Solar storms/CME's

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Space Weather News --- Here is a site for those that take CME's serious . Here they give an daily update on CME threats as well as other space things going sideways such as incoming meteorites . I have it on my favorites bar as I don't expect the government to warn us of a d-m thing . Lately we have been seeing a lot of CME's ., but so for the big ones " x class " has missed us . When that happens " and it is just a matter of when " those dependent on phones and the electric grid " ain't gona to be happy " . --- Update from Space Weather News . Last night a large CME ejected from the sun and is headed to earth . It should reach us within 42 hours . However the space geek says " this is not the big one " . Watch it for yourself on the link .
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Space Weather News--- You guys should take about 4 minutes of your time to watch this one . Two " X Class " CME are incoming . One will hit then be followed up by a second hit . However we are receiving an outer hit , " not the direct hit " that would create a life altering result .
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First x class CME should be making impact around dawn in the morning " Tuesday morning " Wouldn't it be interesting to see traffic jammed up as cars and trucks suddenly stopped on the highways from their melted electronics . Actually though that ain't likely to provide preppers entertainment tomorrow , as the incoming CME is supposedly a glancing hit " this time " .
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I get my daily solar and propogation info here:
Space Weather News --- On the suns last rotation it spit out " three X class CME " . One missed and the other two we just received the edge of . Well the volatile side is once again rotating to face earth and guess what the scientist see . Yes a potential for the big grid crashing , car stopping big one , has rotated into view . It has not got itself into position " yet "to take aim at earth . We are under a watch status for the big one . -- It is a good thing we all prepared for a grid down , no water running and non-existent stores . Anyway the link is above for anyone that cares .
For those that frequently travel substantial distances by motor vehicle , such as back and forth to work , now is a good time to have a get home bag in your vehicle ., as vehicles may roll to a halt when / if - the big one hits this week . The chaos on the interstates will be a sight to see , but I will probably miss such entertainment as I don't leave my bug out location often and when I do , I don't have any major roads to contend with . Actually though I will know if an CME is enroute probably at least a day before it arrives so I will be sure to be bugged in .
For those that frequently travel substantial distances by motor vehicle , such as back and forth to work , now is a good time to have a get home bag in your vehicle ., as vehicles may roll to a halt when / if - the big one hits this week . The chaos on the interstates will be a sight to see , but I will probably miss such entertainment as I don't leave my bug out location often and when I do , I don't have any major roads to contend with . Actually though I will know if an CME is enroute probably at least a day before it arrives so I will be sure to be bugged in .

My vehicles are also protected. Don't want to be stranded from my survival property.
Interestingly , since yesterday the sun spit out two Coronal mass ejections simultaneously . They were not of the strength to harm earth and were not rotated " yet " into position to take aim at earth . What a day if they spit out like a double barrel shotgun with both triggers pulled loaded with x class ammunition . They will rotate into position , the only question is will they fire at earth .--- From a preppers viewpoint - What happens first a transformer melting Corona; Mass Ejection or a Transformer melting Electrical Magnetic Pulse . Either way " the day of the prepper " will be here .
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Some big Coronal mass ejections are now being ejected from the sun . Thankfully a very long lasting one held back and didn't spit out until the rotation had already turned for enough so as it didn't go in earths direction . Other potential ejections are now turning to face earth . My last update was about 12 hours ago , so what has happened in those 12 hours ., I can not say .
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