Another Mass Shooting

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I have seen posts on social media, let’s arm the teachers. Honestly, with some the wacko posts about wacko teachers do we want them to be armed?
I have seen posts by a Dem Chris Murphy that we need gun control. This is the same guy that introduced a bill to take police out of schools.
I have a friend who is the School Resource Officer in one of the most dangerous HS in that city. He is a year out from retirement.
Would I trust him with my kids in that school, you bet.
He showed a pic of his office, with his awards on the wall. I told him to put his D3 wrestling All American plaque a little lower so the students could see it. They won’t want to mess with him.
if we want to arm someone in the schools, it should be an officer. PERIOD.
We NEED guns in our schools to help protect our babies! In my area and even county, I personally know a lot of the teachers and we have common sense around here. In fact, a majority are already hunters and have gun knowledge. . . They are NOT the LGBTQ (I hope I got that right?) community! I really think they should all be at least gun trained and also run drills for an active shooter situation. With this Uvalde shooter, it made it sound like he shot thru a window in the door? Information is still coming out. In my school growing up, we had cement block walls. I would think moving all the kids to the wall with the window door would be the way to go if you lock your door to your classroom.
We NEED guns in our schools to help protect our babies! In my area and even county, I personally know a lot of the teachers and we have common sense around here. In fact, a majority are already hunters and have gun knowledge. . . They are NOT the LGBTQ (I hope I got that right?) community! I really think they should all be at least gun trained and also run drills for an active shooter situation. With this Uvalde shooter, it made it sound like he shot thru a window in the door? Information is still coming out. In my school growing up, we had cement block walls. I would think moving all the kids to the wall with the window door would be the way to go if you lock your door to your classroom.
I could agree with that.
I would not trust a teacher around here as far as I could throw them. Make that ditto for where my kids grew up and where my friend is an SRO.
I could agree with that.
I would not trust a teacher around here as far as I could throw them. Make that ditto for where my kids grew up and where my friend is an SRO.
Every community is going to be different here. I know you live in CA, that says a lot right there. I guess I thought maybe away from the major cities were better? Apparently not? I do know there are some Red Communities in California.

I have a very difficult time watching anything this sorry piece of shit says about anything. I am seriously so sick of seeing his (Biden) face and watch his mouth move, and his finger pointing fake emotions...and Obammer coming out with bringing George Floyd to the forefront right at the time of this tragic, devastating incident of children getting massacred...using it to further advantage their own agenda is reprehensible, disgusting and downright wrong, criminal and evil! They/This BS needs to stopped!
There are tons of Texas public school districts in that have a guardian program in place with some staff and teachers trained and armed. When I say trained, mean most of the schools near and around me are trained by a former Delta Force team leader that was participant at a Middle East battle that made the news and has been depicted in a popular movie you’ve probably seen. Anyone that meets standards under this training handles their side arm with accuracy better than 90% of the general population. I won’t go into specific details on the training but it includes proper room clearing tactics, linking with law enforcement and medical practices to stop bleeding. The training is demanding and I’ve seen men pass out from the heat exhaustion while qualifying.
These are committed volunteers and their skills are well beyond what’s needed to get a Texas handgun license. When you get on site to train, you check your pride at the gate and you figure out just what you got in you. After the training, you notice yourself clearing rooms in your house after being gone a few hours. It’s an experience to say the least.
The worst position to find yourself in is not knowing the fight has started. These psycho's are picking the time and place of engagement and society is expected to be ready for the opening bell that they chose. Not a good outcome most of the time. Be vigilant and always aware of your surroundings. If you find yourself about to enter an unavoidable conflict, go in hot. These people did not realize that they were in a fight untill it was too late.
Ps. How is it all these people wearing high priced dragon skin don't send all kinds of red flags to the f.b.i. they track everything. It's only viable when you know you are gonna be in a firefight. You can't wear that at work at Wendy's. What , do you wear it watching Monday night football just in case your friends get violent. That stuff weighs a ton and is smoking hot and very uncomfortable. Like I said ,there is only one reason to put it on. . I would think if I knew you had it, I would have four agents monitoring every post you made on Facebook . But once again too little too late.
if we want to arm someone in the schools, it should be an officer. PERIOD.
Professionals ONLY, not a self-proclaimed "legend in his own mind" 22 year old with no military or police training. If you put anyone near your kids with a gun, it should be one of the family members who have children in the school. They would be protecting their own and not just a paid stranger. NO fat, overweight ex-cops surviving on a small pension and donuts...Professionals with special training and very close work, automatically locking doors with bullet proof locks, trainings for the teachers how to barricade rooms and do special first aid.
BTW! ON THE DOWNSIDE OF THIS AND ALL SHOOTINGS INVOLVING CHILDREN!!! What about the 800,000 missing children in America each year??? Sex slaves, organ donors, satanic ritual victims??? Who is crying about these tragic deaths, needs to also cry about the tragic LIVES and deaths of the missing kids too.
Demoncraps cry "black lives matter" but do not care about the abortion of black babies DAILY!!!!
Is it ok to kill babies but not ok to kill small children in the sick minds of these hypocrites????
40,000 die in car accidents, TAKE AWAY THE CARS?? NO
50,000 die from alcohol, TAKE AWAY THE ALCOHOL?? NO
80,000 die from crack, TAKE AWAY THE CRACK??? NO
300 die from sickos with guns, TAKE AWAY THE GUN?? YES; YES; YES!!!!
FU**ED UP WORLD WITH SCREWED UP; HYPOCRITE LEADERS, sad sad sad world, live free, Gary in tears for children
From what I see in the media, those brain washing deceivers are delighted when a school shooting happens. It sells commercials. They are trying to blame an inanimate object that they hate (The Gun) instead of the monster that pulled the trigger. It is obvious that they hate the gun more than they love children, because the solution is to arm school staff. Tell that to a gun hater and look at their faces. "No, no, no! People are not bad, just misunderstood and treated badly by society. Guns are evil! Guns make people do bad things. We must come together and rid the country of these awful things! When all the guns are gone all evil will evaporate, and all peace loving democrats will live together in harmony." I think the founding fathers would be ashamed of what this country has become.

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