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Billy Roper

Awesome Friend
Oct 5, 2015
With what's going on in Baton Rouge, St. Paul, Dallas, and so many other cities, more and more non-prepper people are talking openly about the likelihood of another civil war coming soon. How many others have heard that?
Not a civil war William, I was going to suggest RACE WAR, but the more I thought about it I think an insurgency by the militant minority community is more likely, WHY ?
Because I remember an American TV documentary from the 1970s about the race division in the US and the words of one black gentleman caught my attention, he said something along the lines of " Dont make the mistake of thinking that Patriotism or Unemployment in the cities is why we coloureds join the military, its quite simply where else would your class enemies, PAY YOU, TRAIN YOU & ARM YOU ?" He meant the black people were joining up to get the skills they need to be able to stick it to the whites at some future date.
I think there's a lot of issues comming together, almost a perfect storm of causes to start chaos. Racial tensions are terrible. The blacks openly are prediguse against whites, but scream anytime a white person says the dreaded 'n' word, yet they say it constantly. What a crock of ****.. Then there's the economy. It's causing stress on everybody, without prediguse. If welfare stops even for a week, that is a lit fuse getting closer and closer. Throw in the terrorisiom threat, and some cop killings (both criminals and cops now) and you have another Rodney King riot. still think you have enou ammo?
The few Mexican laborers here temporarily have no roots to the community and will go home when the jobs they're working are no more. The handful of "others" would, I believe, hunker down and not cause any trouble, or move to areas where they wouldn't be so obviously out of place. That would be at least an hour's drive from here, or a few days' walk, if something as dramatic as EMP or as mundane as a gas shortage from lack of deliveries is thrown into the mix. My wife and I discussed it gain last night. Here, food shortages would be the worst effect, until local production picks up. I assured her that (drumroll, I know some here will get angry at this) I'd go 'alternate shopping' in one of the 'affected areas' (i.e., the front lines).
you are not alone in that "shopping method", think I would too,just to replenish my stock as much as possible,if things go really bad I do have a map,with places to visit,silently and hush hush.
I'm not gonna let my kin starve or be harmed,I'm kinda protective on that.
With what's going on in Baton Rouge, St. Paul, Dallas, and so many other cities, more and more non-prepper people are talking openly about the likelihood of another civil war coming soon. How many others have heard that?

Who hasn't?

Not really going to happen though. We're talking about racial divides, not a divide between states and the Fed. That's the only true way a civil war could happen. And, for decades, they've been centralizing the military so that even this is virtually impossible.

Look, the powers that be have been planning for this eventuality for decades. I seriously doubt they forgot to cross a T or dot an I. Race wars between people? Sure. But not all out civil war. Will be relegated to city outbreaks.
You may be right, and those city outbreaks and the Federal response to it may lead to a greater divide within America as people migrate internally to what for them will be more homogeneous and safer areas. That will lead to greater balkanization in the future. The only two options for the glorious multiracial empire are breakup or totalitarianism.
You may be right, and those city outbreaks and the Federal response to it may lead to a greater divide within America as people migrate internally to what for them will be more homogeneous and safer areas. That will lead to greater balkanization in the future. The only two options for the glorious multiracial empire are breakup or totalitarianism.

White Flight again like Detroit, Chicago etc in the 80s and 90s and the same in London and Birmingham UK
Yes, and even more so, regionally, as Whites move out of the deep south (those five states the New Black Panther Party leader said they wanted for a black homeland) to the Ozarks, Appalachians, upper South, Midwest, and West, and blacks move from the cities of the northeast and upper Midwest back o the southeastern states. It's exacerbating the red state/blue state differences, between the coastlands and flyover America.
I don't see a race war coming. I see a rights war coming. Day by day the government and the media chip away at all of our rights. The black lives matter movement is just the media turning up sh!t. They give it more credit than it deserves. Some Black people here are on board with it But, most see it for what it is. Any opportunity the poor have to riot they'll take it. It's the poor and ignorant fueling most of this. The "black community" aren't that into it. I see more liberals and Latinos pressing it here than blacks.

