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Awesome Friend
Nov 1, 2013
There was a post here about an emergency cell phone about three years ago. I would like to bring up the question again. In a worst case scenario, cell phones will probably be useless. If you live in more remote area s it will probably be a longer time before the towers have been repaired. At some point, however, they will (most likely) come up again. I have a nice cell phone but I am trying to find a phone that meets the following criteria:
1. Super dependable. I have always thought that Nokia candy bar phones met this criteria. I have friends who used theirs 8 years. They finally got rid of it because it was boring.
2. Excellent battery, as well as being energy efficient. Does no good to have a 4000 mamp battery if the phone will only standby for 40 hours.
3. Small
4. Be able to surf the web.
5. Would like it to be both cdma and gsm.
6. Less than $100 so that I can buy a couple of them.
Any ideas?
would think the older Nokias be as reliable as it can be,don't know about surfing the web though,but can't get all,I think.
My son just talked me into an 800 toy. He kept saying it isn't just a phone, but an important tool for business. I finally relented just to shut him up..... I admit, I'm addicted to my phone now too, but as long as it can access the internet I don't need the latest and greatest. I do search for parts and info daily, and my 300 dollar toy does just as well.