New to prepping

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Laurie Conroy

Jul 9, 2012
Hi I would like to introduce myself...My name is Laurie I am a wife and mother of 4 and I am new to prepping. Have been since February because I have been increasingly worried about the state of the worlds finances and believe we are headed for a collapse. Have beans and rice, flour, tons of pasta and water. Have also started a small garden and plan to learn how to can some of the harvest. Other than that just looking to connect and possibly learn from some like minded preppers!
Hi I would like to introduce myself...My name is Laurie I am a wife and mother of 4 and I am new to prepping. Have been since February because I have been increasingly worried about the state of the worlds finances and believe we are headed for a collapse. Have beans and rice, flour, tons of pasta and water. Have also started a small garden and plan to learn how to can some of the harvest. Other than that just looking to connect and possibly learn from some like minded preppers!
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

I too am prepping for economic collapse.

There are some good people on here willing to share ideas and give quality advise. Should you need anything feel free to ask.
Welcom Laurie Conroy!
I am prepping for anything n everything.
as Clydesdale stated, if you need anything dont hesitate to ask.
what type of garden do you have?
i just started one, i have:
Sumter cucumbers
early green broccoli
beefstake tomatos
cherry radishs
and bell peppers.
Welcom Laurie Conroy!
I am prepping for anything n everything.
as Clydesdale stated, if you need anything dont hesitate to ask.
what type of garden do you have?
i just started one, i have:
Sumter cucumbers
early green broccoli
beefstake tomatos
cherry radishs
and bell peppers.

Great! Now I'm hungry!.... Lol

Unfortunately gardening at my place is an impossibility....
Great! Now I'm hungry!.... Lol

Unfortunately gardening at my place is an impossibility....
big pots and grow lights......... just have the cash for the high electric bill, and expect the cops to come bangen on your door thinken your growen "somethen else" lol
Thanks for the welcome....I have tomatoes, cucumbers and green peppers hoping to expand next year.
big pots and grow lights......... just have the cash for the high electric bill, and expect the cops to come bangen on your door thinken your growen "somethen else" lol
That's what I need.... The admiration of the Sheriff's Dept.... LOL....

Thanks for the welcome....I have tomatoes, cucumbers and green peppers hoping to expand next year.
I envy those of you who are able to grow your own food. I hope to someday soon have my own place to do just that.
Thanks for the welcome....I have tomatoes, cucumbers and green peppers hoping to expand next year.
if your new to gardening, i can help a bit, i have a lot of knowledge on tomatoes especially, as i just did a 4hr research on them to see why mine aren't fruiting.
i found out, they don't like to fruit in temps above 85 degrees, and today it was 108 here lol, but come to find out i was jumping the gun a bit, i seen some other peoples pics and found that mine was yet half the size so far, then today i found it flowering, yay lol!
Thanks Krime our tomatoes (here in Ontario Canada) have just begun to flower too. It has been above 85 for the better part of two weeks. Good luck with your tomatoes. I am planning salsa and tomato sauce for mine and to freeze my peppers and pickle my cucumbers.
Thanks Krime our tomatoes (here in Ontario Canada) have just begun to flower too. It has been above 85 for the better part of two weeks. Good luck with your tomatoes. I am planning salsa and tomato sauce for mine and to freeze my peppers and pickle my cucumbers.
How envious am I!

