Greetings from Poland

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Awesome Friend
Sep 19, 2019
Thanks for forum, hope that we can talk here, exchange experience and so on.
I believe that global situation will go down slowly and we wake up some day (like frog in gradually boiling water.) in reality like Mike Pondsmith Cyberpunk. Maybe not in such high tech but morally, socially...
howdy from a Texan .... and welcome to the forum and family...there's quite a few knowledgeable folks here that'll gladly tell ya what you need to know,or at least point ya in the right direction and/or give ya a good idea or 2..and by all means jump right on in with any replies you have on a topic
Warm Welcome from the Arizona valley folks. :USA:
G'day from Down Under. I recently found out we have Polish nobility in our bloodline. trying to find our heritage from there now. This is a good site for info on preparing.
G'day from Down Under. I recently found out we have Polish nobility in our bloodline. trying to find our heritage from there now.

Good luck! That kind of reserch is addictive. I've spend lots of days to find stories of the past of my family.
Poland seems to be one of the USA's best allies these days .

It seems... But people form Pentagon think different. We are frontline state or state in between, not major NATO ally, despite of we're paying promised dues for NATO. No offense, I understand politics, strategy and calculating that we are on are own. Ukraine and now Kurds was left by US despite the commitment. Brutal lessons which Polish politics didn't learn anything.
Again, I have no problems with that, just tell you about (not only) my point of view. Many of us, preppers, not keep their hopes in allys. Our history learned this but hey, we can still learn something new form each other right? Keep it positive but think clear.
It seems... But people form Pentagon think different. We are frontline state or state in between, not major NATO ally, despite of we're paying promised dues for NATO. No offense, I understand politics, strategy and calculating that we are on are own. Ukraine and now Kurds was left by US despite the commitment. Brutal lessons which Polish politics didn't learn anything.
Again, I have no problems with that, just tell you about (not only) my point of view. Many of us, preppers, not keep their hopes in allys. Our history learned this but hey, we can still learn something new form each other right? Keep it positive but think clear.

Only the Merkins, Poles and Brits are paying their full dues to NATO and meeting all their commitments.
It seems... But people form Pentagon think different. We are frontline state or state in between, not major NATO ally, despite of we're paying promised dues for NATO. No offense, I understand politics, strategy and calculating that we are on are own. Ukraine and now Kurds was left by US despite the commitment. Brutal lessons which Polish politics didn't learn anything.
Again, I have no problems with that, just tell you about (not only) my point of view. Many of us, preppers, not keep their hopes in allys. Our history learned this but hey, we can still learn something new form each other right? Keep it positive but think clear.
Ukraine is getting alot og support from the U.S its like Trump said Barack Hussein Obama sent the Ukrainian pillows and bed sheets but now We are sending them anti tank rockets . The Polish Government is trying to get a U.S Military Base there . Alot of People think You may well get one . That brings in billions $$ in trade . Alot of People seem to think alot of what Germany now gets will soon be heading to Poland . This has alot to do with the idea that Russia will not be content with staying in its own borders .
That's more complicated. Ukraine get US protection instead of disarmament their nuks. Sure, they got antitank rockets etc. but asume they were counting for something more. Maybe military help when "green folks" from RF enter Ukraine?
Full protection. Every one need it, not many have it, tiny % have their own military power to protect people.

Wysłane z mojego Redmi 5 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Ukraine is getting alot og support from the U.S its like Trump said Barack Hussein Obama sent the Ukrainian pillows and bed sheets but now We are sending them anti tank rockets . The Polish Government is trying to get a U.S Military Base there . Alot of People think You may well get one . That brings in billions $$ in trade . Alot of People seem to think alot of what Germany now gets will soon be heading to Poland . This has alot to do with the idea that Russia will not be content with staying in its own borders .

France and Germany have been abusing American good will for years, so has Turkey.
if Trump would pull ALL AMERICANS BACK HOME, he would be the most popular president in history, save 100 million $ each month, make lots of families happy that their children are home again and he could drop $ 5,000,000 in cash on all the countries supporting the terrorists, give them money to live on, take away the hate for America because we are "helping" instead of Bombing. They would all just love us then and we could keep the money at home to rebuild the highways, bridges, electric power systems, water systems and schooling for the next generations..... any comments to the crazy idea? GP
Stop and think people, how did America react to Russia putting nuclear rockets in Cuba, Americas backdoor??
How do you think Russia will react to NATO putting **** in Poland and Balticum, Russias frontdoor??

