The siege of Mariupol

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Sep 7, 2013
A good example of how difficult it is to find out what is really going on. February 16th: Police on alert for Nazis headed to Ukraine – reports
TASIKHERBAL.COM, March 1st: Mariupol Nazi Battalions Plan Mass Homicide False Flag March 9th: “Since the start of the military operation, this Mariupol maternity hospital has been occupied by 2 companies of the 36th Marine Brigade, and all patients and staff have been evicted to other facilities, and some even to their homes.”
CNN, March 10th: Russian airstrike on maternity hospital kills 3 and injures 17, March 10th: Fighters from the Azov and Aidar nationalist battalions (NAZIs) are shelling DPR troops in Mariupol from their positions in schools, hospitals, maternity hospitals and kindergartens.
New York Post, March 11th: Pregnant blogger Mariana Vishegirskaya seen fleeing maternity hospital in Mariupol after Russian air strike., March 11th: Mariupol Maternity Hospital Attack Looks Like Fake

So, did the Russians conduct an airstrike on a maternity hospital full of staff and patients?
Did the Russians conduct an airstrike on a maternity hospital being used by NAZI forces in Mariupol?
Did the NAZIs bomb the maternity hospital as a False Flag operation?
Was the bombing of the maternity hospital staged by the Ukrainians?
ASB Military News
Militants of the Azov nationalist battalion blew up the Mariupol theater building, which they rigged with explosives earlier, Russian Defense Ministry announced Wednesday.
The Defense Ministry debunked Kiev’s accusations of an airstrike on the theater building, where civilians could have been held hostage.
"During daylight on March 16, Russian aviation carried out no missions involving strikes on ground targets within Mariupol limits. According to the verified information, militants of the Azov nationalist battalion carried out another bloody provocation by blowing up the rigged theater building," the Ministry of Defense said.
"Previously, refugees that escaped Mariupol, informed that Nazis from the Azov battalion could have held civilians hostage in the theater building, using the upper floors as emplacements," the Ministry added.

The Ministry also stated that, "considering the potential danger for civilians, and considering the March 9 provocation with the Mariupol hospital number 3, the theater building has never been considered as a strike target."
40.7KviewsMar 16 at 16:45

Read the comments on Twitter . . .

Russians as the bad guys have been pushed down our throats for year as it is always Russia’s fault. These Nazi’s from the Azov battalion are very bad mercenary type that I’ve read about. They have apparently been bombing eastern Ukraine for a long while now. Supposedly killing about 18,000. Also heard the “government” doesn’t want to dig up the rubble to look for survivors??
ASB Military News
Militants of the Azov nationalist battalion blew up the Mariupol theater building, which they rigged with explosives earlier, Russian Defense Ministry announced Wednesday.
The Defense Ministry debunked Kiev’s accusations of an airstrike on the theater building, where civilians could have been held hostage.
"During daylight on March 16, Russian aviation carried out no missions involving strikes on ground targets within Mariupol limits. According to the verified information, militants of the Azov nationalist battalion carried out another bloody provocation by blowing up the rigged theater building," the Ministry of Defense said.
"Previously, refugees that escaped Mariupol, informed that Nazis from the Azov battalion could have held civilians hostage in the theater building, using the upper floors as emplacements," the Ministry added.

The Ministry also stated that, "considering the potential danger for civilians, and considering the March 9 provocation with the Mariupol hospital number 3, the theater building has never been considered as a strike target."
40.7KviewsMar 16 at 16:45

Read the comments on Twitter . . .

Russians as the bad guys have been pushed down our throats for year as it is always Russia’s fault. These Nazi’s from the Azov battalion are very bad mercenary type that I’ve read about. They have apparently been bombing eastern Ukraine for a long while now. Supposedly killing about 18,000. Also heard the “government” doesn’t want to dig up the rubble to look for survivors??

This is a cautionary tale about propaganda.
Russians as the bad guys have been pushed down our throats for year as it is always Russia’s fault.
The whole world ignored these nazis shooting russians and ukrainians in their own land for 8 years now, who want to be free from the nazi and corrupt "gov't" in Kiev supported by obummer and bidump. Just like Croatia and Cosovo.
NOW, the whole world is crying crocodile tears for the ukrainians who are being freed from the nazis by the russians. American politicians and elites have done more to provoke this and other wars; than many realise and want to admit.
I am seeing eyewitness and hearing first hand from the refugees what is going on. Many of the dead on the so-called "safe-corridors" leading out of the country, are being raided by the criminals (armed by Zelensky) and the nazis who are looting and killing anyone leaving (because they should stay and fight) or because it makes "good" bad news against Putin...
Any and every war is bad, Putin is not the good guy, but he was asked for help in Donbass and Luhansk JUST AS AMERICA AND NATO WERE ASKED FOR HELP IN COSOVO.
Do not try to convice me who is bad in "this war" or "that war". All wars are carried out on the backs of our children and must be paid for by our grandchildren and will be remembered to the 4th generation in pain of the losses.
Propaganda on the Ukrainian side is so deep it is hard to believe anything. Meanwhile, Russia has been taken off the media.

This is what makes the information coming from Ukraine even more suspect than normal war-time reporting already is.

We have seen here in the USA -- Facebook or Twitter will instantly shutdown anyone who opposes their position on anything.

That's a tactic of Communism -- only one voice gets heard, all else are silenced.
I am having a hard time with the Ukrainian nazis. To me it looks like a militia who adopted some runic and swastika-like symbols to gain attention. I know some Ukrainians fought with the Germans and against the Soviets but that was almost 80 years ago. Does anyone really think these militia guys are National Socialist philosophers and that a NS takeover of Ukraine or any where else in the region is likely? I chalk up Ukrainian Nazism of the side of Russian propaganda.
I am having a hard time with the Ukrainian nazis. To me it looks like a militia who adopted some runic and swastika-like symbols to gain attention. I know some Ukrainians fought with the Germans and against the Soviets but that was almost 80 years ago. Does anyone really think these militia guys are National Socialist philosophers and that a NS takeover of Ukraine or any where else in the region is likely? I chalk up Ukrainian Nazism of the side of Russian propaganda.

Part of it is Russian propaganda, you're right, but there is some truth to it and it's been around for a long time.
Goolge times after ASOW or enter the word in Youtube, you have enough to read, but I think it's good that you want to make your own picture of it, it is also a big matter in the direction.
The whole world ignored these nazis shooting russians and ukrainians in their own land for 8 years now, who want to be free from the nazi and corrupt "gov't" in Kiev supported by obummer and bidump. Just like Croatia and Cosovo.
NOW, the whole world is crying crocodile tears for the ukrainians who are being freed from the nazis by the russians. American politicians and elites have done more to provoke this and other wars; than many realise and want to admit.
I am seeing eyewitness and hearing first hand from the refugees what is going on. Many of the dead on the so-called "safe-corridors" leading out of the country, are being raided by the criminals (armed by Zelensky) and the nazis who are looting and killing anyone leaving (because they should stay and fight) or because it makes "good" bad news against Putin...
Any and every war is bad, Putin is not the good guy, but he was asked for help in Donbass and Luhansk JUST AS AMERICA AND NATO WERE ASKED FOR HELP IN COSOVO.
Do not try to convice me who is bad in "this war" or "that war". All wars are carried out on the backs of our children and must be paid for by our grandchildren and will be remembered to the 4th generation in pain of the losses.
I have to admit that I was one who didn't pay attention and basically had to take a crash course in Ukraine history. 2014 was a very significant when the Soros back Zelensky got elected with the help of Obama and Biden. The Media and I do mean ALL in the US wants to make Russia as the bad guys since this outbreak began with so many untrue stories that have been debunked once you look into them. I have yet seen any retractions from the MSM though. I had to do my own research and listen to people like you who are close to the lines to find out what I believe the truth is. When this first started, I really questioned and now I know I had reason to. It's like when they were pushing Orange Man bad. . . .

I really hope you get to enjoy your get away in Germany with your kids.
What gives a country the right to invade another country that has not attacked them?
If it were that simple, I would agree. This is my simplistic understanding.
In the 2014 installation of the current power of Ukarain, the Misk agreement said that Uk would not be part of NATO. Neither side of Minsk or Minsk II followed through.
Ukraine being put into NATO, put Putin over the edge and he invaded. The US has bio labs in Ukraine near Russian borders.
Russia is not totally innocent in this.
US is definitely not innocent in this.
Pick your side, if I were to do this openly, under my name, i would be hung as a Republican Heretic. Probably have CIA, FBI and any other 3 letter agency at my house.
Look, read, make up your own mind.
If I stop posting, you know what happened to me.
I think anything we believe about what is really happening is pure guesswork at this point. So many conflicting stories, so many news stories turning out to be hoaxes or fake. Russia invaded Ukraine, people are fleeing the country...this much I believe. Beyond that, I have no frickin' clue what is really happening over there.
If it were that simple, I would agree. This is my simplistic understanding.
In the 2014 installation of the current power of Ukarain, the Misk agreement said that Uk would not be part of NATO. Neither side of Minsk or Minsk II followed through.
Ukraine being put into NATO, put Putin over the edge and he invaded. The US has bio labs in Ukraine near Russian borders.
Russia is not totally innocent in this.
US is definitely not innocent in this.
Pick your side, if I were to do this openly, under my name, i would be hung as a Republican Heretic. Probably have CIA, FBI and any other 3 letter agency at my house.
Look, read, make up your own mind.
If I stop posting, you know what happened to me.

So if a country breaks an agreement or if a country does not like the other's country's new government, they are entitled to invade? If that is the case, there is no need for international law or the United Nations. Any nation can just claim a country could be a threat in the future and invade. The excuse does not wash. Russia wants a land buffer zone, just like the old Soviet Union had, just that simple. Russia is a nuclear superpower, they do not need a land buffer zone. That is old school military planning, which the Ukraine has proven to be defective thinking.

Heck. if that line of reasoning is acceptable, the USA should invade Mexico. Mexico is more of a threat to the USA, than the Ukraine was to Russia. Between the mass migration of illegals and Mexico being control by the drug Cartels, Mexico is both an economic problem and a security threat. Thousands of Americans die each year from drugs smuggles into the USA from Mexico.

I have no dog in this fight. I just hate bullies, American or Russian or any other country that uses military might to try and rule the world.
I can't sleep well at night for the terror imposed on this world. I wish I could face this evil face to face as in mano imano. I have dreamed of this day for I finally have. I bought a mirror. I'm sorry
Ok so we both agree it’s above our pay grade.
None of us have a dog in this fight.
My HS German teacher from the Ukraine might. I am not here to fight that fight for her.
I do not think the US is totally innocent.
I do not think Putin is TOTALLY wrong
Keep your eyes open and ears open. Somewhere in between will lye the truth.
I was apologizing for my corrupt media and pathetic government that I have been bamboozled by.. I'm sorry for trusting their word.
it’s easy to be bamboozeld by all of this.

Public discourse and intelligent discussion without “moderation” Asa censorship.
@tmttactical know each other enough to respect our opinions. At least I think.
it’s easy to be bamboozeld by all of this.

Public discourse and intelligent discussion without “moderation” Asa censorship.
@tmttactical know each other enough to respect our opinions. At least I think.

Fair and honest opinion are always welcome. As you have stated EW, the actual truth lies somewhere in the middle. Both sides spread BS deeper than a fertilizer factory. The elites on both sides always blame the other side and the grunts (soldiers) and civilians always pay the price.
Fair and honest opinion are always welcome. As you have stated EW, the actual truth lies somewhere in the middle. Both sides spread BS deeper than a fertilizer factory. The elites on both sides always blame the other side and the grunts (soldiers) and civilians always pay the price.
I knew you saw through it.
respect you opinion.
Heck. if that line of reasoning is acceptable, the USA should invade Mexico. Mexico is more of a threat to the USA, than the Ukraine was to Russia. Between the mass migration of illegals and Mexico being control by the drug Cartels, Mexico is both an economic problem and a security threat. Thousands of Americans die each year from drugs smuggles into the USA from Mexico.