But I guess I could always try hydroponics... That should attract D.E.A.'s attention!
Thanks Krime our tomatoes (here in Ontario Canada) have just begun to flower too. It has been above 85 for the better part of two weeks. Good luck with your tomatoes. I am planning salsa and tomato sauce for mine and to freeze my peppers and pickle my cucumbers.
thats exactly my plan!
my wife loves dill pickles!
ya, where i am temps reach in the 100+ range, except the last few days its been over cast with thunder storm warnings, but it still gets over 85.
the best thing ive seen to do, is to move them into shaded areas (if potted) or to put an umbrella over them if planted in the soil.
if the flowers are weeping try acouple tbl spoons of epsom salt (not really salt btw) mixed with a gallon of water, epsom is magnesium sulfate that is great for your plant( so ive read anyway) ive just added some to my big one (potted) and well see how it turns out.
Thanks for the tip. I never thought of using epsom salt that way. I have a big container but have only used it in the bath water when the kids have a rash or something of that nature. I made 7 jars of refrigerator pickles and pickled eggs today. Cant wait for the tomatoes!!
Thanks for the tip. I never thought of using epsom salt that way. I have a big container but have only used it in the bath water when the kids have a rash or something of that nature. I made 7 jars of refrigerator pickles and pickled eggs today. Cant wait for the tomatoes!!
i have a good tip on eggs too!
if you rub mineral oil on them (still with shell and no cracks) they can last up to 9 months w/o refrigeration, just remember to mark the carton so you know how long ago you did it.
(ive never tried it so be careful)
You must watch doomsday preppers. I have Kellene Bishop on my facebook and she was on that show. She has many interesting tips!
You must watch doomsday preppers. I have Kellene Bishop on my facebook and she was on that show. She has many interesting tips!
the thick chick, good cook prepper? yup i think thats were i did get that lol.
ya she seemed to have alot of useful tips, but i wasnt a fan of how she prepped.
well im not a big fan of buggen in, when you live in a city. to me shes only stocking up for other people to come take. when shtf, just about everyone, besides us that prepp lol, are going to go ape you know what, because they have nothing. living in a city environment puts her at risk to become a victim of trolling mobs/gangs/crazy nomads, upon others. although her family has guns, whats a few people with guns compared to a 5-10 man gand of people? the odds are likely she either wont survive, or she'll give up her stash and bug out with whatever she n family can carry. leaving food and possably guns/ammo for those members to take.
Oh I have been thinking of that myself. It is not possible for us, as a family to bug out because my who lives with us is immobile she has sever arthritis. We live on the the outskirts of a town of approx 40,000 in size. What are you thoughts on our situation. We also have four children who live with us.
ill look into your case n see what i can come up with. that seems like a challenge. i love challenges lol.
im sorry to hear about your family member though. my mother, who lives with us, has severe M.S.
depending on how much money you have, you can always go this route:

just hook up a 4x4 wagon and the kids are set too.
its obviouse to me though that you might need other options, so ill investigate more for you too.
i need to ask a few questions so i can help you properly:
1. is (im guessing your mom?) mobile? is she on IV's? does she take extensive medications?

i know its hard to talk with a stranger about this, but in order to find a proper method, one needs to know these things.
2. how old are the kids?
3. if you had no worries buggen out, were would your destination be? (ie, forest, bunker etc, not an exact location)
4. do you have money to spend, or are you on a limited income?
Yes it is my mom...she is on meds for her pain and he rheumatoid arthritis and osteopeurosis but doesnt move around much because of the pain. She cant even get into a regular car so I have to rely on the cities bus for handicapped people to get her to appts and stuff. The kids are 20 ( hes is working and taking specialized music lessons so he achieve a degree in jazz studies) 18 (she is entering university this Sept) 11 and 9. If I could bug out it would be in a more rural setting with a couple acres of land with hopefully a stream or some source of water on or near it. And finally our income is not limited but our budget is tight because I stay home to care for my mom and the younger kids. My hubby works full time and my mom is on a pension.
first, good job raising your kids!
and your a great daughter looking after your mom like that.
so basicly im hearing your ok on money, if the price is right, but not enough to run out and buy a $10k track chair lol, who does these days? lol i couldnt even afford the seat lol.
you need to find a sort of transport for her, not only by vehicle, but other ways in case the freeways are blocked, and also, how to get her+ your family into the wild.
that about sum it up?
ok i found some options for you, if the sites will post.
tbh, this all depends on how far your wanting to go with prepping too.
you stated your mother likes the bus right?
well heres a place to buy the used shuttle busses:
thats a used '94 but they have New and newer used too.
theres also wheelchair conversion kits too if you own a van.
heres some off road wheelchairs:
and heres some natural remedies if you make it to your bug out location:

as far as the kids are concerned, they're old enough, i aould think, to learn about preppinb themselfs. have them help you create bug bags, and teach them what the idems are or could be used for.
also, you could have them watch videos on youtube, about how to set snare traps, and other useful stuff can be watched there too.
i will keep my eyes out for anything else i can find useful to your situation, and as allways, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
oh, also, if you want more natural remedies, i think her names Pippa, on this site, and she had alot of useful info on natural remedies, you could ask her and im sure shed love to help.
You must watch doomsday preppers. I have Kellene Bishop on my facebook and she was on that show. She has many interesting tips!
I saw her episode as well. Have you heard when/if season 2 will air?

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