Helpful Info. Covid19, shots and vaccines treatments.

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Recommendation 16: In persons exposed to COVID-19 who are at high risk of progression to severe COVID-19, the IDSA guideline panel suggests post-exposure casirivimab/imdevimab rather than no casirivimab/imdevimab. (Conditional recommendation, low certainty of evidence)
Remark: Dosing for casirivimab/imdevimab is casirivimab 600 mg & imdevimab 600 mg IV or SC once.

Recommendation 17: Among ambulatory patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 at high risk for progression to severe disease, the IDSA guideline panel suggests bamlanivimab/etesevimab, casirivimab/imdevimab, or sotrovimab rather than no neutralizing antibody treatment. (Conditional recommendation, Moderate certainty of evidence)
Dosing for casirivimab/imdevimab is casirivimab 600 mg and imdevimab 600 mg IV. Subcutaneous injection is a reasonable alternative in patients for whom it cannot be given intravenously.
Dosing for sotrovimab is sotrovimab 500 IV once.
Dosing for bamlanivimab/etesevimab is bamlanivimab 700 mg and etesevimab 1400 mg IV or SC once.
Patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 who are at high risk of progression to severe disease admitted to the hospital for reasons other than COVID-19 may also receive bamlanivimab/etesevimab, casirivimab/imdevimab, or sotrovimab.
Local variant susceptibility should be considered in the choice of the most appropriate neutralizing antibody therapy. Local availability of different monoclonal antibody combinations may be affected by predominance of local variants.

Recommendation 18: Among hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19, the IDSA guideline panel recommends against bamlanivimab monotherapy. (Strong recommendation, Moderate certainty of evidence)

Recommendation 19:
Among hospitalized adults with severe* COVID-19 having elevated inflammatory markers but not on invasive mechanical ventilation, the IDSA panel suggests baricitinib rather than no baricitinib. (Conditional recommendation, Moderate certainty of evidence)
Baricitinib 4 mg per day up to 14 days or until discharge from hospital.
Baricitinib appears to demonstrate the most benefit in those with severe COVID-19 on high-flow oxygen/non-invasive ventilation at baseline.
Patients who receive baricitinib for treatment of COVID-19 should not receive tocilizumab or other IL-6 inhibitors.
*Severe illness is defined as patients with SpO2 ≤94% on room air, including patients on supplemental oxygen, oxygen through a high-flow device, or non-invasive ventilation.

Recommendation 20: Among hospitalized patients with severe* COVID-19 who cannot receive a corticosteroid (which is standard of care) because of a contraindication, the IDSA guideline panel suggests use of baricitinib with remdesivir rather than remdesivir alone. (Conditional recommendation, Low certainty of evidence)
Remark: Baricitinib 4 mg daily dose for 14 days or until hospital discharge. The benefits of baricitinib plus remdesivir for persons on mechanical ventilation are uncertain.
*Severe illness is defined as patients with SpO2 ≤94% on room air, including patients on supplemental oxygen, oxygen through a high-flow device, or non-invasive ventilation.

Recommendation 21: Among hospitalized adults with severe* COVID-19, but not on non-invasive or invasive mechanical ventilation, the IDSA panel suggests tofacitinib rather than no tofacitinib. (Conditional recommendation, Low certainty of evidence)
Tofacitinib appears to demonstrate the most benefit in those with severe COVID-19 on supplemental or high-flow oxygen.
Patients treated with tofacitinib should be on at least prophylactic dose anticoagulant.
Patients who receive tofacitinib should not receive tocilizumab or other IL-6 inhibitor for treatment of COVID-19.
The STOP-COVID Trial did not include immunocompromised patients.
*Severe illness is defined as patients with SpO22 ≤94% on room air, including patients on supplemental oxygen or oxygen through a high-flow device.

Recommendation 22: In hospitalized patients with COVID-19, the IDSA panel suggests against ivermectin outside of the context of a clinical trial. (Conditional recommendation, very low certainty of evidence)

Recommendation 23
: In ambulatory persons with COVID-19, the IDSA panel suggests against ivermectin outside of the context of a clinical trial. (Conditional recommendation, very low certainty of evidence)

Nurses and Doctors all over the USA (and the world) are killing themselves trying to save those in their care with Covid-19. It didn't and doesn't have to be this way, but with most of their serious patients being the unvaccinated, it may be months before cases drop significantly and meanwhile, our families are being devastated needlessly.
Yes, do your research, but when a vaccine is this effective and costs taxpayers only 10 to 37 dollars per dose vs hospital bills that can be from $17,000 to $200,000 and up, what do you think is easier/better?
Wearing your damn mask and getting your vaccine could end this quickly, but some people can't see it through their need to rebel. Be a patriot and help make this thing go away.
P.S. Danil54grl, thank you for your civil and thoughtful response.

I hope all you murderers followed your own guidelines and continue to take all your boosters.
Fact Check-COVID-19 vaccines did not skip animal trials
Pfizer posted a peer-reviewed Feb. 2021 paper on its vaccine working on primates (here).
Moderna has released similar information (here ,  here), as has
Johnson & Johnson (here).

None had significant safety issues to report in their respective animal trials, as seen under “5.3 Non-Clinical Studies” sections of the EUAs for Pfizer-BioNTech here , Moderna here and Johnson & Johnson here .

Due to time constraints and the urgency to find a vaccine for COVID-19, Moderna and Pfizer did receive approval to run animal testing and early trials on humans at the same time, as opposed to fully completing animal trials before moving on to human trials. This, however, does not mean animal trials were skipped or that the safety of the vaccines were compromised (here , here ,  here).

Reuters Fact Check has debunked false similar claims about the safety and trials of the COVID-19 vaccines approved by the FDA for emergency use here , here , here and here .

False. The COVID-19 vaccines produced by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson did not skip animal testing.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work  here  .

He didn't say anything about animal studies. He said no long term studies.

May you burn for eternity for your evil agenda.
Great suggestion, I did!

I read about Robert Malone's background in this article. You can read more about him here: think he was definitely robbed.

Malone is a scientist who once had the creative spark to pave the path to a breakthrough technology of the future, was and wrongly denied early credit and profit from his ideas. Hundreds followed and built on his ideas and many profited where he did not.

Now, as a 61 year old, Malone is understandably bitter, but twisted in his campaign to discredit the current mRNA Covid-19 vaccines which are brilliant applications of his earlier ideas. This is akin to the guy who tells his girlfriend "If I can't have you, no one will !" before he kills her.

Malone may be responsible for the death of tens of thousands of his fellow Americans, because he can't stand that he wasn't given the credit he deserved.

He discredits the amazing results of the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines out of spite
, probably not because he really believes what he's saying. He goes on those talk shows and smirks at the current experts as if they are children, but he is now the child.

What he is saying fits the propaganda being peddled by Putin's misinformation campaign to create a huge divide in your nation so Putin can make you fight among yourselves and hopefully break your country apart. Putin (maybe rightly?) blames the US for causing the collapse of the Soviet Union during the time period from 1989 to 1992.
Your country certainly put a lot of pressure on the USSR with the arms race and by supporting anti-government factions.
I'm not saying it was a bad thing, but there's a reason he wants to make you destroy yourselves.

In the EU we watch your political news and we clearly see the manipulation occurring.
We just saw Putin successfully pare off the UK from the EU by pushing the fear of economic and social effects from "too many new migrants taking all the jobs" and by hyping English Nationalism, self-rule, and railing against "EU control." He had no problem finding the wedge issues and getting them to destroy themselves. And he's not finished with the UK, they can be further divided!

Putin is working hard to keep the citizens of the United States fighting among themselves by using both parties and social media to manipulate you against each other with the issues like:
Masks and Vaccine mandates
Vaccine safety
Fake News accusations so you're always in doubt
Guns, the fear of them being "taken"
Black Lives Matter
Climate and Environment skepticism
Immigration - the fear they are taking your jobs, will invade, will become dominant
Gender and Sexuality
Social Safety Net
Role of Government
Women's Rights/Me Too Movement
Religious Freedoms
and other fear-based divisive issues.

