Social Threats Volume 2.

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Okay I bite. Like the blog and some of the historical content is very accurate and well the choice of your color, like others have commented, is a bit hard to read. But it does give some people time to pause. I am concerned about something along those lines in the Pandemic illness world, I do not think it will be related to antibiotics, but a pandemic flu that has a very high morbidity and mortality rate. While Tamiflu and other drugs that will help lessen the symptoms, it simply will not kill the strain of virus, allowing it to spread amongst the population as you suggested.

I know their is a ton of literature of different strains of bacteria and that many have become resistant to the known on the market antibiotics. Too be honest, there is a bit of fallacy when it comes to this sudden concern often flamed by media outlets. So lets break this thought down for the non-virologist type of mindset.

First and foremost, your thinking on the level of the practitioner level, multi-spectrum antibiotics are used each and every day, and for the most part, most world citizens take it for granted. Antibiotics are used in the food we eat, even the person who claims that their food is AKA natural, well it simply is not true. I've posted an example of what we see using the farm to market to consumer. I think it will give some credence to what is an ongoing concern, but that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Center of Disease Control (CDC) are teaming up to study this issue. I draw your attention to two pdf's that describe the concerns aired by a former counterpart of mine and he has been addressing this issue for years (not something just reported in the Times). Ar-Infographic reflects the proposed concern regarding antibiotic resistant strains in the food chain. Examples of this were outbreaks in poultry producing plants, recalls of vegetables (spinach and lettuce are two that come to my mind). I know that many people cite the ongoing issue with Texas famed Blue Bell ice cream plant, but the reality is that Listeria monocytogenes is a very nasty and pesky critter that is an anaerobic bacteria and because of it virulent mannerism is not only a killer, but one that can allude being killed. Part of the reason, in my opinion, the issue of ice cream plants will in the future be of focus by CDC and state health departments.

Second, I've often wondered what the average American understands about strains. Most American's are unaware that some of these bacteria have been around since the dawn of mankind, possibly when man first took his first breath of air. Some bacteria is beneficial for man, so lets keep that in perspective when we talk about bacteria. The increased use as you stated in your blog regarding microbes which are resistant to multiple antimicrobials are called multidrug resistant (MDR). See attachments named CDCinforgrpahic and Antibioticresistance_diagram for a better explanation on the morphology of strains and spread occurs. Why are people concerned, well many explanations can't be filled in this simple response, but 1) Elderly and the young are the most susceptible to MDR strains that are respiratory related, 2) The elderly and those with populations that have respiratory histories are in the high category of acquiring and having a higher morbidity and mortality rate, and 3) Typically children and those who abuse the use of antibiotics may be the underground silent carriers as they exhibit less or milder symptoms often misdiagnosed in a clinical setting. Certainly having worked in a clinical setting in the last decade, I can assure you with Obamacare and Insurance, a full examination lasting more than 15 minute's doctor contact time, is a thing of the past, often, why their is a higher rate of misdiagnosis in a clinical setting and often contributing to serious emergencies (that require long-term admission and treatment). I draw your attention to the Ebola scare in the Dallas hospital as an example, where said, patient was sent home, exhibiting other signs and being misdiagnosed/ultimately leading to the patients death, isolation of exposed loved ones and confirmation/treatment of secondary exposures.

While there is a group of MDR's out there, the potential for respiratory acquired illnesses are the most prevalent type of MDR's that the CDC are concerned most. Community-Acquired Bacterial Pneumonia (CABP), Klebsiella pneumonia and common ventilator used Acinetobacter baumanii are the three that I am mostly concerned about. MRSA is one that gets most of the top billing headlines, even locally, we are not immune to MRSA as this was tested positive in a local school that my son attends. However, while scary, it is treatable and with a thorough cleaning using antimicrobials and other known regimens can be controlled.

Education both in the hands of medical staff and the general public is the key, WHO and CDC have made this one of the critical education points to all medical facilities nationally and internationally, and while I do understand your concern, I'd like to point out that other developed antibiotics are developed, but have not been released for public use.

So rest easy folks, while I draw your attention to attachment named AntimcrresUKreview2, the numbers should be a bit alarming but still do not outpace cancer in Morbidly and Mortality rates. Lastly, as I address my many friends on DPF community, we should not consider Hollywood's interpretation of drug resistance strained bacteria as a cause that would end humanity. Even the Black Death as stated in F.P.'s blog, the MMR still allowed most of Europe and Asia to be affected. Granted they did not have the airplane or modern conveyance during that time and the true possibility that a true bacteria could spread quickly around the world should be concerned as we saw with the Ebola transmissions occurring outside Africa.

