lock pic sets

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Awesome Friend
Jul 7, 2012
I know we have a few "creative" members that might be able to help out on this one. I would like to put a lock pick set in my bug out bag, any good reasources for such? One that could get into a lot. Even soda and candy machines. I think it would be a great reasource to have. I am sure if shtf, being able to get into locked areas would be a great help? Thanks in advance.
I know we have a few "creative" members that might be able to help out on this one. I would like to put a lock pick set in my bug out bag, any good reasources for such? One that could get into a lot. Even soda and candy machines. I think it would be a great reasource to have. I am sure if shtf, being able to get into locked areas would be a great help? Thanks in advance.
Great idea!
I would also add a "slim Jim" to your arsonal. Never know when you might need to get in to a car.

Here is a site I found specializing in lock picks.

Here is their page for Slim Jim's
If things get that bad, any rock will work for getting into car, any boot for house doors, and even a soda machine will give it up to a lowes home improvements Item #: 277863 can also be used for personal protection if you choose to let them get that close.
I do not in any way judge a person for thier choices of equipment, but in the end simplicity is a correct answer, and requires no training, or the time spent on some trainings. I personally think there are better ways to spend time. Time is the 1 resource that we will all find the least of as we try to prepare for anything that awaits us.
I can tell you from many years of work experience, most hasps are easier to go through than locks. Most locks can be gone around faster than through
Oh I hear ya, I just think it's a good skill set to have, I tend to go on the stealthier side. Don't be seen, don't be heard. Item # 277863 " sledge hammer "
Well the lock pic worked really well on a older dead bolt, it took about 30 sec. Had some trouble with a newer lock but was still able to get in. This thread has opened my eyes about locks and how secure they are, or how insecure they are.
I guess if someone really wants to get into something they will, but I am going to make it a real BITCH !!
Im glad this thread has opened eyes and is making people talk about it. I would prefer myself to go the stealthier route, and not kick in a vending machine. A pair of bolt cutters which I will have will get me quickly past a lock but getting into buisness' and homes if needed would be easier by picking locks. I am not a looter and do not want to destroy property, just take what I need and head on my way. Also maybe steal a school bus or camper for transportation. This is all of coure in a shtf scenario. Lol
I dont want to be a nit-picker (or a lock picker) but if you enter someone elses home or buisness for what you need you are a looter. Thats just the way it is. There is no grey area, your taking what is not yours. I just have no problem recognising there will be victors, and there will be victims.
I say if it works for you great, I do not know your exact circumstances, But I see in no possible way the need for me to sneak around, nor swipe a ride. by the 3rd day (in my opinion) bands of have nots will band together and procure thier needs, from the easiest place possible. From the thoughtless that choose to be cornered on the highways/backroads that can so easily be blocked and guarded.
I respect your opinions, but at the same time the flys that just watch need both sides of a thought to make up thier own plans.
I think very few plans should include any part of road systems, after the 1st 48 hrs.
Im glad this thread has opened eyes and is making people talk about it. I would prefer myself to go the stealthier route, and not kick in a vending machine. A pair of bolt cutters which I will have will get me quickly past a lock but getting into buisness' and homes if needed would be easier by picking locks. I am not a looter and do not want to destroy property, just take what I need and head on my way. Also maybe steal a school bus or camper for transportation. This is all of coure in a shtf scenario. Lol
People will do whats needed to survive, I am just glad my family is into prepping, being prepared is some what comforting.
It will become a lifestyle, you will see many uses for everyday things.
Anyone even thinking about prepping is way ahead of the masses.
We have atleast recognised the value to our lives, and are willing to make plans to preserve it.
Some things are cold hard facts.
The meek will be gone in the 1st week, Every week after that, anyone whom did not have a plan but is still alive is a predator. It is that simple.
Those of us that are far enough in the country to be self sufficient, will have to outlast these nomads.
Having a sound, real plan should be comforting.
People will do whats needed to survive, I am just glad my family is into prepping, being prepared is some what comforting.
IT does make life easier when everyone is on board. My wife has come around and seen the importance. The turning point was when we were evacuated due to a Cal Trans back hoe hitting a gas main. They evacuated us and I had enough time to grab the real necessities. She now is planning a bug out bag for everyone.
IT does make life easier when everyone is on board. My wife has come around and seen the importance. The turning point was when we were evacuated due to a Cal Trans back hoe hitting a gas main. They evacuated us and I had enough time to grab the real necessities. She now is planning a bug out bag for everyone.
I dont want to be a nit-picker (or a lock picker) but if you enter someone elses home or buisness for what you need you are a looter. Thats just the way it is. There is no grey area, your taking what is not yours. I just have no problem recognising there will be victors, and there will be victims.
I say if it works for you great, I do not know your exact circumstances, But I see in no possible way the need for me to sneak around, nor swipe a ride. by the 3rd day (in my opinion) bands of have nots will band together and procure thier needs, from the easiest place possible. From the thoughtless that choose to be cornered on the highways/backroads that can so easily be blocked and guarded.
I respect your opinions, but at the same time the flys that just watch need both sides of a thought to make up thier own plans.
I think very few plans should include any part of road systems, after the 1st 48 hrs.
I don't plan on breaking into anyone's house, or take whats not mine. Your sure are quick to assume that, I come across locked gates by the forest service all the time, places maybe I would want to be in a crisis. So ya let the "flys" as you call them, which in it's self, in my opinion is pretty lame, that maybe it could be useful in a bad situation. Lets see you put your foot through a iron gate ! Whack it with your sledge hammer, that wont make any noise. Oh and after I pick that lock, I would probably through in the lock kill key. If I am in that situation, I am diffidently going to cover my rear, six, ass, whatever you want to call it.
I don't plan on breaking into anyone's house, or take whats not mine. Your sure are quick to assume that, I come across locked gates by the forest service all the time, places maybe I would want to be in a crisis. So ya let the "flys" as you call them, which in it's self, in my opinion is pretty lame, that maybe it could be useful in a bad situation. Lets see you put your foot through a iron gate ! Whack it with your sledge hammer, that wont make any noise. Oh and after I pick that lock, I would probably through in the lock kill key. If I am in that situation, I am diffidently going to cover my rear, six, ass, whatever you want to call it.
I have never used a lock pic set. I have wanted to learn. the closest I have gotten is the credit card trick.
What locks are easiest to pick?
I have never used a lock pic set. I have wanted to learn. the closest I have gotten is the credit card trick.
What locks are easiest to pick?
kwik set and sledge. When you get the hang of it, it is pretty easy. I upgraded the house with best locks with 7 pins, the cheap locks have 5.
I don't plan on breaking into anyone's house, or take whats not mine. Your sure are quick to assume that, I come across locked gates by the forest service all the time, places maybe I would want to be in a crisis. So ya let the "flys" as you call them, which in it's self, in my opinion is pretty lame, that maybe it could be useful in a bad situation. Lets see you put your foot through a iron gate ! Whack it with your sledge hammer, that wont make any noise. Oh and after I pick that lock, I would probably through in the lock kill key. If I am in that situation, I am diffidently going to cover my rear, six, ass, whatever you want to call it.

