Is cyber attacks our next disaster?

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 29, 2012
Now according to this it will be from Russia. You know how this goes, just blame Russia. Is that why Biden is "panicking" and try to make what is happening with Russia and Ukraine bigger than what it really is? My guess will be a cyber attack may just happen, but from our own Government. Hope I am wrong. . .
This might just be coincidence.
I was at the DMV and my wife texted her internet based system was down. Then the DMV system in a city 15 miles away crashed. I was next in line.
A friend posted up how a major grocery chain 2500 miles way couldn‘t ring anyone up about the same time.
Draw your own conclusions.
I personally am more worried about in-person sabotage >>> Russia has all kinds of ME terrorism ties - wouldn't be hard to influence Iran to mount their attack that's been waiting for activation .....

if China would decide to also chip in their US agent attacks - could get bad really FAST .....
And the whole idea is to not know who really is your enemy and do not trust anybody, from non-trust, no organisation, no coordination and weak resistance...

not going to ID them that eazy and track them down >>>> but I guarantee you that the major fault will go back to the past year and the open borders - that allowed over 2M "God only knows who" into the country - and the on-going policy of allowing known Chinese "college" agents to freely roam the country "stepping off" strategic targets ....

and if you think we have a sabotage problem - nothing compared to the combat rear area in Europe - enough Muslim agents in Germany alone to mount a counter-attack on NATO .....
The Chinese college spies have been with us since at least when I was in grad school in the mid 80's. The Taiwanese students knew exactly who the Red Chinese spies were. We all played along with the charade and pretended we didn't know. My wife (from Taiwan) and I even invited some over for dinner, LOL.
We can hope the airport control towers will be able to communicate with the airplanes with all their passengers that are in the air . One on the worst effected areas appears to be in the area of the nuclear missile silos in Kansas . --- If anyone has a working phone let us know .
No problems here....
Hoping the problems have been resolved. Perhaps testing before the big takedown?

We are without power…at least public power, since early evening yesterday. Since we have had days upon days of rain, our solar batteries aren’t as charged as we would prefer. So hubby turned on the Generac. Georgia was really hit hard with these last storms. We even had hail! Had a few trees come down. One just missing our driveway.
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Our public electricity, as well as thousands of others is still out. I really feel for those without solar or a generator. Perhaps this will teach some of them how to live without electric or that they need solar. I pray it does.

Every time a storm goes through here, I see all kind of articles bashing Texas and our Republican governor about how many people have power outages. Sorry, but, the Governor doesn't control the weather.
Our public electricity, as well as thousands of others is still out. I really feel for those without solar or a generator. Perhaps this will teach some of them how to live without electric or that they need solar. I pray it does.
Very few people will learn from this. Those that are capable have already taken precautions. I think we need to quit worrying about people who don't have enough sense to prepare for even the most basics of needs: food, water, power, shelter and defense.
A few weeks ago I picked up some additional solar panels. I've got a backhoe coming out tomorrow to dig the hole for the pole mount. Next week I'll get a cement truck out to fill the hole. These additional panels should reduce our generator run time by 90% over winter.
Every time a storm goes through here, I see all kind of articles bashing Texas and our Republican governor about how many people have power outages. Sorry, but, the Governor doesn't control the weather.
Many people think the government is the answer to everything. They've become nothing but government dependents, and they are fine with that.
Our power went out several times in the last few days in thunderstorms. My backup, battery powered automatic lights and flashlights took over just well. I even lit a petroleum lamp for HER so she could enjoy the smell. Everything back on after a short while and recharging the flashlights and auto-lamps is old hat.
There's a transformer shortage right now and our electrical grid hasn't even been attacked yet .
Yep - Some of the people in my clan work building power lines and they had to swap to other companies because the transformers and other needed items simply were not available for building the power lines . That was a year or more ago , I haven't heard of the needed power line supplies being any better today .
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Not a surprise with these bad storms. I am sure Home Depot and Lowe’s are as well. Wonder how many folks lost a bunch of their frozen meat before they had power?

I'm a bit vulnerable at home right now. The genny and most of my solar panels are up at BOL2. I can run the freezers off my battery bank for maybe two or three days. I'd have to start cooking a BUNCH of stew if I lost power as long as y'all have Georgia. Or load up a bunch of ice chests and head to my daughter's place in NC.
Your plan sounds like my husband and I discussed when considering what folks without power could do. We did reach out to some neighbors to see how we could help them. Not having even a way to charge your cell phones or extra batteries for flash lights is far too common with the unprepared, ya know?

You are spread out pretty thin because of your transition in BOLs, but you have a plan, so you would be fine.
While I was at Harbor Freight yesterday, the thought occurred to me that I should carry a suitcase solar panel and small AGM battery in the car in case the car battery dies.
I almost bought them on the spot, but I don't like making on the spot decisions like that. I need to think it over, but I'm pretty sure I will at some point (soon).

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