Iran targets #2 & 3 taken out

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015
Let me add more color to this. Trump does not play games. He does not hit first, but he returns hits with a sledgehammer. In case Iran thought this was a limited one-and-done event, Trump added more this evening. Every rat that sticks it's head up will get it sliced off right now. Trump has all the support he needs at home from Americans. He is driving home the point that embassies and staff are off-limits. And that we can hit any one at any time with a push of a button. Iran is going to regret trying to hit our embassy. Maybe they already have. But, I'm expecting more reminders in the days to come.

And, as a super bonus, Trump is forcing the lefties to throw their support behind Iran. They hate Trump, so they must hate everything he does. How many more voters will stop voting democrat & vote for Trump because Schumer will defend Iran? Dems are painting themselves into a 20 year losing corner.
Iran is getting a Old Fashioned American lesson now .
Not much they can do but ask for another round of talks .
That being said keep a eye out when in public or potential terrorists target . Carry a good quality firearm .
Iran knows the U.S Navy can destroy their Military and Government without any boots on the ground .
Iran is learning we don't have to send in troops, we don't have to send the bombers, all we have to do is push a button and some building(s) in Iran are going to disappear in a puff of smoke and flying debris. No warning, just "Poof," bye-bye building(s).
Iran has cells around the world including the US, this isn't going to be contained in the Middle East or bloodless for us. Iran knows it's foolish to go head to head with the US so the targets are going to be soft targets including cyber attacks on our infrastructure so be prepared for that, Saudi Arabia and Israel better be prepared for retaliation. Bush 43 should have killed Soleimani in 2005 when he had the chance but debated Iran's response and didn't do it then and obummer pussy footed around this guy.

Trump was right in killing this *******, Trump also pulled off one of our famed Generals tactic, General Eisenhower said of his World War II game plan, “Whenever I run into a problem I can’t solve, I always make it bigger.”

All I'm going to say about Soleimani death 'oh Qassem how sweet the revenge MFer'

Keep in mind; hezbollah is in tri border area that includes Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil, hezbollah is also supplying weaponry and training to the cartels and are involved with the cartels smuggling routs into the US, also a whole cache of RPGs were located on the US mexico border and the cartels are seen with the RPGs manned on the back of trucks. Many folks including some in the intel and FBI community have said Soleimani's hezbollah have been training the cartels as proxies. So, how will Iran respond? ...anybody's guess
I'm not worried about the reaction of IRAN, the frigging little man on the street with a love for them and a hate for us and the US in general, is getting geared up for thousands of little skirmishes in dozens of nations. Each of us is a target and we must watch around every corner for the scum and gutless, who cannot attack a hard target and only look for women with baby carriages or school children. Soft targets, easy to attack and causes much grief without any risk...Live free, GP