Please critique my gear

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Jun 2, 2015
Williston, ND
I’m really preparing for 2 types of scenarios.
72 hour emergency (Earthquake, Tornado, etc…)
Bug Out situation (Pandemic, Social unrest, etc… )
Below is a comprehensive list of my equipment.

Is there anything you would add?
Anything you think is unnecessary?
What would you remove to reduce weight?

Weatherproof lighter

Hydration bladder
Water filter
Iodine/Chlorine tablets (water purification)
Non-perishable food
First aid kit

First aid guide
Antiseptic wipes/Peroxide/Triple antibiotic
Various bandages/Butterfly strips
Celox/Liquid bandage
Gauze/Tape/Ace bandage
Hot packs/Cold compress
Acetaminophen/Ibuprofen (fever reducer)
Hydrocortisone (anti-itch)
Aloe gel (burns)
Oxytetracycline tablets (diarrhea/infection)
Lip balm
Needle/Thread/Safety pins/Razorblades
Scissors/Tweezers/Nail clippers
Whistle/Signal mirror
Sunscreen/Bug spray
Survival manual
Area maps
Matches/Lighter/Fuel tab
Dynamo light-radio/2-way radios (In Faraday bag)
Glow sticks
Toilet paper
Space blanket/Poncho
Ziploc/Garbage bags
Aluminum Foil
Duct tape
Fishing kit/Snare wire

Aluminum cup

Hydration bladder
Water filter
Non-perishable food
UA Pant/Shirt/Sox/Glove/Balaclava
Sleeping bag

Sanitizer/Wet wipes/Soap
Mess kit/Silverware/Can opener
Aluminum foil
Saw /Shovel/Machete/Hatchet
Matches/Lighter/Fuel tab
Flashlight/Batteries (In Faraday bag)
Toilet paper
Space blanket
Ziploc/Garbage bags

Winter Clothes
Planting seeds
Takedown bow/Traps
Camo netting
Grappling hook/Ascender
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That's a really good, and comprehensive list. You seem prepared for just about anything.

What kind of pack are you carrying all this in though? Seems like you'd have to have some kind of major framed hiking pack to cart all of this. (or in your vehicle)

I'd personally ditch the hot/cold packs. Not really an emergency need. Not sure how much cookware you're carrying, but a small mess kit typically suffices (and takes up little room and weight). Is a grappling hook and ascender really needed? This also implies that you are carrying a lot of rope (which is bulky and heavy)

Suggestion: keep each two-way radio in small cardboard box and wrap with some tin foil (quick EMP protection, outside the box, foil shouldn't touch radio). Can do likewise for a regular radio too.

Recommended Addition: Small, hand-crank radio that has flashlight and built in phone charger (USB port). Hey, phones may work for a little bit, as the SHTF, but also, you can keep a lot of survival pdfs on a phone. ;)

I'm also a fan of metal water bottles vs. hydration bladders (which are notoriously hard to keep clean and free of bacteria). Plus, you can boil water in the metal bottles.

Another recommended addition: survival playing cards, such as these:
I am currently using a USMC pack system
2300 cu. in. Assault Pack
5000 cu. in. Main Pack w/ 2000 cu. in. accessory pouches

The grappling hook is a collapsible one I carry for tactical purposes; however, it and the ascender may be a little excessive. The rope is something I always carry anyway. It has too many applications and is relatively hard to reproduce from nature so I can’t seem to leave it out.

The “Dynamo light-radio” is a hand crank flashlight/radio. I keep it and the 2-way radios in a Faraday bag (which I made from aluminum foil and duct tape) for EMP protection.

I like your idea of having the USB charger and cell phone with pdfs.
Had been thinking about a small tablet and solar charger but knew that would add considerable weight.

That brings my to my final thoughts on weight reduction. Always thought better to have it then to need it; however, my equipment currently weighs in at 100lbs. Even though I can pack it around I definitely wouldn’t be able to cover a lot of ground. In a FEMA scenario no big deal but if SHTF life may depend on quicker movement.
Had been thinking about a small tablet and solar charger but knew that would add considerable weight.

There's a really nice portable charger where the solar cells are basically hanging over the top of your pack, made by GoalZero. Check them out for it. Something I've considered as well, but I think a smaller phone with a Lifeproof case is just sturdier than carrying a tablet.
small thing,but do you need cook ware?? a mess kit might be enough to make and eat food,unless you plan to make a three course meal in the bush?
you mentioned Flashlight and Batteries..are the batteries rechargeable? and do you have a way to recharge them?and what IF your bugging out on foot?still need a way to recharge them IF needed. im using a diff pc now,on account my last one i need to take some new pic's of what i have going for me,when it comes to recharging my batteries...but most of what i have only works when i have electric power,and/or a vehicle..
i just read Whistle/Signal lets say the power grid failed.the everyday noise will stop eventually. vehicles the business's and everything else.the sound of the whistle will probably double in distance.and the signal mirror can be seen from a long ways playing it safe with them is a good knowing when it's safe to use 1 or both,is great idea.
By cook set I am refering to a coleman mess kit.

I always liked these. But I like the Wenzel one better now. Mostly because the the handle means it can be suspended over a fire easier.
have this one,and a few others..but if neccesary you can just put the lid on this "pakki", put it in your pouch and move..just how rapidly it's up to you,this is tight enough so you won't spill your food, make a small fire and warm it again :)
Your not far off from what we have in our 'heavy' packs we have our warmer and cooler weather clothing in separate water bags that is separated from our packs, if we are able to take them both or just one is dependent on how much time we have and mode of transportation, if I have to bug out by foot I won't be weighed down by clothing.
I would throw in your 72 hrs day pack a Lifestraw portable water filter, Gerber multitool can be carried on your person, but I would carry a Gerber prodigy knife attached as a survival knife. Get rid of toilet paper, and carry baby-wipes instead.
Lol. I'm not in HK, but I rather keep everyone guessing of my whereabouts. Maybe I should just update my profile

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