what is that fuels the media portraiting this in the news,well other that money,as a race war??
the way it is,there must be someting more sinister behind this...or am I just wearing my tin-foil hat to tightly...
The general impression is that the idea of racial war is injected artificially media in anticipation of of elections in the interest of someone else from the politicians.
We had the same situation in 2013. The people came out to protest against the arbitrary actions of the police towards citizens, while most of the media taking orders from politicians been told that this is a rally in support of European integration. The result has been a split in the nation 2 warring camps.
somehow this world seems to be more and more like a very,very,very bad James Bond movie...script sucks,actors sucks and only the extras get hurt, and that's we.
When any kind of collapse or absence of the authority used to enforce the unnatural multicultural empire abdicates or loses power, whether people's initial motivation is class warfare or a more specific complaint, things tend to go tribal very quickly. And, they will.
I don't see a civil war nor a race war, the blacks I know are level headed and speak out against the BLM and these Police shooting, I think people pay too much attention to the internet and MSM that feeds the frenzy. I also don't see a civil war, no stomach for nor the logistics again too much internet. I bet my money on economic hard times causing some form of civil unrest over civil/race wars.
I don't see a civil war nor a race war, the blacks I know are level headed and speak out against the BLM and these Police shooting, I think people pay too much attention to the internet and MSM that feeds the frenzy. I also don't see a civil war, no stomach for nor the logistics again too much internet. I bet my money on economic hard times causing some form of civil unrest over civil/race wars.
I agree, a civil war is ridiculous. No one could go directly against our military. As far as the race issue, there is a lot of predijuce out there. I think there's more coming from the blacks than whites from what I've seen. I still don't see a race 'war' per say. I can see it getting nasty in the large cities, but not nationwide. I do agree that the economy going lower making hungry people do desperate things will probably become more and more common. I think times are going to get tougher in the not so far future.
I don't see a civil war nor a race war, the blacks I know are level headed and speak out against the BLM and these Police shooting, I think people pay too much attention to the internet and MSM that feeds the frenzy. I also don't see a civil war, no stomach for nor the logistics again too much internet. I bet my money on economic hard times causing some form of civil unrest over civil/race wars.
I agree, a civil war is ridiculous. No one could go directly against our military. As far as the race issue, there is a lot of predijuce out there. I think there's more coming from the blacks than whites from what I've seen. I still don't see a race 'war' per say. I tend to take each person as an individual regardless of color or religion, but I can see it getting nasty in the large cities, not nationwide. I do agree that the economy going lower making hungry people do desperate things will probably become more and more common. I think times are going to get tougher in the not so far future.
Any who are interested in reading the demographic projections of why I believe that the U.S. is headed for balkanization and breakup, please take note: From now until midnight only, all of Billy Roper's books are FREE as e-book editions here:
Alright so that's where this is coming from. Mr Roper is a Knights party (AKA the KKK) member. You see a race war coming no matter what.. Probably hope for one.
As a mutt I have a different perspective than you. I'm what you'd call a BeanerSchnitzel. German and Mexican. I have seen both sides, and have found that both, get you no where fast. There is no White or Black. Just shades and eventually we will all be grey. I hope for the sake of my children's children your way of thinking joins the dinosaur. However you have been reasonable in your tone so, I will tolerate you for now. Please note that I will be watching. Like the FBI. Since I'm sure your membership here has added us to a watch list now. Please continue your pleasant tone and all will be well.
and they sure as he@@ don't show those clips opposite that BLM movement here....

The liberal power brokers (generally white) along with the main stream media are pushing the divide giving ammunition to the agitators of the black community, it's only the media giving BLM validation! When the first large scale terrorist attack happen during the concert in France, the media focus was on France, BLM was openly pissed off because they lost the media spot light, BLM was sniffling on television that too much focus was on France and not on black lives matter. If one proclaims All Lives Matter than one is labeled a racist, kids have been punished in school for proclaiming All Lives Matter! In the end one will find out that the media and community agitators have an love affair with hate and divide.

‘All Lives Matter’ Gets Texas Student Suspended, Sent To Diversity Workshop

This doesn't help when the President of the United States makes this statement;

Obama Explains The Problem With ‘All Lives Matter’