You're right. But we are being attacked with tactics which do not classify as acts of war. That's intentional. Their attack is designed to make us look like the bad guys if we invaded. But we have every right. They are attacking us.

As I see it, Russia was in the same position. The "international community" is a joke. The UN is a money-wasting farce. Russia has been complaining about Ukraine since 2014 -- to the UN. Their complaints are ignored, just as the proof they're providing about the biolabs is being ignored.
I have not seen this talked about by any Government
Pre 1990 all Eastern bloc countries did not have much freedom in there lives being controlled by the USSR , they had nuclear weapons' stationed in there countries from USSR , Europe had no buffer zone to speak of , but also stationed NW there side ,this seemed to work out fine for both sides , now the shoe seems to be on the other foot that Russia does not have much of a buffer zone anymore , & very few countries to control , so Putin wants to get back to pre 1990 , & the West is paying for his expansion hopes with all that has been bought from Russia , the same is happening with China , again the West is paying with all the goods bought from China , so the future holds interesting times ahead , this is just my observation,
I think anything we believe about what is really happening is pure guesswork at this point. So many conflicting stories, so many news stories turning out to be hoaxes or fake. Russia invaded Ukraine, people are fleeing the country...this much I believe. Beyond that, I have no frickin' clue what is really happening over there.

So very true, let's also look at what has turned out to be lies. Who has those proven lies been coming from? Which side has repeatedly lied about everything? It looks like the lies are predominantly coming from one side.
Regardless of which country is right ( or more right) I do not want civilians in Ukraine or Dombass killed. I do not want Ukrainian or Russian soldiers killed. This all should have been worked out without war. It is a tragedy.
Regardless of which country is right ( or more right) I do not want civilians in Ukraine or Dombass killed. I do not want Ukrainian or Russian soldiers killed. This all should have been worked out without war. It is a tragedy.

I wish it could be, but you can't work things out with Evil in a peaceful manner.
You're right. But we are being attacked with tactics which do not classify as acts of war. That's intentional. Their attack is designed to make us look like the bad guys if we invaded. But we have every right. They are attacking us.

As I see it, Russia was in the same position. The "international community" is a joke. The UN is a money-wasting farce. Russia has been complaining about Ukraine since 2014 -- to the UN. Their complaints are ignored, just as the proof they're providing about the biolabs is being ignored.

Ask the magi question, why are countries wanting to or have joined NATO? Joining NATO is not a free ride and it comes with many substantial burdens. If Russia can't win the hearts and minds of other countries, then they have a problem with what ever they are doing wrong. No country is entitled to invade another country because they don't like the other countries allies. If Russia does not like the tactic of the West, find a non-violent way to beat them. Russia has enough natural resources to make it very beneficial to Join a Russia alliance. Discount on Russian oil, gas or other desirable resources or added financial aid. Carrots work a heck of a lot better than the stick. Russia chose to use the stick on the Ukraine. It will be the most expensive mistake Russia has ever made, since signing a treaty with Nazi Germany.

Here is some more food for thought. Should America have attacked Russian when Russia first tried to develop a nuclear bomb? After all Russia could become a nuclear threat in the Future? Remember no matter how thin you slice the bread, it has two sides.

Yes the U.N. is a joke. The major powers of the world hold veto power, so nothing will ever get done. The USA cannot demand the U.N. sanction Russia, as China and Russia have veto votes. The same applies when Russia complains about the Ukraine, the USA has veto powers.

As far as "Good Guy vs. Bad Guy" the west, Russia and China spend their time and efforts pointing fingers at the other guys. The real fact is all sides and almost all governments are the bad guys from somebody else's perspective.
there wont be much if anything of Mariupol and Ukraine left standing after the Russians have finished, their advance has been brought to a halt so they are bombing everything into rubble in retaliation.