Your parties always disagreed, but you didn't used to hate each other!
NOW you do. Why?
Most of the US population has no idea both sides are being manipulated to destroy your country using these wedge issues.

I would hope you could recognize what's happening to divide you from your fellow Americans, but I expect things will continue to deteriorate until Putin gets his way.
If you're afraid of something, at least consider the possibility that someone is trying to manipulate you!

Your definitely an agent of evil, even if you don't realize it.
I am Lukas, Clair's son - just so you know. My father, Clair, writes about his huge underground shelter but his English is not so good. All this Covid-19 info has been from me, sorry I did not clarify that earlier.

In our research facility, we speak German, French, but mostly English. We are scientists and no way anyone is spouting the dictates of any government or corporation. I wish I could say the same of your Senators and Representatives and also our piss poor politicians. They are driven by power and money.

Scientists are driven by finding out the truth of how these things work and how we can help our fellow citizens. I can't help it if you are too cynical to believe anyone but the echo chamber that repeats Putin's mind games. You know that's what he was? He was one of the KGB's Psychological warfare experts before getting into politics. Do not underestimate this evil man.

I believe you are sincere in your beliefs, but why can't you believe there are scientists that are honest and want to help give you the information that we know is correct from direct research.

No one in my lab believes the motives of any government
- we've been burned or used too many times. Sure, I've grabbed info off the web, but I've processed it and only provided information to you that I know to be true, but it seems you don't believe there are professionals out there that care about your best interest. I wasn't shoving anything down your throat. My intention was to provide clear and accurate information that I hoped you might glean a morsel of reality from.

I know there has been a lot of ambiguity out there, but that's the same thing the smoking lobby did to you with their paid "experts" who threw doubt against the clear data that smoking was killing people. And I see the clear data about Covid-19 but again there are enough "experts" throwing seeds of doubt that some who are by nature rebellious, will grab on to their opinions to justify their natural objections to having anyone, especially the government, tell them what to do.

All this stuff about Polio not even relevant. It's just false comparisons to confuse and get us fighting with each other. The same is true about arguments for personal and parental freedom. "I should decide if my kid has to wear a mask!" Really? If your kid came home from school and gave it to your mother or father and they died as a result, do you think you'd feel as entitled?

It happened to a co-work of mine. His next door neighbor babysits his kids ages 1,3,and 5 years old. The neighbor's husband had Covid-19 and didn't tell them and the wife thought since she had no symptoms, why bother getting anyone's dander up? Everyone in my co-workers family came down with Covid-19. Fortunately the parents were both vaccinated very early on - a requirement of our lab, and they both had just minor symptoms. The kids were another story. They all had temperatures in excess of 40 degrees C (That's 104 F) and two of the kids remained sick for a whole week but were not hospitalized - but will there be long term effects because of that neighbor's stupidity?? And the worst is that her husband ended up dying.

Maybe it will take the first hand confirmation of someone you know or love dying or having long term after effects of lung scarring or clotting for you to consider mask wearing and a vaccine. Or maybe even then, you will ignore what's right in front of you. I hope not.

You are a silver tongue devil. How's the gene therapy working for you and your family?
You do bring up a good point about wether this virus is dangerous enough to warrant mandatory vaccines. I do feel there is enough evidence to prove covid can kill, but also agree the percentage is pretty low. It is definitely much worse than the regular flu though. I also have read enough evidence on the vaccine to believe it’s safe. Not 100% safe but not the killer it’s being portrayed here by any means. All I am 100% certain of is I was pleased to get the vaccine since my wife’s health isn’t good. Mine is questionable enough to think it was wise too, but the minimal risk to me was well worth the benefits for her. Do I honestly think the vaccine mandate is completely warranted, honestly no. But if it can make us move on and get over all the disruptive crap to the worlds economies then I guess I’m on board.

Have your realized you was wrong about the Covid-19 vaccines yet? Are you still alive?
To answer your questions/unsupported statements:

Where did the flu go? with masking and social distancing, droplet transmission significantly decreased. Expect that it will be back this winter as these measures have been relaxed.