I hope this information helps. I won't insult anyone intelligence, if your that concerned then go to the CDC website, I know some of you suspect the government, but the info is there for you to accept or not accept. I am sure that many of you, like me, do not have a multimillion dollar laboratory or the time to prove or disprove these theories, so use your judgement to make your choices.


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Thanks for your information and the feedback, I just went in and changed the color so it should be a little easier to read now. I honestly think they need to use less antibiotics in our food and find different ways to get rid of this bacteria. Though if we did have a plague like outbreak I wonder how much it would effect our society and how much would change.
Bacteria will always find a way into our food chain, that will never change, the best we could do is keep at bay. The majority of bacteria is introduced by man in the chain of food by means of mishandling, in other words man is the common denominator then we have the migrating birds carrying microbes as in the case of the midwest and the south were livestock/poultry were contaminated. I have migrating ducks and geese on my property and flying overhead every year and my concern is the poultry we raise here on the property, regardless how we choose to fight these diseases a double edge sword will always be at play.

It seems to me, the harder we try to combat microbes the stronger it becomes, it appears man's science has forsaken the golden rule 'Nature will always find a way' thus the double edge sword.
The plague in modern times is far easier to contain than it was 100 years ago, we still get all forms of these plague's but for the most part it's a blip on the radar and a short news clip then it is gone but it always comes and goes. The biggest problem facing humanity is a post-shtf were modern medicine is no longer available. One of the biggest threat man faces is influenza/common cold/pneumonia in a pre/post-shtf, I would be more concern with them than a plague.
I've not thoroughly read this thread but would like to chirp in with, how about colloidal silver or bicarbonate of soda and lemon juice (in water).

I know the latter works as my wife suffers from diabetic neuropathy and it helps fight it. I've yet to purchase a colloidal silver kit.
how about colloidal silver

When I was looking into colloidal silver almost two years ago I kept running into this;

"Colloidal silver is a mineral. Despite promoters’ claims, silver has no known function in the body and is not an essential mineral supplement. Colloidal silver products were once available as over-the-counter drug products, but in 1999, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that these colloidal silver products were not considered safe or effective. Colloidal silver products marketed for medical purposes or promoted for unproven uses are now considered “misbranded” under the law without appropriate FDA approval as a new drug. There are currently no FDA-approved over-the-counter or prescription drugs containing silver that are taken by mouth. However, there are still colloidal silver products being sold as homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements."
When I was looking into colloidal silver almost two years ago I kept running into this;

"Colloidal silver is a mineral. Despite promoters’ claims, silver has no known function in the body and is not an essential mineral supplement. Colloidal silver products were once available as over-the-counter drug products, but in 1999, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that these colloidal silver products were not considered safe or effective. Colloidal silver products marketed for medical purposes or promoted for unproven uses are now considered “misbranded” under the law without appropriate FDA approval as a new drug. There are currently no FDA-approved over-the-counter or prescription drugs containing silver that are taken by mouth. However, there are still colloidal silver products being sold as homoeopathic remedies and dietary supplements."

That's because they're just scare-mongering, just think of the loss of money (to the big Pharma's) if it took off, that's why they're doing it.
I don't know but silver can poison the body if ingested I believe it's called argyria, silver does kill bacteria thats very true, I use it for water treatment in some cases though also remember one stomach requires bacteria to help digest food, silver will also kill the good bacteria in the body.
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Thanks for your information and the feedback, I just went in and changed the color so it should be a little easier to read now. I honestly think they need to use less antibiotics in our food and find different ways to get rid of this bacteria. Though if we did have a plague like outbreak I wonder how much it would effect our society and how much would change.

I attended a conference last summer in regards to this issue. It is on high on the agenda for Secretary of Health and Human Services. Each agency under HHS is involved in this issue. The World Health Organization had its first World Antibiotic Awareness Week in November 2015. It marked the first time that the WHO addressed this as one of the top ten concerns affecting world public health. I don't think the issue will go away, as practitioners begin to be aware on these issues, I think you will see a greater move toward not treating with antibiotics and suggest supportive care treatments. One of the major reasons we now are testing for flu prior to treatment with Tamiflu and other agents is a reflection of this migration thought process.

