Seductive Killer androids

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Dec 7, 2013
I wonder if, in the future, companies might buy fleets of sex robots to try and seduce us into buying things. If the profit from sales the sex robots generated were greater than the cost of building them, then, even if you didn't buy a sex android, a sex android operated by a company might still walk up to you and try and seduce you into buying stuff for them (and pass the profits over to the company)

Could sex androids seduce people into bankruptcy?

Given how effective multilayered neural networks are at doing pretty much anything they are trained to do, could future sex androids literally become irresistable? Could they even seduce you into handing over all your supplies...and is there any way to prepare for it?
Onthe just went full tin foil.never go full tin foil..
I wonder if, in the future, companies might buy fleets of sex robots to try and seduce us into buying things. If the profit from sales the sex robots generated were greater than the cost of building them, then, even if you didn't buy a sex android, a sex android operated by a company might still walk up to you and try and seduce you into buying stuff for them (and pass the profits over to the company)

Could sex androids seduce people into bankruptcy?

Given how effective multilayered neural networks are at doing pretty much anything they are trained to do, could future sex androids literally become irresistable? Could they even seduce you into handing over all your supplies...and is there any way to prepare for it?
While this may--in principle--be a concern (especially with new developements in artificial intelligence), I think that there are many, many more likely things to worry about.

Long before androids become sophisticated enough to seduce people, they will be weaponized to use on the battlefield.

If anyone thinks that I need an aluminum foil hat, then I invite them to consider the weaponized drones that are (and have been) being used now.
Other then the drones that bomb cities to shot down air craft etc etc...i don't think that we have much to worry about if anything at all.when it comes to much more then that during our life time.
AI is here whether we like it or not and it's going to be weaponized, perhaps not in our life time on a grand scale will maybe mine, that's just the nature of technology and that of the Armed Forces seeking advantages over foes. But sex robots coercing or subjectively changing one's mind is way out their, we aren't in the era of 'Blade Runner' yet.. maybe in a hundred years or so.
I guess every forum needs at least one topic of far fetched silly. This topic sure fills that bill.

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