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Feb 5, 2013
Hello 37 male and new to all of this. I have a 1 year old son that doesn't live with me. And with everything that's going on in the world today I'm kinda worried about my son and i safety.
Welcome. There are others here with the same situation as you. I hope that you can find information to ease your worry and help you prepare.
Thank you. So far i have found some really good things. Thank all of you for everything you have put on here. I feel better already. :)
Hello 37 male and new to all of this. I have a 1 year old son that doesn't live with me. And with everything that's going on in the world today I'm kinda worried about my son and i safety.
I am in a similar boat as I too have a son I only see 50% of the time, and I know his mother and step-father are not fit nor smart enough to properly protect him should the :shtf
Welcome to the forum there man... kinda in that same situation but backward im the young guy prepping for the old guy. works put great as well as prepping for the gfs family (huge pain in the ace)
G'day from Down Under. My 9yr old loves learning how to garden/dehydrate etc. The young ones are the future, though I shudder to think what that will bring.