Exactly and why is the EU trying to provoke the Russians by trying to get Western Ukraine at least into the EU and NATO, the bastards on both sides are once again trying to divide Europe into two empires again.
if Trump would pull ALL AMERICANS BACK HOME, he would be the most popular president in history, save 100 million $ each month, make lots of families happy that their children are home again and he could drop $ 5,000,000 in cash on all the countries supporting the terrorists, give them money to live on, take away the hate for America because we are "helping" instead of Bombing. They would all just love us then and we could keep the money at home to rebuild the highways, bridges, electric power systems, water systems and schooling for the next generations..... any comments to the crazy idea? GP

Works for me.
Works for me.
If America start withdraw troops from everywhere its equal to losse global domination race. Focusing on own part of land is good for those who live there but beyond borders gonna be mess. US after WWII make use with global situation by it's power, capabilities and so on to be a world police officer. This hegemony was undisputed until Chinese dragon doenst raised his head. Besides US is guarantor of free trade controlling the oceans by aircraft carriers. Situation is changing but you just can't turn back so easy or you lost position. On the other hand even US can't afford for bases, troops and ships everywhere on the planet. That is why I wrote that Poland will be frontline state not ally when hell broke loose.

Wysłane z mojego Redmi 5 przy użyciu Tapatalka
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If America start withdraw troops from everywhere its equal to losse global domination race. Focusing on own part of land is good for those who live there but beyond borders gonna be mess. US after WWII make use with global situation by it's power, capabilities and so on to be a world police officer. This hegemony was undisputed until Chinese dragon doenst raised his head. Besides US is guarantor of free trade controlling the oceans by aircraft carriers. Situation is changing but you just can't turn back so easy or you lost position. On the other hand even US can't afford for bases, troops and ships everywhere on the planet. That is way I wrote that Poland will be frontline state not ally when hell broke loose.

Wysłane z mojego Redmi 5 przy użyciu Tapatalka

Trouble is the Americans have been condemned and vilified by the rest of the world simply for taking over the role as global policeman from Britains empire, If they get involved in foreign conflicts they are condemned and if they stay out they are condemned. America is learning as the brits did that its not worth the time, effort and expense. It is time most powerful nations stopped focusing on external issue and focussed on soliving their own peoples problems
Trouble is the Americans have been condemned and vilified by the rest of the world simply for taking over the role as global policeman from Britains empire, If they get involved in foreign conflicts they are condemned and if they stay out they are condemned. America is learning as the brits did that its not worth the time, effort and expense. It is time most powerful nations stopped focusing on external issue and focussed on soliving their own peoples problems

They choose this way by themself and it's not easy but generate profits, thats first thing. Second is SHTF if America take on hold. If biggest predator is leaving uneaten corpse, other wanted to take whats left for them.
Sounds like a bitter pill to take, America cannot play the world police anymore, there are too many against them and not enough money to finance the bologna. You cannot save someone else from drowning if you can't even swim yourself. If the US does not get its own economy, roads, electricity and water up to date and anti-EMP healthy, Russia and China will only have to wait a while. Enough tornados, earthquakes, forest fires and hurricanes will break the strong US backbone one day...GP
All empires rise and fall, some last long times some boom and wither quickly, Russia had an Empire so did the Poles I believe at one time, China is the new big boy on the block and the US is winding down. Previously Britain France, Spain and Germany had empires, all come and go, its just the way of things. And the end of the day the same Elephant in the kitchen remains unchallenged. We have a planet with finite spaces and linited resources, a planet that can sustain about 4 or 5 billion humans, we are moving towards having 9 billion of us. Those of us in temporate heathly regines like the Americas and Europe now are being faced with HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of hungry, poorly educated, unheatlhy, religiously indoctrinated often anti western migrants wanting to come to our lands. And NO western government will adress the issue.
Sounds like a bitter pill to take, America cannot play the world police anymore, there are too many against them and not enough money to finance the bologna. You cannot save someone else from drowning if you can't even swim yourself. If the US does not get its own economy, roads, electricity and water up to date and anti-EMP healthy, Russia and China will only have to wait a while. Enough tornados, earthquakes, forest fires and hurricanes will break the strong US backbone one day...GP

America is a great nation that has done much good across the world but its absolutely obvious that it MUST start to focus more on its own peoples and infrastructure. America is in trillions of debt, over 50 million Americans have no access to healthcare at all, America has taken the food from its own plate and given it freely to the world. America needs now to look inwards to caring for its own people.