Moving from theoretical prepper to practical

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Awesome Friend
Apr 24, 2020
Hi, I’m from Liverpool, England. Read a lot of disaster fiction and SHTF tutorials. So freaked me out enough to start changing the way I do things. Would love to have a piece of land but will have to stick to potted potatoes and carrots for the time being. No clue about guns as they’re generally only used by farmers or a select group of criminals over here. I joined the site because family and friends think I’m barking (I asked for an axe for my birthday) just looking for support and advice really.
Howdy from Georgia!

The one thing that keeps people from wanting to hear about prepping is something called "normalcy bias." They have a deep seated belief that everything tomorrow will continue as was yesterday, and anything that makes them think things will not continue normally is disturbing because it sets up a sort of cognitive dissonance. So people that cause those disturbing thoughts must be ridiculed in order to silence them.

A lot of people have been shaken out of their normalcy bias by this, but I believe the majority are still living in denial right now.
Very true... a lot of people will discuss it hyperthetically (spelling?) but are reluctant to do anything about it. Feel a bit out of my league here but everyone starts somewhere, thanks for your reply.
Discussing it hypothetically is like talking about a fictional novel or movie. Fiction uses something called "suspension of disbelief" so that we can, for example, momentarily believe that a hundred foot tall monster walks the earth in order to immerse ourselves in the story.

But once the story is over we go back to the real world, and psychologically healthy adults aren't looking around every corner worrying that Godzilla is on the prowl. Young children aren't as adept at suspension of disbelief as adults, so they have problems switching between reality and fiction, and they may actually be worried about Godzilla getting them in real life after watching a Godzilla movie.

Actually DOING something to prepare for disasters is psychologically like worrying about Godzilla coming after them. To them, disasters are something fictional that happens in the movies, not something that should affect your "real" life. Sometimes, even when it's happening all around them, as can be witnessed right now!

I daresay we even have members of this board that still don't think this is real.
Have to admit that took a few reads Dr Henley, I liked the analogy. Am I right in thinking it boils down to, ‘do you believe?’ And if so, prove it by getting off your backside and do something to make sure you and yours have a chance.
In physics terms, Newton's First Law of Motion states that a body at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force acts on it, and a body in motion at a constant velocity will remain in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force.

So the "inertia" of normalcy and the "momentum" of normal daily life will tend to prevent anyone from acting unless the reality of the danger has sufficient force to overcome that momentum. And sometimes it is exceedingly difficult to overcome. For example people refusing to leave their home in a flood, even though they are already knee deep in water inside their home. In the current situation, sometimes it takes someone close to them dying of COVID-19 before they accept the reality of the situation.
Hi, I’m from Liverpool, England. Read a lot of disaster fiction and SHTF tutorials. So freaked me out enough to start changing the way I do things. Would love to have a piece of land but will have to stick to potted potatoes and carrots for the time being. No clue about guns as they’re generally only used by farmers or a select group of criminals over here. I joined the site because family and friends think I’m barking (I asked for an axe for my birthday) just looking for support and advice really.

Hi Gracie, first you need to start with a plan, it it begins with What are you prepping for, EG at the moment its likely to be Covid 19, unemployment, food and medical shortages and cos you live in a city civil unrest and crime.

You need to start considering the assorted sections of prepping EG

Self Reliance
Etc Etc.

Dont rush out and start spending money until you know exactly what you need.
Thank you Bill. Started with a lot of the above mentioned last year. Find storage quite tricky, so I’m working on shelving for the attic. I have a particular fear/ worry about EMP so would like to work towards getting an older vehicle and generator. Would also like to learn more about CB radios but the info is overwhelming. Thanks again for your time.
Welcome from Fin,

always better to prep and not to.
we ain't going back to "normal" in a looooong time and the new normal won't be what it used to be.
what ever steps you take to make you feel secure are good, just browse threads here and ask, there are no stupid questions.
Thank you Bill. Started with a lot of the above mentioned last year. Find storage quite tricky, so I’m working on shelving for the attic. I have a particular fear/ worry about EMP so would like to work towards getting an older vehicle and generator. Would also like to learn more about CB radios but the info is overwhelming. Thanks again for your time.

