Pet Peeve IF the SHTF

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Awesome Friend
Jul 5, 2017
Not sure how to word this so I am giving MY examples on it! Something that will bother you if the SHTF and possibly had to bug out and keep moving on thing.
I have a dive watch, another watch rated to 100meters, but I could not for the longest time, wear them when they were wet! If I was in the water it was fine, but once I got out, I had to take it off. Could not even wash my car, or even my hands, and leave a watch on! I have outgrown that now.
The one now is my hair! The first thing I do in the morning is wash my hair. Doesn't matter what I am doing that day, doesn't matter if I washed it in the shower the night before, I have to wash my hair! My Wife says I Love my hair more than anything! I have enough soap, shampoo and body wash that I could wash it everyday for many years! And Yes, I have Long Hair, beard and mustache, AKA The Long Haired Country Boy!
I know, stupid question, but when my Wife told me that I had to ask others what would bother them with possibly Nothing you can do about it! My Wife says not having her nails done would bother her!
my only pet peeve would be the stupidity of the masses, I just hope that their stupidity and lack of foresight gets them killed off fairly quickly as soon as SHTF happens .
The number of people who will still be holding on to their cell phones, looking for a signal, that the internet (Fakebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.) will come back any time now!

A note on water: During or post-SHTF, how much water do you expect to use a day? How are you going to get it? What are the priorities for that water?
wouldn't call it a pet peeve - bothersome because of its absolute stupidity >> the gullibility & naivety of the sheeple to accept something as fact because the Fake News said so - or its the next best rumor ...

prime example in the initial days of the Covid start was the mad rush for bottled water and TP - totally OK in other parts of the planet - but stupid beyond comprehension for the US ....
Civilizations have risen and fallen because of water or the lack of it. If you are going to stay home it should be a prime concern. Some tribes in Africa send their women to get filthy water every day from miles away. I am blessed with an abundance of water. For farming I figure I will need at least 10,000 gallons a week, an amount easily met many times over by a gravity powered irrigation system that takes water from a glacier and dam many miles away. For drinking water I have a well and with a generator and pump with enough fuel to last for years @ 10 gallons a day. As a last resort I live on the bank of a large river.
All that is true, but the run on bottled water when water was coming out of the tap was weird. Do these people normally buy bottled water? I know they do if they are a soccer mom and bring water for their little ones...sports and school. Were they really concerned the city water was going to fail?
People don't like to do without tp, and they weren't going to work or school, so more at home using it. Many bathrooms in places like grocery stores ...where the store was open to 25%, but the bathrooms were closed. We keep some bottled water, but not much. We keep stored water, and have two berkeys to filter it if we use it for drinking. Have our own well, too. Lots of well hand pumps in our area because it's Amish, and no electricity.
All that is true, but the run on bottled water when water was coming out of the tap was weird. Do these people normally buy bottled water? I know they do if they are a soccer mom and bring water for their little ones...sports and school. Were they really concerned the city water was going to fail?
People don't like to do without tp, and they weren't going to work or school, so more at home using it. Many bathrooms in places like grocery stores ...where the store was open to 25%, but the bathrooms were closed. We keep some bottled water, but not much. We keep stored water, and have two berkeys to filter it if we use it for drinking. Have our own well, too. Lots of well hand pumps in our area because it's Amish, and no electricity.
One of the biggest scams in history is bottled water. It is absolutly
amazing to me that will people will pay for a tiny amount of water thousands of times what it costs to bottle. I have never heard of a berkey but I am assuming it is for water storage or purification. People will not die right away from lack of toilet paper, or there would be no Africans. It is like cell phones. I don't own one and still I live!
Berkeys are household water filtering systems. You could set one up portably anywhere. We have two, even though our well is fine, I still filter. The one I have has a 5 gallon capacity, and a spout when it's done. I fill up our five gallon water containers with it, then pop the full container on our water dispenser for hot or cold water. It's a section in our kitchen. The small ice machine sits between all of this. I think they sell smaller units for your counter, or even smaller for a water bottle. Husband just had the plumber put in an RO system, too, on our kitchen sink tap last week.
I drink out of the hose when I'm outside. Always have, and it hasn't killed me yet.
We did notice that our son's Jade plants did better on Berkey filtered water for some reason.
Rain is a thing we don't get much of. We do get a lot of snow and it sticks to the mountain tops all summer some times. It is what makes rivers flow, and refills our aquifers. Pure clean fresh water falling from the sky, in an amount enough to water crops without lifting a finger would be a huge asset.
All that is true, but the run on bottled water when water was coming out of the tap was weird. Do these people normally buy bottled water? I know they do if they are a soccer mom and bring water for their little ones...sports and school. Were they really concerned the city water was going to fail?
People don't like to do without tp, and they weren't going to work or school, so more at home using it. Many bathrooms in places like grocery stores ...where the store was open to 25%, but the bathrooms were closed. We keep some bottled water, but not much. We keep stored water, and have two berkeys to filter it if we use it for drinking. Have our own well, too. Lots of well hand pumps in our area because it's Amish, and no electricity.

the bottled water was exactly the same as the TP - just dumbazz rumors floating around and the sheeple start fighting over it - no real shortage even possible in the US for something like Covid >>> only minuscule truth was the extra TP sold to the public because of job and restaurant/entertainment closings - people were at home more ....
We were living in Albuquerque NM when it all happened. The shortages at the stores read like a prepper buy list: tp, water, salt, spices, canned food, pasta, pasta sauce. We were fine, I keep a year of all we need. But it took a long while before things were stocked again. I went to Sams in April last year and it was shocking to see a whole aisle of baking stuff and the entire spice aisle completely bare. Even the cocoa powder and yeast. I couldn't help but wonder if people that don't normally cook knew what to do with what they bought.

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