Science has proven for decades that masks don't work for viruses. So why do we wear them in the hospitals during flu season every year? And hey, cool, I won't wear one when I do a procedure on you, and maybe cough in the sterile field to see where that gets you.

mRNA technology is experimental for vaccination. Been around for decades. Fast tracked as part of the Republican Donald Trumps "warp speed" vaccination program.

Ivermectin, HCQ, and other treatments work -- no need for Emergency Use experiments. Perhaps early in the disease process (2 to 4 days max after exposure) - however what happens when you are exposed and don't realize it until after that? My patients who self treated with these (INCLUDING A PHYSICIAN) and then begged for a vaccine before they were intubated would beg to differ with you.

Children are at near zero risk and will provide herd immunity going forward. Less likely to die, but some still have, at least for this mutation.
Some epidemiologists have estimated that 70% of the worldwide population would need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to establish herd immunity against the disease that’s already killed over 620,000 Americans. But, with the Delta variant driving up cases among the unvaccinated as well as causing breakthrough COVID-19 infections, the threshold for herd immunity now seems to be higher.
Good slideshow on children and COVID:

The death toll from 2020 is in-line with the prior 20 years.
Nope. Read up on excess mortality.

You may want to reevaluate your believed facts..
And you resort to name calling when someone calls you out on your BS.
I looked through that EPA fact sheet you sent me on CDS. It has to do with purification of water, there have not been ANY safety data on it for people, and can actually cause liver failure, something you would know if you actually had a background in science.
Chlorine dioxide, the apparent cure they were clamouring for, is not only ineffective against Covid-19, but it can cause life-threatening dehydration and acute liver failure. It is considered hazardous for human consumption by health authorities all over the world, including those in Peru. Its promoters have had face-offs with doctors and have even been prosecuted by authorities for years, but the coronavirus pandemic gave them their biggest showcase so far.

Who is the narcissist with an ego here? Get real.

Name calling? What others words is better used for someone who is ignorant about Chlorine Dioxide and is a narcissist?
Still proving my point. You resort to name calling when you can't prove your own point. Might as well stop while you can.
How has history treated your facts? Still having the same delusions?
One thing I meant to ask Dr. Jenner, but never got the chance before she skedaddled, was whether or not she gave all her patients in the ICU Remdesivir.
Pp ain't the kind to say " I told you so" but it does feel good to have a printed record doesn't it. You done good considering your ignorance and lack of science background. Must be you're one of them there psychics. Unload all those experts. Maybe you should go up on your advisory rates considering what the medical profession charges for their expertise.
One thing I meant to ask Dr. Jenner, but never got the chance before she skedaddled, was whether or not she gave all her patients in the ICU Remdesivir.

You KNOW she did! She mindlessly obeyed all CDC “instructions”. Of course now CDC is insisting they didn’t demand anything!
This is so interesting to me. I just want her and the Brett guy to come give an update if they're still alive. I missed such fun!

It was not fun. During that time when we were all led to believe Covid was killing so many, people like those two made it stressful. Especially a doctor who refused to admit any truth that was posted. Personally, I could care less what they think now. The doctor needs brought up on charges if she killed people by denying Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and/or prescribed Remdesivir. Even I easily found the African study showing it killed people in the study!! Fauci was behind this study BTW.
It would be quite alright if they would just look those who opposed them and apologized for their arrogance

My personal opinion…An apology by any doctor at this point in time would be useless. It would never bring back those they had a hand in killing…it would not remove the hurt and harm done to their loved ones.
It was not fun. During that time when we were all led to believe Covid was killing so many, people like those two made it stressful. Especially a doctor who refused to admit any truth that was posted. Personally, I could care less what they think now. The doctor needs brought up on charges if she killed people by denying Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and/or prescribed Remdesivir. Even I easily found the African study showing it killed people in the study!! Fauci was behind this study BTW.
You're right. I have a tendency to deal with stress by laughter, but during that time period, it was awful. Looking back on those who died, it is infuriating.

An EMT probably saved my life when I had the first wave of covid. He told me I didn't want to be in the hospital and would be fine. I believed him. A woman who was diagnosed the same week as I was and from the same church group was admitted and died. So, I shouldn't joke about it now.

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