American Horror Story - Cold War myths alive and well

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Awesome Friend
Aug 15, 2013
Not sure how many here watch the show, American Horror Story. The new season, very first episode, there's a nuclear war.

And of course, the myths we all grew up believing are alive and well (and as false as ever).

First, the idea of everything being wiped out (even the locations of these sanctuaries are hot with radiation). Pure nonsense.

Of course, they mention and depict nuclear winter. Again, nonsense, especially with the modern nukes being more of the air burst variety.

Not even going there with the ridiculous idea of having a coach pulled by horses with gas masks on. (only to then kill them).

There's the idea that after a missile inbound text alert, we'd have an hour to react.....(more like 30 minutes tops, and that's only if they decided to send out a warning the MOMENT they detected a launch (which is unlikely)).

The idea of a shelter being stocked for only 18 months (and with food cubes) is pretty silly too. As is the idea that there would be any amount of people near a chosen location to "breach the perimeter" (and overrun other such facilities). Where they hell did they build these things? Shouldn't be people for MILES around if they even chose a somewhat remote location.

Another weird scene, the brave limo driver sacrificing himself to get the rich brats on the jet. Say what? BS. He would have used that pistol to pop each one of them, and then get his own happy ass on that plane!


For all this, there are some interesting things they get right. The scene of all getting the alerts is eerie, and great TV. The instant panic that ensues is also pretty on the mark. Though after the false alarm in HI not too far back, who knows? (come to think of it, that false alarm may have just been a brilliant ploy to reduce panic in a real world scenario).

The idea of the help deciding to turn the tables and be the leaders, is also an interesting and realistic idea. Of course, there's still a lot of mystery about their motives, and knowing the show, it will be downright weird and make no sense, but eh...we'll ride along.

But, at least this show is likely to get people thinking and talking about what a REAL nuclear war would be (and what it wouldn't be). Then again, maybe we're all better off with folks BELIEVING the Cold War myths. After all, it would make folks a LOT less anxious to ever actually wage one.....
I wouldn't say I've "loved" every season. The last one, for example, was just really bizarre (and nearly unwatchable).... I loved the Murder House, Coven, and Freak Show ones best (Hotel wasn't bad). We actually got to meet a lot of the cast of Freak Show, and it's a great group of folks. (and yes, they all had those conditions, not CGI)...(not the main, recurring cast members in different seasons, but those playing the others.)
I watched most of the Freak Show season with my daughter. We pick a series and watch it on the day she comes for dinner. Now it Better Call Saul (saving until winter) and .....Dr. Pimple Popper lol.
Watched episode 2 last night. Sometimes, I think this series just gets too weird for itself.

Digging this Cooperative rep though. That guy really needs to play a vampire or elf in something. He's perfect for it!

I'm still trying to figure out how the other facilities got overrun. Given the security at this one, it's hard to see how a bunch of radiation affected folks would be able to get into the bunkers.

A lot of it just makes no sense. (like where the hell he's recharging that MacBook).... Sure, I can somewhat see a satellite internet hookup (it's what we have too... :D ), but I can't imagine the infrastructure would last long to support it unmanned all over.

Oh well, just gotta go with it. I mean, there's also the leatherclad spiderman thing to deal with, so, reality has kind of left the building already.
Watched episode 2 last night. Sometimes, I think this series just gets too weird for itself.

Digging this Cooperative rep though. That guy really needs to play a vampire or elf in something. He's perfect for it!

I'm still trying to figure out how the other facilities got overrun. Given the security at this one, it's hard to see how a bunch of radiation affected folks would be able to get into the bunkers.

A lot of it just makes no sense. (like where the hell he's recharging that MacBook).... Sure, I can somewhat see a satellite internet hookup (it's what we have too... :D ), but I can't imagine the infrastructure would last long to support it unmanned all over.

Oh well, just gotta go with it. I mean, there's also the leatherclad spiderman thing to deal with, so, reality has kind of left the building already.

My daughter said she just planning on my prepping skills to see her through tough times
yeah, I'm sure my kids would feel the same, and come knocking if the SHTF. (and really, that's fine....they're included in who I'm prepping for).

Of course, not like the SHTF is needed for them to come limping back home when big bad life kicks 'em in the teeth.....but that's fine too.
When my daughter was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I had to add some different prepping items.
I'll bet, no gluten I imagine? That's going to be a tough one post SHTF.

She actually had the stomach biopsy to confirm.
He doctor said that 80% of people doing the gluten free diets don't even need to.
She actually has the diagnosis and it sucks. It kind of makes me mad when people say they don't eat gluten because of blah blah blah....., try eating a roll and being deathly sick for days.