Now where did I put my shocked face???

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Sep 7, 2013
The specter of homeless encampments steadily expanding across the downtown streets of San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco – bringing with them a public health crisis...

Los Angeles’ homeless problem has now spread past Skid Row to much of downtown. The amount of feces littering the streets in San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco has led to a hepatitis outbreak that spread throughout the state’s homeless communities, infecting 694 people. It skipped Orange County.

Spitzer singled out for criticism Los Angeles and San Francisco. San Francisco’s feces problem is so bad that a website now exists to warn residents of which streets to avoid. Los Angeles raised taxes last year in order to build housing for the homeless and has started a roving toilet program.

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Overpopulation in general will lead to this sort of thing. This is why I'm pro choice and also in favor of doing everything possible to get people in 3rd world countries to stop breeding so much.
We definitely have an issue with homelessness. We should work hard to fix it, whatever it takes
I have been in San Diego and surrounding area's, the majority of the homeless want to be homeless....addicts and drunks mostly who are not at the point that they want help or want to fix themselves....most have been given help numerous times and they go back to the street. The mentally ill is a different story, not sure what can be done for them other than lock them in someplace to keep them off the streets....Still baffles me why so many stay in California, that place is a crap hole anyway....I had to go there for work and I would never go back.....
Skeeter, your bravery astounds me.

You don't want guns because you don't want to fight adults (who are strong). But you are jumping up and down happy to kill as many babies as you can to control population (who cannot fight back).

Skeeter, your bravery astounds me.

You don't want guns because you don't want to fight adults (who are strong). But you are jumping up and down happy to kill as many babies as you can to control population (who cannot fight back).


Babies is the wrong word. I am not in favor of late stage abortions.
What, not clear enough for you? You're the one that wanted to help the "homeless problem". I was just offering you a solution that should make you feel better. Or do you just want the tax payers to fund another wasteful program that will fail?

I'm not the only one who wants to fix the homeless problem. Everyone does, including you. The tax payers already pay big money because of homeless people, and it's ridiculous. So if we came up with a real solution that actually worked, I would be all for it.
I think they should set up little villages for the homeless. The villages would have restrooms and drinking water, and also security cameras.

That way the homeless wouldn't poop or do drugs on city sidewalks.
Both of you should pool all your money and make the difference....anyone homeless wanting better would be doing what's necessary to get better.....majority like living the way they do, all your money and goodwill won't mean anything or change can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink....
Both of you should pool all your money and make the difference....anyone homeless wanting better would be doing what's necessary to get better.....majority like living the way they do, all your money and goodwill won't mean anything or change can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink....

Your taxes are already going toward the homeless issue. You're telling me you don't want it resolved so your taxes can go toward more useful enterprises?
I'm not the only one who wants to fix the homeless problem. Everyone does, including you. The tax payers already pay big money because of homeless people, and it's ridiculous. So if we came up with a real solution that actually worked, I would be all for it.
I have a very simple solution to the"homeless" problem; quit feeding them! These bums are just like stray cats. As long as you feed them, they will keep coming around. There shouldn't be any tax payer money spent on this "problem", it just encourages more bums.
Babies is the wrong word. I am not in favor of late stage abortions.

You are absolutely right, my apologies. You are correct that a person that wants to kill babies does not want to call them babies! When do they become a baby? How about when they get a heartbeat? Ok, that's 3 weeks post conception. So is it a 'late stage' abortion after 3 weeks? Please clarify.

I think they should set up little villages for the homeless.

I just LOVE when a liberal talks about "they". The liberal never wants to admit that 'they' is a hand reaching into MY wallet. Let's start here, Skeeter, open YOUR house so homeless people can move in. Load them up brother! Let's see how many days, minutes or seconds you'll let them destroy what you've worked to create. No? Well then please explain why opening my wallet is any different? Because believe me they've done their best to destroy my wallet, why is your house any different?

I think AD nailed it. End the free* meals. End the free* housing. End the free* welfare. You'll be surprised how many of the homeless suddenly will be able and willing to work when they get really hungry. Or let the herd move to states that will keep these tax-funded giveaways going.

* "free" of course meaning they reach into MY wallet to fund these efforts. Keep in mind, I'm paying MORE in taxes each year than the average American earns (pre-tax). When you start paying taxes like this, THEN you can start talking to me about 'they'.
I have a very simple solution to the"homeless" problem; quit feeding them! These bums are just like stray cats. As long as you feed them, they will keep coming around. There shouldn't be any tax payer money spent on this "problem", it just encourages more bums.

