Hello from MO

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Prepping Goddess
Dec 13, 2012
Hello, just joined, but not new to prepping. Was raised to always keep at least a year's worth of food per person, how to hunt and fish, how to raise livestock and a garden. Passing the knowledge on to my two daughters.
Hello, just joined, but not new to prepping. Was raised to always keep at least a year's worth of food per person, how to hunt and fish, how to raise livestock and a garden. Passing the knowledge on to my two daughters.
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com. Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

I envy your daughters being taught so young. Prepping was never discussed when I was a kid. I grew up in a city so I know nothing of farming or hunting.
I, myself, almost moved to Blue Springs, MO.

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com!
Welcome! I want to thank you for passing this info on to your daughters. It seems survivalists/preppers are.... I should say WERE a dying breed. I guess it's making a comeback now. With people seeing TV and knowing there is no way the govt can save us all, even if they did want to.

Maybe you could get them to join us too? Do they seem to be interested in it, or are you giving the knowledge to them like medicine?
BTW, your dog looks just like my parents dog, Syse. He just passed away, but he was a good lad. HE was part boxer and part pit bull. At least that's what the old owners told him. I miss that ol boy....
Thank you Clydesdale and alabaster for the warm welcome, it is much appreciated. I haven't forced my girls to learn, it's just how they grew up and they find it a second nature. My oldest is 25 and my youngest is 12.
Well that is awesome. Brining up family members to be prepared is the way to go! Your 25 year old might find herself right at home here. Especially since Clydesdale and hj1984 set up a forum just for ladies. Maybe not, but it's a thought. Your younger daughter might dig it here too, Clydesdale just set some new standards to make it more "Family friendly" by cutting out some of the curse words, etc. Then again... Maybe this is a place that you can just come to get away. I dunno about all that. My wife and I are DINKs. Then then again again..... I use this place to get away from HER!LOL:eek: