Stay at home wife/mom, beginner!

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New Friend
Feb 26, 2013
Colorado Springs, CO
Hello all. I am a new prepper. Slowly educating myself better and planning accordingly! I look forward to following discussions and reading as many tips and advice as possible! We currently reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In the 18 months we have been here, we have experienced quiet difficult natural disasters that we were not prepared for! Originally from Alaska, we were unaccustomed to flash flooding, dangerous wild fires, sudden snow storms, power outages and we even were without water for 17 days! After the Waldo Canyon fire, I told myself its time to get serious and education myself on my new environment and learn what I can do to help keep my family safe and stocked up!
Hello, Welcome! Lots of advice here! just joined myself and whatever seems to be on your mind, everyone is happy to respond in a positive way! I would never think that someone who lived in Alaska wasn't prepared for Colorado but I think that's what makes the U.S. so great because every area is so different and comes with it's own set of weather and natural disasters. Good Luck to you
Thank you! We heard countless times "You will LOVE Colorado, its just like Alaska!" No sir! haha sorry it is not! I have never lived somewhere that it goes WEEKS of being 80+ degree's outside during the day! Its so dry here, unlike Alaska! I am still trying to adjust but like you said, every state is so different! There are even over a dozen different insects, spiders and bugs here, that we do not have in Alaska!
lol over here on the East Coast we have every season, which is nice, mosquito's are the State bird and the enemy along with ticks. Once the first week in June hits it will start hitting 90 degrees and won't stop until the beginning of September. I lived an hour and a half from where I am now and there are bugs here I've never seen...I'm just glad there aren't any alligators!!!!! I'm working on my food prepping so if you want to exchange ideas or have questions, I'm here...not an epert more like a food storage scientist :)
Sounds great! Same to you! I'm far from ready but we are at least prepped for a two week disaster or 5 days if we have to up and leave! so its a small start!:)
Welcome to the forum Ashley. With having to deal with the fires this past year, you've got to hand it to yourself that you and your family made it through it safely. Good job. Please feel free to jump into any thread and add or take what you like.
Hello all. I am a new prepper. Slowly educating myself better and planning accordingly! I look forward to following discussions and reading as many tips and advice as possible! We currently reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In the 18 months we have been here, we have experienced quiet difficult natural disasters that we were not prepared for! Originally from Alaska, we were unaccustomed to flash flooding, dangerous wild fires, sudden snow storms, power outages and we even were without water for 17 days! After the Waldo Canyon fire, I told myself its time to get serious and education myself on my new environment and learn what I can do to help keep my family safe and stocked up!
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

Should you have any questions or need help with anything feel free to ask. The members on here are more than willing to help!

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper!
Welcome ! Down here in Georgia we are ducking Tornado's more than we want to know.
lol over here on the East Coast we have every season, which is nice, mosquito's are the State bird and the enemy along with ticks. Once the first week in June hits it will start hitting 90 degrees and won't stop until the beginning of September. I lived an hour and a half from where I am now and there are bugs here I've never seen...I'm just glad there aren't any alligators!!!!! I'm working on my food prepping so if you want to exchange ideas or have questions, I'm here...not an epert more like a food storage scientist :)
Jeepgirl, you need to come visit south La. The alligator is our backyard pets. Some of the people here make a good living hunting them. Watch SWAMP PEOPLE on the tube. We have two kinds of mosquitos here: the small one that come through the screen and bits you: then there are the ones that tear out the screen and come in and carry you away so the real big ones don't take you away from them.LOL. If you have to bugout to the swamps or any area that has mosquitos try eating some garlic. It keeps them from stinging you. You won't smell to sexy, but you won't get bit. I learned that from my grandfather and dad. Im so sorry that you'll can't all live here in Gods country.
Well, I'm going to try the garlic thing because they seem to love me and not the locals...maybe that's what it is! I would love to come to La..I'm obsessed with swamp people and I tell everyone I'm ready to become an alligator hunter. We've had so much rain this year, I imagine the bugs are going to be bad!!!!

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