well first where do we begin to answer this one. ah yes,
Colt if we are to continue to be friends you really must remove that chip from your shoulder. everything I say is not directed at you.
for instance you said.....(I don't plan on breaking into anyone's house, or take whats not mine. Your sure are quick to assume that.)
well here is the truth.
I would like to enter exibit #12 (or in this case post #12) by survivalist in which he says (but getting into buisness' and homes if needed would be easier by picking locks.)
You may notice the close proximity to the post in which you have taken personal, it being post 13. It would not be a far assumption by most that it was posted to him. It apears that he has taken it with a grain of salt, and no harm done. As he has been here many times since monday, and has not sent me a cussing private message LOL I doubt he will. Most adults can have a debate and not be offended.
The proof is in the fact that we have these great forums to share ideas, as well voice opinions no matter the difference between them.

I can respect the fact that you think me lame for mentioning "the flys" It does not bother me at all.
I have been in many Forums, and it is generally the generic term for those whom land on the walls and watch (read up all material without having to join to do it) If it would make ypou feel better I will gladly, just call them unregistered guest, just guests, for your benifit I will even be more political if you like and refer to them as, membership impaired individuals. Whatever it takes to avoid feelings being hurt.

The fact still remains that they are part of this movement we have , and that thier opinions are important to me. I was simply inviting them to join us, and tell me what they think. I still do.

Then you go into your new scenerio, Put my foot through a iron gate. nope cant do it. whack it with sledge, that would be overkill, noise yes, and unneeded. then you go on to pick the lock, enter, and break off key, to cover your rear

My opinion on senerio, and its just my opinion, I have a few thoughts.
I assume the whole property is surrounded by fence, thats why you are entering the gate. Or is it to drive a unnoticable vehicle through?
You must not plan to exit that way yourself, with that key broke off in it. Uh do you have a break off key to fit master, brinks, schlage, yale, etc...
your gonna need a janitors ring to tote that load.
but you got your rear covered good. Survivalist or someone just like us (sorry survivalist but had to use you, so it wouldnt just be me. colt is just a little personal about what I say) would come on through with our bolt cutters. Or..............

