nuke map

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user 6493

Awesome Friend
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Oct 25, 2016
I printed one off for the UK several years ago.
Looking at the map for Alabama (I'm screwed hard and deep anyway), but it leads me to question why they'd mark Tuscaloosa.... all that's there are students and a Mercedes Benz plant....
Nope. Just an assembly plant. Not that big of a population either.

For me, to the east we have the US Army Missile Command and NASA. Thats easy t guess. To the west, a nuclear power plant. I'm so screwed it isn't funny and that's why I'm not prepping for an all out nuclear war.
Well, I'm currently screwed because I live near Fort Benning, and as long as my wife works there, we have no choice. But my BOL is FAR FAR away from anything even resembling a strategic target. Of course a nuclear attack on Fort Benning will not make it easy to escape to the BOL. I can't wait to get out of here permanently...
the closest thing ,is the 500 warhead triangle.which is above where i which i figure i got something to worry about,if it's nucalur warhead..and of course,thats got a lot to do with wind direction..then there's 2 black dots to the west of me.but then again.wind direction comes to mind.
I have looked at several different versions of this map,this one you can enlarge,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,if the a-holes do start a war I would rather we strike first,it would lessen the damage to the USA.......................................

the Black dot is them hitting first the triangle is if we hit first,,,there is no telling how accurate this map is

The map was made from an 1984 map, the 1984 map was made from a 1969 map. The last public nuclear target maps were from 1984, much of them targets no longer exist. The last FEMA US fallout pattern for prevailing winds was released in 1990 that is a reprint from 1969. Keep in mind that much of the information we have including maps are basically from the late 60s and the last maps released from FEMA were 1990 that's based on old information ;) Also remember technology has advanced enough that guidance systems are far more accurate thus no need to send 20 missiles to take out one silo.
One point to consider chaps is most nuclear armed countries now see the self destructive aspect of massive Multi Megaton GROUND based nukes and thanks to common sense and very accurate GPS systems most peoples nukes are now sub kiloton AIR burst weapons. Still a bummer if you are underneath it but if you are out of the blast / heat/ light zone the risk from fallout is negligible as air bursts create little or no fallout.
I've got some psoriasis cream you can have!:rolleyes:
psoriasis aint no joke I can tell you!!Shoot
Also remember technology has advanced enough that guidance systems are far more accurate thus no need to send 20 missiles to take out one silo.

Exactly. In addition:

Modern nukes are far less yield than during the Cold War
Modern nukes are airburst (meaning less fallout and radiation)
It ignores the impact of the BMDS (Ballistic Missile Defense System), which would likely eliminate many of the inbounds.
Nuclear war is actually a lot more survivable than most realize. We grew up with a lot of false information during the Cold War, so we (our generation) are really in the dark (unless you researched yourself) about the REAL affects of such a war.
Whoa! That is some more spread...I never realized there were that many potential nuclear targets in the US....Holy smokes! Kind of makes you rethink priority doesn't it?
Does it include stuff like major Railroad Yards, Freeway interchanges, Active shipping Canals, Large dams, large container terminals etc which are strategic targets?, and of course civilian reactors in research facilities and universities?
That's just it though. When you look at our enemies, most of the population of China is in about 6 geographic target areas. Most of Russia is concentrated in about 6-10 major target areas. The rest of both is vastly undeveloped. Compare that to the US, which is basically like attacking 50 different countries all at once. China and Russia are like snakes...cut off the head, and no more bite. The US is more like a hydra...cut off a head (state), and there are 49 more ready to bite you.
And most of the heads of the snake probably wouldn't mind all that terribly much if some of the bigger heads got cut off LOL
Wow! I always knew this was gonna be a screwed state but WOW! With all that purple and black all over my area already makes me feel bruised. lol If the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise I'm outta here this summer.
i moved from my last location because of a new proposed nuclear power station, which still hasn't been built and wont be online for another 10 years.

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