What Will Disappear First

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Mar 5, 2020
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Thought this list would be a helpful reminder to long term Preppers and a learning tool for new ones.

1. Generators
Prices can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands. Lots of fuel must be stored(away from home).

2. Water Filters/Purifiers
The Sawyer Mini Water Filter is highly recommended and widely available. For higher usage volume check out the Sawyer Bucket Kit.

3. Zippo Lighters, butane, Bic lighters

4. Seasoned Firewood
(About $100 per cord; wood takes 6 – 12 mos. to become dried, for home uses.)

5. Lamp Oil, Wicks, Lamps
(First choice: Buy CLEAR oil. If scarce, stockpile ANY!)

6. Tents

7. Guns, Ammunition, Pepper Spray, Knives, Clubs, Bats and Slingshots
Any means of defense will be highly sought after.

8. Manual Can Openers
These can be picked up for as little as $1.00 each.

9. Sweeteners such as sugar and honey.

10. Rice – Beans – Wheat
(White rice is now around $20.oo – 50# bag @ Sam’s Club, pack in Mylar with oxygen absorbers)

11. Vegetable oil (for cooking)
(Without it food burns/must be boiled, etc.)

12. Charcoal and Lighter fluid
These will disappear QUICKLY post-event.

13. Water containers
Any container that can hold water. Water will need to be stored AND transported.

14. Propane Heaters
This includes the larger Mr. Heater models and smaller versions.

15. Grain Grinder (Non-electric)

16. Propane Cylinders

17. Silver/Gold

18. Buckets

19. Baby Supplies: Diapers/formula/ointments/aspirin, etc

20. Laundry Supplies for Manual Use
Washboards, plungers, and also compact washer machines

21. Cookstoves
(Propane, Coleman, and Kerosene

the rest of the list here: The "NEW" First 100 Things To Disappear After The SHTF - 1776PatriotUSA.com
problem with a list like that? - if a prepper is affected by those items being not available for very long << if at all >>> at the beginning of a SHTF - you aren't prepping at all - much less poorly ....

same same actually for a newbie prepper >> shouldn't need to be told or reminded what he/she needs to be stocking & stocking heavy ...

This is for Nancy’s face.
I have seen the list but from the last go around (March/April) not much of it seemed to hold true. Toilet Paper, Hand Sanitizer, and bottled water were the first things to go.

Acquiring many of the things on the list would be a good idea, but I don't think anybody knows what will go and what will stay. Much will depend on the reason for the SHTF event.
In a doomsday scenario, I think most things will disappear equally fast. As soon as shipping comes to a stop, studies have shown that in 2 weeks many honest people are willing to steal and at 3 weeks law abiding citizens are willing to kill for food. After all, it is common for the average American household to only have 3 days of food in their house. If anything were to happen such that we are worried about everything becoming unavailable, you better have it on hand ahead of time.
#40 cracks me up....women’s makeup! 🤪

When the SHTF and there’s anarchy in the streets, the last thing I can imagine the rampaging hordes doing is pillaging the local beauty salon.

That's to make the ladies happy and the men happier when looking at them.
GP. Thanks for the link and post. It is a great way to help point new preppers in the right direction. No list is an end all, for all people, but there has to be a starting point. The list should help new preppers get into a proper mind set. Not take things for granted. I copied the list and created a paper copy. Thanks again.
My wife does not even HAVE any makeup or jewelry...I am so lucky. But I already gave away half of my 400 BIC lighters and 1000 candles to the family when I moved to my BOL.
Does anybody miss the paperclips, fingernail files and kitestring on the list? I was really shocked also to not see any tarpaper, bags of cement, sheetrock, buckets of nails and screws, hand saws and drills, extra parts for my chainsaw and lawnmower too. Am I getting tooo candid? Just joking, good list for starters and newbies tho.
PEOPLE, we just wanna survive and not try to rebuild the world after the SHTF. Don't know about you but I have a limited budget and space for my stuff...Gary
I went through the entire list, and I have 95% of what is on it. The other 5% I really don't think I need. Goats/Chickens? Seriously? Cigarettes? O.K. if you smoke or want to barter. Saline solution for contacts? Again, O.K. if you use it. Nobody in my household wears contacts. Certainly, your resources would be better spent elsewhere.

I am in no way being noble. IMHO even if you live in an apartment you probably have 90% of this stuff already. My recommendation would be to go through your house room by room, and see where your supplies might be lacking. If everything went to hell in a hand basket which items would be the most difficult to replicate from natural resources? These are the items I would want to stock up on. Another point of view might be "doing things like Grandma and Grandpa used to do." No modern conveniences. Good old fashioned hand tools and elbow grease. If the power grid went down what would be the most significant impact.?
I went through the entire list, and I have 95% of what is on it. The other 5% I really don't think I need. Goats/Chickens? Seriously? Cigarettes? O.K. if you smoke or want to barter. Saline solution for contacts? Again, O.K. if you use it. Nobody in my household wears contacts. Certainly, your resources would be better spent elsewhere.

I am in no way being noble. IMHO even if you live in an apartment you probably have 90% of this stuff already. My recommendation would be to go through your house room by room, and see where your supplies might be lacking. If everything went to hell in a hand basket which items would be the most difficult to replicate from natural resources? These are the items I would want to stock up on. Another point of view might be "doing things like Grandma and Grandpa used to do." No modern conveniences. Good old fashioned hand tools and elbow grease. If the power grid went down what would be the most significant impact.?

There has been a misconception regarding this list. I didn’t make it clear. It is not your typical “ what will you need list“...it is an actual list of WHAT disappeared first from being Available in Bosnia during the war.

We girls do love our makeup, even in hard times! LOL

Thank you all for your input so far! It makes for a good conversation where we all gain knowledge IMHO.

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