If we don't spend any taxpayer money on them, they will die. I think if we spent taxpayer money the CORRECT way, rather than what we currently do, we wouldn't have homeless people trashing cities.
There are two quotes that come to mind here. Not sure who said them first, but I feel they are very relevant to this conversation about being "homeless"; "Being poor shouldn't be comfortable" and "An empty belly is the best incentive there is for a person to find a job".
We all know that throwing tax payers money at a problem has never solved anything. And it never will. If it did, every kid graduating public school would be a genius, there'd be no starving kids in Africa, no illegal drugs coming from south of the border, every country in the world would love us and there'd be no "poor" people in the US.
There are two quotes that come to mind here. Not sure who said them first, but I feel they are very relevant to this conversation about being "homeless"; "Being poor shouldn't be comfortable" and "An empty belly is the best incentive there is for a person to find a job".
We all know that throwing tax payers money at a problem has never solved anything. And it never will. If it did, every kid graduating public school would be a genius, there'd be no starving kids in Africa, no illegal drugs coming from south of the border, every country in the world would love us and there'd be no "poor" people in the US.

Taxes solve a lot of things, actually. To say otherwise is either dishonest or ignorant of facts.
Make it easy to be homeless, and guess what? You will have a homeless problem.

It's the same principle at "DON'T FEED THE BEARS" in Yellowstone.

And NO I'm not saying let people starve.

What happens when the tourists feed the bears? The bears get used to getting an easy meal and won't put out the effort to get a meal the natural way. Then they get to thinking that the easy food is owed to them and get unruly when they don't get it.

When tourists stop feeding the bears, do the bears starve? No!
Make it easy to be homeless, and guess what? You will have a homeless problem.

It's the same principle at "DON'T FEED THE BEARS" in Yellowstone.

And NO I'm not saying let people starve.

What happens when the tourists feed the bears? The bears get used to getting an easy meal and won't put out the effort to get a meal the natural way. Then they get to thinking that the easy food is owed to them and get unruly when they don't get it.

When tourists stop feeding the bears, do the bears starve? No!

We don't make it easy to be homeless. We kick homeless out of cities, we even build our benches so that they can't lay down on them. That costs us money by the way. And what happens? Do we still have homeless people? yup
San Francisco has some of the most liberal based laws in the Country . The Citizens have to be careful if they want to walk in their once Beautiful historic City Human waste and used needles line the sidewalks . There have been outbreaks of 3rd World diseases that are transmitted when Human waste dries and becomes air born and is breathed in . The Homeless are drawn to this City for social programs that enable their deadbeat parasitic lifestyle . The City creates its own Homeless with liberal response to the drug problem .
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San Francisco has some of the most liberal based laes in the Country . The Citizens have to be careful if they want to ealk in their once Beautiful historic City Human waste and used needles line the sidewalks . There have been outbreaks of 3rd World diseases that are transmitted when Human waste dries and becomes air born and is breathed in . The Homeless are drawn to this City for social programs that enable their deadbeat parasitic lifestyle . The City creates its own Homeless with liberal response to the drug problem .
Now there is a great example of our tax money well spent; more homeless. Such a fantastic success.
And NO I'm not saying let people starve.

Doc, to be honest I'm struggling with this comment. Note that this is for people capable of working, not the severely mentally or physically handicapped or children.

When conflicted, I go to my foundations (the Bible and my principal of individual freedom/choices which don't interfere with others).

#1: Bible says if they don't work they don't eat. That doesn't directly imply starving, but it can imply them getting really, really hungry. To the point where their addiction to ____ (fill in blank: drugs, laziness, etc) becomes less important than their addiction to not dying (aka eating). But what if they don't get to that point?

#2: Individual freedom. There are 2 sides of this: their choice to do nothing and my choice to not subsidize them.

I do not want them to starve. But if they think they can out-wait me (and expect me to support them forever), then they're just playing a game & at that point I'm just fine with them starving.

So maybe that's the bottom line. I too don't want people to starve. But my WANT will be set aside by their WANT. If someone so much WANTS to do nothing (IOW starve), then I will surrender to their absolute stupidity. Again, I'm not talking children or those not capable.

Now I don't want to over-complicate this. Let's say someone does drugs and turn themselves into vegetables. Their choice. Does that mean society needs to support that person forever, or find a way to gently let them go? Again, what-if scenarios. A bit too deep for this conversation.
As The Apostle Paul taught . Work diligently and not be a burden to the Church . But care for the true Windows and Orphans . Its first the Families responsibility to care for them and not burden Others .
But as for thoes that will not work do not let Them amongst You until They do right .
Texas, you are taking that out of context. The rest of the post is an explanation of that comment. The last line especially.
When tourists stop feeding the bears, do the bears starve? No!

In other words, When the Park Service says "Don't feed the bears" they are NOT saying "Let the bears starve."
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Texas, you are taking that out of context.

Doc, my apologies. My post wasn't intended to twist your entire thought. Rather it was about how my mind has been winding around the whole concept of letting someone starve.

My first line before was in error. I wrote 'this comment' and I should have written 'this idea or thought'. Thank you for pointing this out.
I for one find it hard to feel sorry for the homeless, i wouldn't feed em, it does nothing but create a feeding frenzy. Me and Wife donated 24 turkeys for years on the holidays to a Christian group that goes out and shelters some of the homeless (women with kids) in Portland but it become such a mess, we stopped the donation run in it's entirety.

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