My Theory

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Dec 20, 2012
A few evenings ago, I watched a new episode of 'Doomsday Preppers' which I watch often. However this particular episode sparked my interest. I found that the theory very interesting and decided to adapt it to my own ideas.

China owe a huge proportion of money to the US and if they were to pay this all back, or a large sum of it, it would effectivly,
crush our economey. If they re-paid $3.1 trillion to the US, this would cause the worth of the U.S Dollar to plummet. Meaning the price of food would 'sky rocket' thus clearing out supermarkets and food suppliers. People would be buying enough food to last years, some of us have already. So how does this affect the UK? It is suggested that the UK could be the next super power in the crosshairs of China, other have said Japan. Momentarily, the UK would be untouched by this. However, 40% of the food in the UK is imported from other countries.
It's a scary outlook that one day, you could not feed your family on what you earn. Which brings me onto my point about the breakdown of society.
If food prices really rise that high, what's to say that your neighbour isn't going to take what you have from you to eat and feed his/her family. What's to say you won't do the same? I have been thinking of this for about a year now, and as you and I laugh at the Mayan calendar. The Chinese have their own calendar. When to take over the world.
My theory is imcomplete and, of course, has flaws.

For China to re-pay so much money, it also has a high risk of crashing their economy. They can only hope their currency will rise enough for them to come back or profit.

China export a lot to super powers such as America, and this could ruin their chances of profiting from manufacturing.

Thanks for reading,
I heard a lot from sources both online, and from friends of mine into politics. If the information is inaccurate, I'd rather it be deleted. I don't want to inform anybody incorrectly.
I need to research myself...but I've never heard this with everything being made in china it only makes sense that we've borrowed to pay's the American way!
I checked this website: and yahoo.
US owes China approx 14 trillion $. You owe us down under approx 14 billion (this would wipe out most of our foreign debt). On the site there is a large world map that shows what the US owes. Better be ready when countrys started calling in their debts.I could not find what China owed the US. Hope it helps.
China owns less than 10%, I think closer to 6% of our debt. They have no incentive to do so, as long as we continue to honor our debts. And even if they tried to "cash-in" on all their debts, it may cause some havoc on the markets as speculators began questioning motives and such; but no reason to allude that it'd lead to any major collapse.
China owns less than 10%, I think closer to 6% of our debt. They have no incentive to do so, as long as we continue to honor our debts. And even if they tried to "cash-in" on all their debts, it may cause some havoc on the markets as speculators began questioning motives and such; but no reason to allude that it'd lead to any major collapse.
I hope you're right that it wouldn't cause a major collapse!!! I really pray you're right!!!!
Sigh, i dont get this. This is where economy starts to confuse me. It seems like
its all just made up stuff to keep some wierd formula in balance. Maybe the economy needs
a reset and we start over. Lets say it does collapse. Isn't my local golden plump factory still
gonna exist? Let say for argument sakes, the workers still decide to work there for
free and decide to "trade" their chickens for things like fuel, feed etc? And restaurants to cook it
for them, and the people who "participate" in creating the whole production, like workers,
delivery people etc and so on. There should be enough people in the world to trade services
for products and vice versa.
I know this probably sounds dumb to an economist and it may just be fantasy land, but i
find it hard to beleive that people wouldn't make it work.
your correct i think. people would make it work to survive. only problem there would be no money exchange, therefor no taxes, now know-body paying the fat cat government. You don't think thats gonna happen do you. The dark prince not getting his money or fix being "in Control". Here come Marshall law. its not that there afraid of violence, its the loss of control and revenue.
your correct i think. people would make it work to survive. only problem there would be no money exchange, therefor no taxes, now know-body paying the fat cat government. You don't think thats gonna happen do you. The dark prince not getting his money or fix being "in Control". Here come Marshall law. its not that there afraid of violence, its the loss of control and revenue.
I saw this bumper sticker taking my son to school this morning.
I don't think we have to worry about China cashing in and collapsing our economy because it is my opinion that obama will destroy it faster than china could.
I don't think we have to worry about China cashing in and collapsing our economy because it is my opinion that obama will destroy it faster than china could.

HE'S WELL ON HIS WAY. That which we must remember and watch for is the manipulations behind the scene he does not want people to see while he is putting on this finger pointing dog and pony show going on now.
HE'S WELL ON HIS WAY. That which we must remember and watch for is the manipulations behind the scene he does not want people to see while he is putting on this finger pointing dog and pony show going on now.
I think that is exactly why he is a perpetual campaigner. So long as he is roaming around the country/world no one will be watching what the rest of his idiotic crew and appointees are up to back in D.C. and on the bench

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