn aid. I am getting at is my curious if you are against the constitution, and all for a direct diplomatic state, is it just this subject or many others.
After all we need the line to be drawn somewhere.
#3 What does it matter what is in it, our money has long ago not been backed by gold, Therefore there is no reason to hold on to it. It could be full of dust, and it makes our money worth no less. 200 billion dollars worth of gold is not like a real treasure to the government anyways. Thats less than 3 years worth of food stamps in US, or
24 days of government spending. That was no typo, thats twenty four days of US spending is more than all the gold we had in fort knox. Here is the pisser, if it is (right) still there, it would be worth less than that on the global market, because of the volume. It would flood the market, making everyones gold worth less. I believe the truth is all the gold that was in it is now owned by the Federal reserve, which we know is a bank, not part of the government, and has been systematically released since the 1970s to stabalize the gold market. Either way, dont see how it would change anything. It is thier power to do with it what they wanted spend, save, trade.

I completely agree that the worse thing we did as a country was to come off of the gold standard, it was the beginning of the end.
If we tried to go back on it gold would have be worth $10,000 a ounce at the mass of money we have now printed, because of the inflation that this error caused. The fact still remains they broke no laws trading it. (if they did) And it makes nothing better if they didnt.
1. too bad that money isnt used in community. (after presidential candacy). what i ment is, the rich run ****, fund other rich people to fund ****, while all along a poor individual (or maybe just a bit less rich or no funders) that would revelutionize this country back to the way it dhould be, is left in the dust by some way less worthy people because they dont have money??
2. constitution? doesnt costitution state "for the people, by the people"? not hey lets just sit back n watch them run this crap into the ground?
they dont know what the constitution is anymore, their too busy "admending" it.
3. what does it matter? did you just really ask that?
first off lets get past this couple billion nonsence. with wall to wall bricks of gold wed be talken trillions by todays market.
but thats not the big thing here, the big thing is, THATS OUR GOLD, not the governments!
when paper money was first issued, it was basicly an IOU for gold worths. the government, in not so many words, stole gold from the people. not so long ago it was illegal to own more than a few ounces of gold, the rest had to be turned over by law.
you have told others to do their homework, well my friend, i think you need to study this a bit more before concluding.

btw, what would it matter?
no gold=America totally broke, 17 trillion in debt, you do the math on the outcome.
Oh this is a good one. Let us remain calm and remember we are friends.
#1) Well this question has gotten way off track but I like it, this direction will be more fruitfull.
since you are so against the rich, I assume you are not rich, (me either, ) so ...................
How would you revelutionize this country back to the way it should be if you had money to work with like you said?
You did not answer #2 Are you for the way the government was set up, or are you for a Direct Demacracy? Exactly how many things should there be referandum for.

#3 Now this one my friend made me laugh. ITS OUR GOLD AND WE WANT IT NOW, in the style like JG Wentwryhs commertials. I can just see it now, Thousands lined up infront of the white house, with thier picket signs, and then here comes Mr. Wentworth on the back of one of those old timey flatbed trucks. wanting to get you settled up. ok 147,200,000 oz of gold divided among 314,000,000 citizens would be .4687, hell lets just call it 1/2 a oz per citizen for fun. $1,781 a oz. hell yeah thats like $890.00 a citizen. Considering roughly 35+% of people pay no taxes that would be a landslide to them. Of course most of them already get a landslide with unearned income credits, stimulous plans and grants. but hey Every citizen should still OWN thier $890 dollars worth of GOLD.
At this moment, I think that this is about like saying that the $780 dollars in food stamps, the hundreds in wic vouchers, and the medicade, my neighbor gets every month is a a slice of what I personally paid in last year in taxes.

Here is a good chance to teach me something new. You said,
"you have told others to do their homework, well my friend, i think you need to study this a bit more before concluding."

I have done my research many times on this, I hope you can specifically tell me what I missed. So let me do a refresher course, with some math.
You can help me come to a conclusion on the real value of such said OUR GOLD. I hope you take the time to read all of this before we do any more concluding on it. Yet I find myself strangly entertained by what your thoughts may be.

Anyone who has done any research would know that the gold is now on the Federal Reserve Balance sheets, The federal reserve is a Private bank, that the US government works with not through. I am of the opinion, That even when our money was backed against gold, a dollar guaranteed the bearer a dollars worth of gold. The ownership of such gold is the question, HHmmm, how many of those notes do you have? I would like to extend an offer to you, I am interested in buying them. anyways. oh yeah the ownership of all the Gold. It personally being Literally, or metaphorically the individual persons. I would like to know your opinion on if the Gold was the peoples or the governments.
Even though we are the people, and the government is of and for the people, They act in proxy of us. And make decisions by our proxy votes. In the eyes of the constitution, They are we the people, and make decisions everyday that are legal constitutional decisions.