For the rest of our survivalist friends I will add that most forestry gates are just a metal post with a swing bar inserted over it so it will swivel, the opposing side is generally a single post with a chain welded onto it. there are usually a couple of locks on each one, any lock will open the entire thing. choose the easiest lock to cut, and you are in, (generally its just easier to cut the chain closest to the gate, Bypassing all locks. The reason for all the locks is that in most states many different people may need to enter the property, including (but not limited to) forestry, police, area fire dept, any existing relitives to any old family cemetarys, My grandmothers family cemetary is on the property of Pipestem state park in WV. I am in NC but even I have a key to the gate at the top of the mountain. Anyways, oh yeah covering your rear.

I have installed many of these gates, they are the same as for gas line access roads. post on each side, sometimes they have concrete around them (most dont on the locking side.) 1st try just shaking it and jerking it out, they are usually 3" pipe, 5' in length. NO, dont worry, your obviously trying to get vehicle through, so whats in almost all vehicles, spare tire, If you are out there to survive you should have some kind of strap in your vehicle. wrap strap 2 or more times around the bottom of post, roll sparetire up to post, bringing strap over the tire, hook to vehicle and pull.
the tire changes the angle of strap to a verticle pull instead of a horrizontal. (also great for removing bushes right now) concrete or not it will come out if you have anything bigger than a riding lawn mower. now simply let the gate hold up the weightof the post, just push it open.
Do not destroy or even enter unlocked gates, it is against the law. This information offered in case of life saving senerio, in which you still have to answer for your choices.

No car, just want to open the gate for your buddy in a wheelchair, so he dont have to walk in ditch to get around, no problem.
Take off your pants, get them wet in the ditch beside the road, place crotch on the post at ground, take legs (1 each side) and wrap back on croch area, find a rock about the size of your fist, break it on another bigger rock, after-thought keep pants on while cracking rocks, then remove LOL no use in them little pieces in your legs (no rocks no problem, your in the desert, dig sand from around post with your hands.) take broken rock and cut/chop down a tree 3" round 10' long. tie the legs of the pants at about 2 foot from the end of pole.placing anything you can(rock, wood ) under the now short end of your lever, Now go to other end and lift. a 10' pole with pivot point at 2 feet, when lifted 6' in the air will have lifted about 1 ', even calculating the strech of pants, and bow of pole, you should have easily broken the friction between post and the ground holding it,( after all it is just 3" steel pipe, about 5.5 lbs per foot X 5 foot is less than 30 lbs, most posts are driven not dug, but even if they were most are dug with post hole diggers 7" hole, take away the post in center, 2' deep it has less than 25 lbs of concrete on it. Total average would be 60Lbs) if you cant remove it by hand now simply lenghten the distance on the short end of pole and it can be lifted out no problem. take break, push whole thing open, help your buddy continue.
kwik set and sledge. When you get the hang of it, it is pretty easy. I upgraded the house with best locks with 7 pins, the cheap locks have 5.
What locks do you use?
LOL, imma have to agree somewhat with Hades here.
Locks are only ment to keep honest people honest!
believe me, i can and will get in. i do have a history in this im ashamed to say, but its the reality of it.
tbh, call me what you will, but post-shtf i will do what is nessisary for the survival of not only myself, but of my family as well, and if that means busting into a house, buisness or car, believe me i will do so without hesitation.
i also agree that a boot to the door/soda/cany machine will be the most effective, but if you want scilence try a crushed spark plug. houses have windows cars have windows, when you throw a crushed up spark plug (just the porciline pieces) at a window/glass it will spiderweb, then just push it in. very little noise is made if done right.

also, a word of advice IF you can actually find a soda/candy machine that isnt already opened up post-shtf, also look through the change. as i doubt it will have monetary value, coins before 1964, i believe, are like 90% silver, and can be used as such for bardering.
I would have to Question the thought of US minted coins being worthless after any post-anything.
I believe that it would still be used on terms of bartering. the value would be deemed by whoever was trading something for it, but the fact that it a recognised, hard to remake "token" would make it still have value, as long as several places would still accept it. I would, but I would also set the terms to its value, by what I could get for it somewhere else that they may not have access to.

The truth is it only has any value now because of our ability to use it for trading. It has no real value, because it is backed by nothing more than confidence now.
I would have to Question the thought of US minted coins being worthless after any post-anything.
I believe that it would still be used on terms of bartering. the value would be deemed by whoever was trading something for it, but the fact that it a recognised, hard to remake "token" would make it still have value, as long as several places would still accept it. I would, but I would also set the terms to its value, by what I could get for it somewhere else that they may not have access to.

The truth is it only has any value now because of our ability to use it for trading. It has no real value, because it is backed by nothing more than confidence now.
oh too true!
i just dont see too many people accepting it unless its a precious metal.
hell even gold holds no monetary value, except to those who deem it worthy as such, which in this world is damn near everybody.
They are also tiny and are made with little skill level in mind so the pick work super easy. The set I saw of yours is an advanced set of mostly feeler style picks. Their pick designs are patently theirs.