Emp is a very low risk but the preps for it are the same for massive power cuts etc, So back ups like gas heaters / cookers , wood burning stoves , Keeping radios, Pcs etc in faraday cages boxes etc, look at solar panel kit to recharge phones etc. Go to the Charlie Tango website its the home of CB in the UK loads of good help in their.
the info is overwhelming
Greetings and welcome from Germany. Hang yourself into the swing of things and go slow. The balance of what you need and what others think they need is hard to get ínto your head. Everybody has other possibilities and needs, added to the amount of time and money available, on top of that, how much you have to do for and by yourself while swimming against the current of anti-preppers. Just don't forget that only DEAD fish swim with the current. Find your own way and your own needs. Go slow and effective. Plan your work and then work your plan...GP
Emp is a very low risk but the preps for it are the same for massive power cuts etc, So back ups like gas heaters / cookers , wood burning stoves , Keeping radios, Pcs etc in faraday cages boxes etc, look at solar panel kit to recharge phones etc. Go to the Charlie Tango website its the home of CB in the UK loads of good help in their.
Website sounds good will take a look
Greetings and welcome from Germany. Hang yourself into the swing of things and go slow. The balance of what you need and what others think they need is hard to get ínto your head. Everybody has other possibilities and needs, added to the amount of time and money available, on top of that, how much you have to do for and by yourself while swimming against the current of anti-preppers. Just don't forget that only DEAD fish swim with the current. Find your own way and your own needs. Go slow and effective. Plan your work and then work your plan...GP
It’s easy to get carried away. I try to do it little and often and like a good tick list. The big stuff is saving and research (unless my dad wins the Euromillions)
Then he will be rich. You will not be. Trust and believe only in yourself. You CAN be your worst enemy, if you allow yourself to be pulled down or held back from knowing your own weaknesses. You MUST be your best friend tho. No body else lives with you 24 hours a day with you and knows all your weaknesses and dark secrets. You must trust and love yourself, if you do not love yourself; why should anyone else love you? You are your greatest asset or your greatest barrier, do what you must to get to where you think you should be in life. If someone wants to have something they have never had before, they must be ready to do something they have never done before...GP
Warm Welcome from the Arizona valley folks. USA
Then he will be rich. You will not be. Trust and believe only in yourself. You CAN be your worst enemy, if you allow yourself to be pulled down or held back from knowing your own weaknesses. You MUST be your best friend tho. No body else lives with you 24 hours a day with you and knows all your weaknesses and dark secrets. You must trust and love yourself, if you do not love yourself; why should anyone else love you? You are your greatest asset or your greatest barrier, do what you must to get to where you think you should be in life. If someone wants to have something they have never had before, they must be ready to do something they have never done before...GP[/QUOTE
Good point, doing what I can need to do more
Sorry, that didn’t send separately. I agree with you. Good to be reminded
Welcome from Tennessee . In My opinion You will get more usable information from this site than all of the social media world . Scroll back through the threads and You will find topics on long term , short term prepping and any related topics .
I don’t have an axe...
Hi Brittany, do not get yourself an axe till you have the need, strength and training for one. Lots of people have axes, hatchets, saws and such but never really learned how to use it properly and waste too much energy using it. Every calorie you waste in a survival situation must be replaced by very hard to come by calories while surviving. Remember that these tools are very valuable in emergencies, but they also have different uses and you must understand the specific uses and their limits on and for the jobs you have. Learn from someone or get some practice from you tube and find your way...Gary
PS: you can get a small machete and do the same work as with a hatchet with much less weight and space. An axe is for building a whole cabin.
Hi Brittany, do not get yourself an axe till you have the need, strength and training for one. Lots of people have axes, hatchets, saws and such but never really learned how to use it properly and waste too much energy using it. Every calorie you waste in a survival situation must be replaced by very hard to come by calories while surviving. Remember that these tools are very valuable in emergencies, but they also have different uses and you must understand the specific uses and their limits on and for the jobs you have. Learn from someone or get some practice from you tube and find your way...Gary
PS: you can get a small machete and do the same work as with a hatchet with much less weight and space. An axe is for building a whole cabin.

I agree. I only have a machete and a few knives. However, I kind of want to own one just for the aesthetics of it. So when SHTF and the see me with one, they be thinking, “Damn, this chick ain’t fckn around”
Brittany, get yourself a smaller Viking axe, that should give a clear message..