Has anyone ever questioned why we left the gold standard?
I believe, and it is opinion only.
In early 70s US was on the brink of literal bankrupcy on the gold standard.
East germany left the Bretton Woold system of Finance, That for people who dont know was the system of 44 countries that all agreed to be on our Gold standard, So they could all equally trade with each other, as in imports and exports and the like.
Anyways East germany left it for thier own Fiat system (like we have now)
Problem was, we had borrowed more from many countrys than we had the Gold to pay for,
So, THE PEOPLES GOLD, was owed to more places than there was Gold,
the PEOPLE had spent more in vietnam than it had.
Those loans were in US currency value, and we being called in.
In between 1969 and 1970 the gold coverage fell from 55% to 22% with loan payments comming due continuoisly.
The government had to do something, as the fears were comming to light
Many other countrys were contemplating thier own kinds of monetary systems.
We could only back 22% of the money owed with gold.
What choice did they have to correct their mistake,
They had to change the system, to make good thier debts and to have the money to opperate.
The plan was to pay off the debts, and then rebuy the gold and return to gold standard.

What the hell, they unleashed another force that had not been planned on. Smart people began using thier money before inflation took over, and started buying thier own gold. lets be honest, anyone whom had say 100 dollars could still buy Gold on the market, at that time for the value of the gold, hehehehe, thats what made the value of Gold go up. Hello, it was only the release of the private ownership of Gold in this country and all the others, that opened up the free market of Gold and allowed it to go up to the value that it is now. If we had stayed on the gold standard gold would not be worth so much as the demand for it would be less now wouldnt it.
Gold in 1970 39 a ounce 71) 45 72) 64 73) 107 83) 380 93) 392 today $1,781 a ounce

OUR gold was sold to the Federal Reserve, a private bank, to pay off our loans, Since we didnt have enough gold to do anyways, when we switched to a Fiat system, It takes a surplus of money to buy it back, something we all know The US has not had for a long time.

Lets put the boot on the other foot.
Other countries owed us money, the debts are called in, our social system is dependent on that money. If we dont get it, there will damn sure be revolts, and uprisings by the 7th as noone gets thier checks and foodstamps on the 1st. but those other countries say blow off. what happens to us.
We find ourselves in a situation exactly like the one that allowed WWII to begin in Germany, they were broke and desperate. 1970 WWII was still a fairly fresh memory, Most people whom had faught there only being 50 years old. The fear of returning to that desperation, what choice did US they have but to be able to pay thier debts to the countries they owed?

Was it the right choice, Looking back I would like to say I think not, but have been unable to come up with a better solution to the near world problem, that US had made in thier borrowing practices. That US has historically kept making ever since.

You say,
"btw, what would it matter?
no gold=America totally broke, 17 trillion in debt, you do the math on the outcome. "

1) I say, we were broke the day we had to borrow money to pay a debt. its just that simple. when all you can do is borrow more money to pay the intrest on money you borrowed you are broke, Hello, anyone whom knows the deficit knows this has been the case since 1950 atleast.

2) since we are no longer on the Gold standard it does not matter if it is there or not...........or are you insinuating that it should be sold to pay the debt, which if you are you could not complain if that is what they did at the time. now can you.

3) 147,200,000 oz of OUR gold in Fort Knox 1970, (if its still there) multiplied by the $1,781 that it would be worth today.= 262,163,200,000
UH WELL that looks like 2 hundred and sixty two billion to me. Which is roughly, lets see 4x to make 1 trillion so we owe 17 trillion 4x17 is 68
So it is fair to say it would take (safe side) 60 of the most gold WE THE PEOPLES gold supositorys to pay the debt. Yes 60 times more gold than we have ever possessed. If your #s dont mesh with mine I would like to see them.

4) I did the math, I did it before a long time ago, thats why I have so many conexes buried. I see the outcome if its there or not its a drop in the bucket. I see the outcome coming, I know what will be the end of days if nothing else gets us only first. What I see is logically irreversable, and 100% feeding on itself.

4) Its obvious now its put in perspective isnt it. America is totally broke, and is why more Guests should register RIGHT NOW, so they can begin to prepare for what is comming.

I know this was long, I hope it was enlightening to those that suffered through it.
PS, just for the record 2 months after everyone turned in thier gold, Congress raised the price of gold by 69%, so they could print more money.
The truth is we have not been on a true gold backed standard since 1933, as thats when government was trying to end the depression.
History is a tricky devil to track down, with all its twists and turns.