I think with plague we are facing one that is controllable and one that is not. Bubonic plague can be quickly isolated, treated and steps to prevent reoccurrence are simple sanitation/quarantine. Regarding pneumonic variant plague such in the use of as a biological (WMD) terrorist instrument, now this is very scary and why nations are moving to address this issue. As we have seen with the bombings in Paris and Brussels, it would not take a very determined cell with the capability to disseminate this into any city. Metropolitan cities are easy targets (1), cells are able to move freely in/out of congested areas (a quick way to target and expose targeted people), 2) large populations sympathetic to their cause, 3) Mass transit, which is a great way to congregate/provide a greater tolerance of initial exposure to the bacteria.

What is scary and why I lay awake each night, mulling over the problem, and trust me, I don't doubt others in Homeland Security sweat like me, each night, is that the this bacteria manifests itself typical to the many respiratory illness quite common during any cold/flu season. I simply will not place my matrix on why this is issue for me, simply not because I am concerned that some agency is reading it, but simply because I don't trust those freaking fanatics that could use the information that would hurt our nation and also allow the bad guys any more information that they don't have. Simply said, Good OPSEC/COMSEC.

Sure if SHTF and we go back to the Stone Age or Middle Ages as a world society, their will be always be a potential for a bubonic outbreak, but I do not think that modern science or health care knowledge will simply evaporate in thin air. Any good prepper, should have a library and a good amount of materials to develop or reconstitute some basic antibiotics. Part of the reason, I keep a small laboratory packed in one of my Go-kits.

Just my thoughts on the subject. Still a good post F.P. Keep it up.
Oh and regarding silver. I think I posted a PDF on minerals about a year ago in one of the forums. I do like the idea of lemon and bicarbonate soda, both have great healing qualities within tolerance. Mavericks thoughts on the issue are very factual. Silver like most metals taken into the body, take a while to process, over use, causes the body to go into hyper reaction to these overdoses and as such, it is simply not a great idea to use it, during a SHTF type of environment. As always I ask you to discuss this issue with your health care provider.
I attended a conference last summer in regards to this issue. It is on high on the agenda for Secretary of Health and Human Services. Each agency under HHS is involved in this issue. The World Health Organization had its first World Antibiotic Awareness Week in November 2015. It marked the first time that the WHO addressed this as one of the top ten concerns affecting world public health. I don't think the issue will go away, as practitioners begin to be aware on these issues, I think you will see a greater move toward not treating with antibiotics and suggest supportive care treatments. One of the major reasons we now are testing for flu prior to treatment with Tamiflu and other agents is a reflection of this migration thought process.

I think with plague we are facing one that is controllable and one that is not. Bubonic plague can be quickly isolated, treated and steps to prevent reoccurrence are simple sanitation/quarantine. Regarding pneumonic variant plague such in the use of as a biological (WMD) terrorist instrument, now this is very scary and why nations are moving to address this issue. As we have seen with the bombings in Paris and Brussels, it would not take a very determined cell with the capability to disseminate this into any city. Metropolitan cities are easy targets (1), cells are able to move freely in/out of congested areas (a quick way to target and expose targeted people), 2) large populations sympathetic to their cause, 3) Mass transit, which is a great way to congregate/provide a greater tolerance of initial exposure to the bacteria.

What is scary and why I lay awake each night, mulling over the problem, and trust me, I don't doubt others in Homeland Security sweat like me, each night, is that the this bacteria manifests itself typical to the many respiratory illness quite common during any cold/flu season. I simply will not place my matrix on why this is issue for me, simply not because I am concerned that some agency is reading it, but simply because I don't trust those freaking fanatics that could use the information that would hurt our nation and also allow the bad guys any more information that they don't have. Simply said, Good OPSEC/COMSEC.

Sure if SHTF and we go back to the Stone Age or Middle Ages as a world society, their will be always be a potential for a bubonic outbreak, but I do not think that modern science or health care knowledge will simply evaporate in thin air. Any good prepper, should have a library and a good amount of materials to develop or reconstitute some basic antibiotics. Part of the reason, I keep a small laboratory packed in one of my Go-kits.

Just my thoughts on the subject. Still a good post F.P. Keep it up.

Good post! With the plague being used as a biological weapon then that creates a whole different set of circumstances since containment would be near impossible if the weapon is widely used at once and not just local event or an new emerging plague in both cases would be scary as hell. No, with the knowledge we have today I believe our healthcare in a post-shtf would be far more advanced than it was a 100 or so years ago given we are far more knowledgeable as individuals than we were of years past and certainly better equipped (with knowledge and access to material/supplies for us common folks) to handle medical emergency.

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