Islamic/Muslim Threat Shipping Crisis

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Sep 7, 2013
The shipping crisis opened a new chapter in the Red Sea with the Houthis launching a USV (Unscrewed Surface Vessel AKA a drone boat) in the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait.

Time for a thread dedicated to the global shipping crisis.

Major carriers are diverting from the Suez Canal route to the Cape route which adds a week to the shipping time and significantly more cost to customers. The Biden Administration won't take on the Houthis directly which allows them to basically operate with impunity. When the Barbary Pirates threatened shipping, Thomas Jefferson sent in the Marines ( the shores of Tripoli...)
Not only is the suez canal being severely restricted in relation of ships going through , so is the Panama canal . The Panama canal is only able to send smaller and fewer ships through due to low water levels in a lake . they need water to raise and lower the locks . -- These shipping problems underscore the wisdom of preppers that strived for self-sufficiency in the food department . Depending on a neighbor's resources ain't self-sufficiency .
This is all the fault of Joe Biden and Netanyahu, well I don't know how this affects the USA with the ship detours, Europe is hit hard in part.
The more the Israelis escalate towards Iran, the worse the mess will be, if Joe also intends to play the great war hero there, a lot of Americans will lose their lives against Iran and the US debt will rise into the beyond.
From my point of view, the Arabs should be left to sort it out among themselves, the violence in Gaza is already escalating, if Iran is attacked or feels compelled to intervene then good night ****.

There needs to be a round table between Israel and the Arabs and Russia and the Ukraine, but Joe should stop financing and escalating this **** very quickly, otherwise more than one trouble spot will blow up before the next US election. I have the feeling that Joe's idiot wants to put a big problem in the nest of a possible successor.

One thing is certain, if the liar Joe is elected again, he will no longer be able to solve the problems he is now actively causing himself.
Lets not forget the mining of the black sea . That is another shipping stoppage . So we have the Suez Canal , the Panama Canal and the Black sea severely restricted in the shipping that is getting through . That is here and now , not some projection . The projection , gets much worse but to keep from shoving this thread in another direction will not mention .
All these shipping issues have been planned and are being done on purpose. How best to kill billions of people? Starve them and take their required meds. The USA would have plenty of food for our Citizens, but the evil biden regime is doing everything they can to stop our abundant food supply! Medications, the kind required by many to live (like my Mother) will be the first to disappear. Who else thinks they were testing out our reaction of “needed foods“ when biden GAVE our baby formula away to other countries and caused a huge shortage to newborns here?
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From my point of view, the Arabs should be left to sort it out among themselves, the violence in Gaza is already escalating, if Iran is attacked or feels compelled to intervene then good night ****.
The same way Putin is allowing the EU and NATO to blow its ammo and weapons (stored for WWIII) in a puny little nation like the Ukraine and then be able to attack an almost defenseless and un-armed group of woke idiots....
if it grows into a mass murder of the shiites and sunnites in the ME...let them take things into their own hands as they have done for 10,000 years now and have destroyed their lands, nations, folk and own culture over and over again.....
The 30 year war, the 100 year war, the Crusades, Napoleonic War, WWI, WWII, and now the Ukraine?????
The Europeans, the Africans, the Chinese and Middle East have done nothing but kill each other for thousands of years and have learned NOTHING from the senseless killing except...HOW TO DO IT BETTER AND FASTER....
Above all, the powerful scumbags of the West have learned to let others do the dirty work at the front.
For this reason, thousands of Ukrainian men, now Ukrainian women, have been burned to death at the front for months.
Zelensky is either so stupid that he doesn't notice it himself, that he's just being used, or he's part of this Western dirty system (well, he is in one way or another).

If the West itself had to sacrifice its own men to the front in eastern Ukraine, it would probably have initiated peace negotiations with Russia long ago.
Every government here would know that it would be overthrown by its own people within a short time to fuel such a senseless war.
We will have a huge problem one day if things continue like they are now.
I don't give 2 shits for any country in the ME, including Isreal. The US should stop sending taxpayers $$ and weapons to the ME and let them settle their own problems. Same for Ukraine. Maybe if the US wasn't propping up all these ******** countries they would be forced to get along with their neighbors.
Except for oil I don't know why anyone would give a crap about the ME. And we have more oil here in the US than in the ME.
The Houthis launch the biggest drone and missile attack yet...
and the Biden Administration responds by rattling their sabres...again.
Somehow they think harsh words with make the Houthis quake in their boots.
This administration is SUCH A JOKE!

CENTCOM reiterated a Jan. 3 warning from the U.S. and partners against the Houthis launching further attacks. “The Houthis will bear the responsibility for the consequences should they continue to threaten lives, the global economy, or the free flow of commerce in the region’s critical waterways,” the statement said.
The Houthis launch the biggest drone and missile attack yet...
and the Biden Administration responds by rattling their sabres...again.
Somehow they think harsh words with make the Houthis quake in their boots.
This administration is SUCH A JOKE!

CENTCOM reiterated a Jan. 3 warning from the U.S. and partners against the Houthis launching further attacks. “The Houthis will bear the responsibility for the consequences should they continue to threaten lives, the global economy, or the free flow of commerce in the region’s critical waterways,” the statement said.
So the USA has dealt with World Wars , the soviet union , Sadam Hussain and his 3rd largest military in the world . And killed terrorists around the world . But the China Joe administration ran from the taliban and is stopped in their tracks by a group that calls themselves houthis from Yemen ???
Hopefully this is fixed November 2024 .
The problem is, that's all they are doing. Instead of going after the source of the drones and missiles, they are waiting for them to be launched before doing anything. They need to take out the source but this administration doesn't have the cajones to do it.
I'm not sure if ours will, military leaders here are saying thats what we need to do.
One theory being floated - When this thing explodes , it will not just be Israel entering full scale war but other nations as well , The theory revolves around the Country of Lebanon going full scale war mode against Israel and supporting countries of Israel joining in . In other words creeping into the growing conflict will halt and full scale war involving Iran and friends against Israel and friends will be sudden and explosive . -- That is the theoretical reason a more aggressive retaliation has not been taken against the Muslims up to this point . It will be a coordinated response . -- That is not what I am predicting , and remain neutral on this theory , but it is what some are expecting .
Just a reminder in case people have forgotten their history. (or were never taught it in the first place) The Muslim countries have tried coordinated attacks on Israel several times before over the years.
Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordon, and Iraq tried a coordinated all out attack on Israel in 1967.
They outmanned the Israelis 2 to one.
They had twice as many aircraft.
They had 4 times as many tanks.
None of the coordinated attacks ended well for them, but the one in 1967 was particularly disastrous. The areas where they launched the attacks from were captured by the Israelis in only six days. Egypt lost the Sinai and the Gaza Strip, Jordan lost the West Bank, Syria lost the Golan Heights.

The Israeli military is much much more disciplined that those of the surrounding countries.