New to all of it,, want to learn as much as I can.

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One thing I wanna know is how to can food.
Hiya Jeremy.
Welcome to the group. You probably need to talk with OLD_ANORAK about that. She is sharp as a tack in stuff like that.
Any questions PM me.

Be well, prep well.
Hey Jeremy! Welcome to the forum. We can surely help you with canning. Between Mastercajun, Danil54grl, myself and few others you'll be put things by in no time. The first thing I'd recommend is getting yourself the latest edition of the Ball's Blue Book of canning. You can find it at the WalMart.
Thanks Wiredog8, and Old anorak. I have the book And this is way easier than I ever thought. Ok a little back ground on myself, Im 27, and spent 3years 16 weeks , and 4 day in the US.Army as infantry, so tactically Im sound. i do have one more question though do yall know how to reload ammo ?
Other than casting round ball, I can't help you on reloading. Sorry.
Thats cool , Thank you anyway.
Hello dar jeremy from south(way south) Louisiana. The guys here are very educated in all types of survival, food and water storage and if you need to know about canning, just ask. My first advice would be to get yourself a pressure canner and follow the directions in the book(you can't go wrong). I've canned every type of meat I could get my hands on. We can all our veggies, fruits, we even can our own milkIt stays on the shelf as long as my wife and daughter don't find it. They drink it faster than I can get it into the jar). I'm getting ready to can butter. I'll let everybody how it turns out. Don't be affraid to ask questions. The only stupid question is the one that isn't asked. You AIN"T gona find any more helpful people than on this site. Being a coonass , I was not talk so good you no.LOL.
Hello dar jeremy from south(way south) Louisiana. The guys here are very educated in all types of survival, food and water storage and if you need to know about canning, just ask. My first advice would be to get yourself a pressure canner and follow the directions in the book(you can't go wrong). I've canned every type of meat I could get my hands on. We can all our veggies, fruits, we even can our own milkIt stays on the shelf as long as my wife and daughter don't find it. They drink it faster than I can get it into the jar). I'm getting ready to can butter. I'll let everybody how it turns out. Don't be affraid to ask questions. The only stupid question is the one that isn't asked. You AIN"T gona find any more helpful people than on this site. Being a coonass , I was not talk so good you no.LOL.
Oh and by da wa old-anorak is the best when it com to can. An danil54grl ain't no slouch eda.
lol ok. How long does meat last canned I have wondered that.
I opened some my granddad had canned for almost 10yrs and it was still good. As for my own meats that I canned, I ate some that was canned over 2 yrs. and was as good as the day I canned it. We canned some turkey veggie soup in 09 and it's still good. Canned food will stay good as long as you cook it right and the seal on the jar doesn't pop. If you find ANYTHING that you can and the lid has poped up, throw it away. Don't take a chance on eating it. Out of the 500 to 600 jars we have canned, we only had to throw out 5 jars in the past 3yrs. Just be careful when canning, FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. Once you start canning, you won't want to stop. You will be glad you did when TSHTF and dat won't be some long time no.
I opened some my granddad had canned for almost 10yrs and it was still good. As for my own meats that I canned, I ate some that was canned over 2 yrs. and was as good as the day I canned it. We canned some turkey veggie soup in 09 and it's still good. Canned food will stay good as long as you cook it right and the seal on the jar doesn't pop. If you find ANYTHING that you can and the lid has poped up, throw it away. Don't take a chance on eating it. Out of the 500 to 600 jars we have canned, we only had to throw out 5 jars in the past 3yrs. Just be careful when canning, FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. Once you start canning, you won't want to stop. You will be glad you did when TSHTF and dat won't be some long time no.
Most home canned good foods stay fresher than what you buy at the store with a shelf life of only a year or two. I have opened a jar that was processed in 2005 and still good.
lol ok. How long does meat last canned I have wondered that.
Likewise, I can everything around here! We can elk, deer, and of course the beef and pork we kill each year. Honestly, we thought we were out of elk but just yesterday found a quart that was canned in was awesome!! Made elk stew with it, (Neighbor thought it was beef stew and I didn't tell him any different!) old_anorak is spot on with the Ball Blue Book, thats where I learned to can. That being said, "Growing and Canning Your Own Food" by Jackie Clay has gotta be the very best canning book ever put into print! You can order it thru Backwoods Home magazine and seriously that is the very best bang for your buck in the canning department. Jackie Clay is the Goddess of canning and gardening....No disrespect old_anorak!!!

Been farming since I can remember. Probably in the same boat as you just different neck of the woods. I've been looking into different scenarios and trying to cover as many bases as possible. If an event happens to where hunting might turn you into the hunted that could be a bad deal. I have discovered aqua phonics where you pretty much have a fish tank and a planting bed with stone in it. They feed each other in perfect balance. Gives you fresh fish and veggies. Not my ideal diet but something to consider. You can find a link at Cost you $37 bucks but worth it. It's real easy though. If you want you can contact me and I can give you the basic idea for free. Not too hard if you shoulda been on junkyard wars
I've been thinking about doing something along those lines. Raised catfish in a stock tank one year just to see if we could do it.
Catfish perch or talapia all do well in this system. I found a way to do it that is super easy. It takes 4 to 6 weeks to get the bacteria right before you start the process but once it gets going you can produce 2-3 times what you can in a traditional garden only using about 10% of the water.
If you want to know more about it I'd be happy to share the ins and outs with ya. Just send me a message and we can do it over the phone sometime
Likewise, I can everything around here! We can elk, deer, and of course the beef and pork we kill each year. Honestly, we thought we were out of elk but just yesterday found a quart that was canned in was awesome!! Made elk stew with it, (Neighbor thought it was beef stew and I didn't tell him any different!) old_anorak is spot on with the Ball Blue Book, thats where I learned to can. That being said, "Growing and Canning Your Own Food" by Jackie Clay has gotta be the very best canning book ever put into print! You can order it thru Backwoods Home magazine and seriously that is the very best bang for your buck in the canning department. Jackie Clay is the Goddess of canning and gardening....No disrespect old_anorak!!!

I learned from the Ball Blue Book too, starting as a teenager. Mom never had an interest. It is an awesome book to start out with, with their step-by-steps. And good luck Jeremy
One thing I wanna know is how to can food.
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have in the proper area, and I know you will get an answer, as he members on here are extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to help!

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper!
do yall know how to reload ammo ?
I am learning to reload, so I can pass on what ever info I can. What do you need to know?

p.s. Is that an 11th Mountain sign you are in front of?

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