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Mar 5, 2020
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Think we are going to have problems?

Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) Tweeted:
#Iran NEW: Statement from Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller.
“Due to the recent threats issued by Iranian leaders against President Trump + other U.S. government officials, I have ordered the USS Nimitz to halt its routine redeployment. The USS Nimitz will now remain

Good. Keep our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines out of the Middle East. It’s nothing but a shithole powder keg waiting to blow up in our faces.

Agreed! Our soldiers should never have been over there. Let them kill each other and go the direction they want to go. We don’t need their oil. Never did. All other presidents stopped our people from supplying us oil, Trump released them! War has made MANY in our abc agencies and others very wealthy.
the hard decision on carriers will be if Biden does actually get the nod >>> IF the Pentagon is even able to deploy - will the US back up Taiwan when China ups their attacks or Isreal when alllll helll breaks loose in the ME ...

thank God the carriers limited play in regard to Russia and the Ukraine ....
Under a Biden administration, Taiwan will be toast. Biden will not lift a finger to help Taiwan. In fact he will most likely demonize Taiwan. as an illegitimate regime.

Well, this would approve Biden is nothing else than an a servant of the chinese... China would have back Taiwan since an long time.
Sleeping Jo will probably offer Taiwan to the Chinese very quickly, Jo is a puppet of these Chinese and will cover you still and still, also concerning the origin of Corona. He will probably sell your weapons technology to the Chinese or have your weapons made in China, which is about the same thing.
This demented guy will drive the USA to the wall in the long run and flood it with immigrants, in this respect he will have a good teacher called Mrs. Merkel.

Remember one thing and remember it really well, if Jo ever moves into the White House and says
"we can do this"
then you have a very big problem, because this saying would prove that he is a supporter of Merkel and then the USA like Europe will go to the dogs.

Pray that it never comes to that.
How high do you think the probability of a war between the USA and China in the next few days? I don't have enough information here in Europe about what this is all about, but I would be grateful for certain information. I hope not that it will come to that, but I could imagine it.
How high do you think the probability of a war between the USA and China in the next few days? I don't have enough information here in Europe about what this is all about, but I would be grateful for certain information. I hope not that it will come to that, but I could imagine it.

It is heating up for sure, but I don’t see anything kinetic happening until after January 20th. That is only my opinion of course, but Trump is not going to do it unless China starts it first. China’s interest is to wait until biden gets in because joe will do whatever they say. BUT if We the People manage to get our Election System back, Trump will be in for the next 4 years and there probably will be war. The traditional kind. Please be aware we are currently in a information and cyber WAR with China.
Don't be fooled into thinking China is playing checkers. They are playing Go. They are moving on a very long time scale and won't do anything rash like attack the US head on right now. Their next order of business after deposing Trump is to take Taiwan (without objection from Biden) and have control of the northern part of the South China Sea and then extend their territorial waters into the Pacific east of Taiwan. This will deny the US Navy use of that whole region.

This is how you play Go.
China issued a direct threat to Australia, Australia didn't take that threat to well. There are major developments between china and Australia that isn't being aired in our media over here in the States, Australia also issued warnings about Taiwan to china. With Japan, Australia, South Korea in support of Taiwan including the smaller nations around the South China Sea, Biden would be in major trouble if he thrown Taiwan under the bus, I really think Australia is going to force Biden hand.

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